London riots

For me the whole situation was summed up in one scene. While carpet rite was being ransacked one looter/rioter/sheep emerged with the samples stand. Now this clown either had very small rooms or had no real idea why he was there.. clearly the latter...:confused:
How many of us have any experience of 'inner cities', just out of interest?

Joking aside, I've lived in some pretty grim areas in the past (North east). The first house i bought (cost £35k if that gives you an indication of how nice the area was) was in a pretty bad area.

The local gangs regularly used to have pitched battles in the street. Had my car smashed up one night after confronting a gang in the street who were causing trouble. Also once had to "rescue" a chinese student who had took a wrong turn and wandered into the clutches of some local scallies who started beating him and taking his gear. My missus was regularly called "white bitch" in the street.

Police were compeletly uninterested and you pretty much had to rely on friends when things got hairy.

Also have a few attempted break ins while i was in the house (at tea time).

Loved my time there :lol:
I was born in Edmonton and lived on crap estates there until I was 10 or so when we moved to Muswell Hill and then well to do Totteridge. I spent most of my teens hanging out with mates on their estates in Kilburn and Willesden.

We were tearaways and I daresay some of our number would have happily nicked whatever they could from shops etc. But, in general, we expected trouble if things went too far, and as the sons of Irish immigrants , we were aware we could end up getting the sh1t kicked out of us, either in the back of a police van or by our parents.

Our parents came here with nothing and expected to be given nothing. They worked like f**k and told us that if we didn't do the same, we'd never amount to anything.

Those kids neither have fear or guidance. They need both.
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^^^^ this.

I'm beginning to get really annoyed with the lack of willingness to understand the consciousness behind today's youth.

They're just left out to rot with no consideration about where they might be subconsciously crying out for - which is a rite of passage.

Our culture doesn't honour puberty rites to any degree and the passage into adulthood isn't held be elders - gang culture has to step in and blindly do it for themselves. Naturally, this kind of anarchy caves in on itself because it's not in tune with nature or the experiences of those that came before.

These wilderness retreats are designed for this purpose, as a way to claim back ancient ways that are so lacking in today's society.

Send 'em up a mountain and let them answer their own questions to transmute all that raw passionate energy into something good.

...but for God's sake don't write them off. :rolleyes:
Those kids neither have fear or guidance. They need both.

Here here. The trouble nowadays is the Uk is too PC, we've gone too soft and its pathetic. The parents can be blamed for so much, but the state has much more say IMO. Toughter sentences and National Service would work a treat IMO, but way its too late.

I'm just glad I live in Spain. (No offence to uk residents meant)
These people have no morality. They sponge off the taxpayer, they are thieves, have little respect for the law or society, they steal, loot, run riot through the city, have no concern for other people. And now they have had to come back from holiday to sort the riots out..
I was born in Edmonton and lived on crap estates there until I was 10 or so when we moved to Muswell Hill and then well to do Totteridge. I spent most of my teens hanging out with mates on their estates in Kilburn and Willesden.

We were tearaways and I daresay some of our number would have happily nicked whatever they could from shops etc. But, in general, we expected trouble if things went too far, and as the sons of Irish immigrants , we were aware we could end up getting the sh1t kicked out of us, either in the back of a police van or by our parents.

Our parents came here with nothing and expected to be given nothing. They worked like f**k and told us that if we didn't do the same, we'd never amount to anything.

Those kids neither have fear or guidance. They need both.

Well said

The problem today is that youth do not take responsibility for things they do. If you are over 18 and you do something or don't do something that you should it is your fault plain and simple.
Spotlighters in the UK start going around and slapping or spanking anyone that is trying to riot so the EPL season can start. Thanks in advance.

^^^^ this.

I'm beginning to get really annoyed with the lack of willingness to understand the consciousness behind today's youth.

They're just left out to rot with no consideration about where they might be subconsciously crying out for - which is a rite of passage.

Our culture doesn't honour puberty rites to any degree and the passage into adulthood isn't held be elders - gang culture has to step in and blindly do it for themselves. Naturally, this kind of anarchy caves in on itself because it's not in tune with nature or the experiences of those that came before.

These wilderness retreats are designed for this purpose, as a way to claim back ancient ways that are so lacking in today's society.

Send 'em up a mountain and let them answer their own questions to transmute all that raw passionate energy into something good.

...but for God's sake don't write them off. :rolleyes:

Next time theres a Riot, why dont you go out there and tell them that.

Most dont want to listen, most dont want to learn. ;)

Like Buckley says, No fear, No guidance.

Is it our collective responsibility to bring up other peoples kids :?:
For me the whole situation was summed up in one scene. While carpet rite was being ransacked one looter/rioter/sheep emerged with the samples stand. Now this clown either had very small rooms or had no real idea why he was there.. clearly the latter...:confused:

maybe he had several cats.
Where do we go from here though?

Everyone has had a glimpse of a horrific future. What next - targeting homes in wealthy areas?

Do we accept that a massive police presence is required?

Or massive income redistribution?

Or a combo, or something else - ban rappers from talking about violence for instance.

Whats your manifesto?