London riots

Is it our collective responsibility to bring up other peoples kids :?:

No, but it might be society's responsibility to provide meaningful jobs, etc (please, no forced military leaning stuff) for youth to do rather than just have them sit around blankly watching TV.
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No, but it might be society's responsibility to provide meaningful jobs, etc (please, no forced military leaning stuff) for youth to do rather than just have them sit around blankly watching TV.


It is our responsibility to create the environment that they are born into?
Is that not what a healthy society does?

70% income tax above £1m, if they want to leave the country, let em.

Redistribute to the masses.

Use the taxation for a massive building programme, schools, housing, sure start centres etc – insist on UK firms and tradesman so the money cascades down.

Demolish sh1t estates and build good standard housing (by the government) on the lake district/cotswolds.

Provide a basic healthy diet for all kids, free of charge at point of sale.

thats the start of my plan - whats yours?
been recomended this blog post about the riots , written by a teacher of all people! havnt got time to read it now myself but see what you think

I like this girl. She speaks much sense.

70% income tax above £1m, if they want to leave the country, let em.

Redistribute to the masses.

That won't raise much .. maybe some feasibility studies before the pot runs dry so redistribution 100% of residual nothing ;)

Use the taxation for a massive building programme, schools, housing, sure start centres etc – insist on UK firms and tradesman so the money cascades down.

So we have more schools and housing but still no jobs for the kids at the end of it.. and a temporary reprieve for UK tradesmen 'till the building work's finished (which could be quite significant if they stretch the job out long enough ???)

Demolish sh1t estates and build good standard housing (by the government) on the lake district/cotswolds.

What good is it siting people there when there are no jobs to go to and transportation costs a fortune ?

Provide a basic healthy diet for all kids, free of charge at point of sale.

does that come with chips .. and drink ? if not there may not be that many takers ...
Instill discipline, respect into children, by removing the fear of litigation for parents, if you decide hand out a clip round the ear.

bring back the birch!

Nothing against wacking children, but you get parents who wack/scream at their kids and still can't control them. We've all seen them in Asda or wherever.
No, but it might be society's responsibility to provide meaningful jobs, etc (please, no forced military leaning stuff) for youth to do rather than just have them sit around blankly watching TV.

you could have a million available vacancies, but if the scroates dont want to work 8hr days, and prefer robbing and stealing to top up their state handouts...
Nothing against wacking children, but you get parents who wack/scream at their kids and still can't control them. We've all seen them in Asda or wherever.

Thats because, they feed them on a diet of sugar and preservatives, and give them exactly what they want when they scream loud enough. ;)
Is it our collective responsibility to bring up other peoples kids :?:

It's a collective responsibility to provide good community role models, yes (if we choose to).

...hard to pull that one off though since everyone puts so much importance on marriage and family values :rolleyes: and this is London where community life only exists in small pockets.
you can lead a horse to water, you can't make it drink it.

There will always be the truly lazy who prefer to live off of state handouts, because it's easier. No matter what you wave in front of them to entice them away from it. It's an easy, work free life.
I like this girl. She speaks much sense.

That won't raise much .. maybe some feasibility studies before the pot runs dry so redistribution 100% of residual nothing ;)

So we have more schools and housing but still no jobs for the kids at the end of it.. and a temporary reprieve for UK tradesmen 'till the building work's finished (which could be quite significant if they stretch the job out long enough ???)

What good is it siting people there when there are no jobs to go to and transportation costs a fortune ?

does that come with chips .. and drink ? if not there may not be that many takers ...

:lol: ok ok point by point rebutall unnecessary It's a few bullet points from my head not an agenda for change!

Point was lets try and think what we can do to change things instead of the 'kids have got no respect' repeated in a 1000 different ways that we currently have.
It's a collective responsibility to provide good community role models, yes (if we choose to).

...hard to pull that one off though since everyone puts so much importance on marriage and family values :rolleyes: and this is London where community life only exists in small pockets.

wringing the hands of responsibilty to 'community' role models, just because you dont believe in marriage and family values?

deary me...
It's a collective responsibility to provide good community role models, yes (if we choose to).

...hard to pull that one off though since everyone puts so much importance on marriage and family values :rolleyes: and this is London where community life only exists in small pockets.

What's the problem with family values and a strong marriage?

Role models should start at home and a family which works hard and treats each other with respect is exactly where kids should get their first taste of values and acceptable boundaries.

Is it too boring for you because there is no chanting up a mountain involved?
wringing the hands of responsibilty to 'community' role models, just because you dont believe in marriage and family values?

deary me...

Nope. That's not what I said at all.

I just think the Christianised idea of the family unit (often at the expense of community) is pretty flawed as a concept.

Not everyone suits that paradigm and it's not the only way to succeed.
What's the problem with family values and a strong marriage?

There isn't a problem - it works in many cases.

...but fails many people too. There are other ways to work a society and one isn't at the expense of the other.

"what are the parents doing?"

errr - some people have crap parents.
9% of Israel's industrial output is produced via Kibbutzim.

Whatever your religious or political views, there are lessons to be taken from this ??
My Manifesto:


Create Opportunities for the Young:

(1) Businesses employing 50+ staff should be required by law to take on at least one modern apprentice a year. Per every 50 employees. (cheap labour for the company, great development for the school leaver)

(2) Free higher education for all, including Universities. But RAISE the academic qualifying criteria so only those who work hard get the opportunity for a free pass.


Create Significant Deterrent

(1) Mandatory minimum 3 year sentence for looting. No early release.

(2) Create a "shame culture" around crime, where neighbours are informed of residents who have committed anti social crimes.