
Haha. I'm not shy after the initial meet ;)

I think going out has helped a lot with this, but I still have a long way to go!
I went to Toronto on my own in 2008, even though i had planned on meeting people over there before hand, so not sure if it really counts :p
I have gone on my own most times, I always meet people. I can speak basic German, Spanish, and some Italian This use to help out with the chat up:lol:

Not sure I have the guts to do that. :(
And I only speak English! Trying to learn Spanish though!
You best started getting un shy then my friend :lol:

Haha, in a job (customer service, whatever), I have no issue with going up to someone and talking to them, trying to sell them something.

It's only when it's a personal conversation, as it were, that I struggle.
Haha, in a job (customer service, whatever), I have no issue with going up to someone and talking to them, trying to sell them something.

It's only when it's a personal conversation, as it were, that I struggle.

I struggle talking to pretty women ha ha ha :p
I do the same but in other languages, when I'm pissed Ibiza with a group I forget that sometimes I'm the only one who can talk to everyone.

If theres one language i could speal fluently, it would definately be spanish :) i jst dont have the incentive.....not wait, im just too lazy to bother learning :rolleyes::lol:
If theres one language i could speal fluently, it would definately be spanish :) i jst dont have the incentive.....not wait, im just too lazy to bother learning :rolleyes::lol:

I wish I could speak several languages, but I have enough trouble with English. :(
Yes happen all the time. I dream in German and talk in my sleep in German. I don't know why? My missus can't understand a word. I think that is good for me:lol:
I dream and think in Russian sometimes. Freaks me out, to be honest :lol:

I wish I could get my Spanish back. Was very good at one point (albeit 20 years ago :lol:). I regularly mix it up with Russian when I try to speak it now (eg. Yo = Ya)