
On a first date you should eat food that is easy on the stomach. Stay away from spicy food, heavy garlic, and things that don't agree with you.

I love ice cream but would not eat it on a date. I would need alone time after eating ice cream:oops:

Alone time with Ice Cream? ;)

Johnny... should of asked the 17 year old to join in :lol:
i eat what I like, I'm a pig I carry sachets of mustard in my bag.. If we have indian i eat vindaloo and it's never hot enough.. i add hot sauce to everything. I seem to be quite resilient to the usual after effects

I eat spicy, peppers, hot sauce with no effect. I know ice dream does not agree with me so I won't eat it on a date. My wife and work mates won't let me eat ice cream they are wimps and can't take it:lol::oops:
I eat spicy, peppers, hot sauce with no effect. I know ice dream does not agree with me so I won't eat it on a date. My wife and work mates won't let me eat ice cream they are wimps and can't take it:lol::oops:

we could have a chilli eating tournament, I've always wanted to do that although that chef died a few years back doing the same so maybe not!
To answer the above

Ikoda - slimfast is absolutely amazing (if you havent had chocolate, cakes, sweets, icecream etc for 2 weeks)

Morbyd - Lent is supposed to be difficult, if I gave up chocolate I'd just be on Ten packets of haribo a day

Emma1983 - It is hard but I get by, porridge with canderel is starting to feel like chocolate fudgecake :D

Must definitely have the willpower! :lol:
I love chillies... generally eat a couple (depending on heat) baked, fried or grilled with my dinner every night. Thank God for Morrisons and those cheap, bumper chilli packs. 8)
I would like to try a Fal curry although they don't do them in many places as apparently they are just a pishtake to test drunken hooligans.. well i want one
I think i would cry if i got any food intolerance as i love everything and anything...

saying that actually i love tomatoes but they do leave me with a horrible belly ache :(
I'm pretty picky with food, theres a huge amount of food where I don't like the texture, and if I don't like the texture, I can't eat it. It's well annoying.