London riots

I've no-doubt the majority will be against my statement but it's now time not for voting on bringing back the Death Penalty but infact for reintroducing


However without such Anarchy Sky News and the Murdoch empire would have no sh**e to report on.
In other Countries the Military would be helping the Police Patrol the Streets during such violent unrest's whilst also maintaining Law & Order from such mindless lowest of the low Vermin. But oh no not Britain for whilst the World look's on these mindless vermin are making the UK a laughing stock. Cameron say's that if they are older enough for doing the crime then they're old enough for paying for it if caught.

What makes you think the UK's a laughing stock? The French and Greeks have had recent riots and further back the US. The problem modern capitalist society is facing is what to do with uneducated youth, inner cities, ghettos of immigration, poverty, etc. I don't think it's a problem that can be dealt with by force. In fact, the authorities using force and, say, killing someone often just triggers further unrest (which is where this seems to have started).
all this looting rabble care about are computer games, sex, and trainers.

they want maximum everything, with minimum effort.
all this looting rabble care about are computer games, sex, and trainers.

The same things many people want then. I just can't help but see it as part of a deeper malaise. (Can you loot sex? :lol:) A lot of these kids will be increasingly forgotten about in DC's big society - only when they're rioting is anyone interested.
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How many of us have any experience of 'inner cities', just out of interest?

Quite a few of us here live in Hackney / the East End.

My bee eff is actually from East London though, he says this stuff has been going on for years. Gangs have always run around the inner city, even dating back to the football hooligan days.
Been pretty quiet up my way although they did shut the local retail park to prevent whordes of muffin tops rampaging through matalan....
I have taught school as a substitute in an inner city. If you look at the demographics of the looters it is not all under educated, immigrant youth that are involved. This goes back to nature versus nurture. It is easy to simplify who is causing the problems but that would be scapegoating.
Quite a few of us here live in Hackney / the East End.

My bee eff is actually from East London though, he says this stuff has been going on for years. Gangs have always run around the inner city, even dating back to the football hooligan days.

So nothing new... and DC's wanting to cut funding to police/inner city projects/drug services... and leave it to the 'big society'. :rolleyes: As long as they don't turn up at the doors of 10 Downing Street, I doubt he gives a sh!t.
I have driven through several "inner city" areas over the years.

I think true inner city life is something that can only be experienced by living there and growing up there. Although I see the way it works now, some of the stories Jon tells me about growing up there are just :eek: :eek: :eek:

Basically, the gangs, fighting, looting etc have always gone on. It's just on Monday night EVERY gang in London was doing it, as opposed to one sporadic event in one part of London.
The same things many people want then. I just can't help but see it as part of a deeper malaise. (Can you loot sex? :lol:) A lot of these kids will be increasingly forgotten about in DC's big society - only when they're rioting is anyone interested.

theyve ben looting fresh sportswear cos thats whats gets the burds, innit.

the onl society these louts know is are the buildin ne. cos thats where the 'rich' keep their millons.
I was reading stories of people driving to areas to protest/loot. So are all the people looting and burning just from the local area where the crap happened?
These people have no morality. They sponge off the taxpayer, they are thieves, have little respect for the law or society, they steal, loot, run riot through the city, have no concern for other people. And now they have had to come back from holiday to sort the riots out..