
Sorry I couldn't be assed to read through so just thought I'd pop in and address the original topic .. I wanted to talk about it like a kind of counselling session (its hitting me hard)
Is this really for lent or are you on some kind of diet?
Id make her error known to her if i were you and i bet she starts grovelling for forgiveness and you can milk it then f**k her off, jst to make you feel good :lol:

It's twice she's mixed me up with someone else - although the last time she realised and apologised. I'm guessing she has a few potential dates, so doubt she's going to worry too much about what I think.
I gave up chocolate, sweets, cakes, icecream, sugar in my coffee, fizzy drinks with sugar, marshmallows, basically anything sweet .. I'm allowed slimfast drinks as I can't eat fruit it makes me ill and I have to get sugar from somewhere or I'm permanently pissed.. oh and I'm allowed alcohol :)

How the hell do you cope :eek:
It's twice she's mixed me up with someone else - although the last time she realised and apologised. I'm guessing she has a few potential dates, so doubt she's going to worry too much about what I think.

Ok once is acceptable maybe if you are both on dating websites, but twice - thats in excusable esp if you have arranged a date....in that case i wouldnt bother with her...

Had a funny situation yesterday...both my gf and me are on pof, she was showing me this dude shes meeting for lunch and i recognised a thumb nail photo of who im talking to....we have only been chatting to the same dude :lol:

The guy near on sh*t himself when i told him, but obv me and the gf were in fits of laughter...

At the end of the day, your on a dating website so are gona have a few options :lol:
Had a funny situation yesterday...both my gf and me are on pof, she was showing me this dude shes meeting for lunch and i recognised a thumb nail photo of who im talking to....we have only been chatting to the same dude :lol:

The guy near on sh*t himself when i told him, but obv me and the gf were in fits of laughter...

Done that before. Had been talking to a couple of girls from a site and little did I know they were mates. They obviously sussed they'd both been talking to the same guy and played psychological games with me before letting me know I'd been rumbled. :rolleyes:
Hauskitten can drown the pain in alcohol, obviously ;)

If shes forgotten your name several times, find yourself another fish
Done that before. Had been talking to a couple of girls from a site and little did I know they were mates. They obviously sussed they'd both been talking to the same guy and played psychological games with me before letting me know I'd been rumbled. :rolleyes:

Oh thats out of order doing that, both my mate and i joked about it and she so kindly said 'you can have him' :lol:

I dont bl**dy want him now lol, hes only 5'9 so il use that as my bail out excuse lol :lol:
Done that before. Had been talking to a couple of girls from a site and little did I know they were mates. They obviously sussed they'd both been talking to the same guy and played psychological games with me before letting me know I'd been rumbled. :rolleyes:

Rumbled? Surely, most people would assume that if you were talking on a dating site, it's likely you are also talking to other people?
He'd still look like a giant stood beside me. :rolleyes: So what's the minimum height for a bloke to qualify?

6ft :D and i wonder why im still single :lol:

Was talking about it in the office yesterday, saying to my Director 'im just tooo fussy' I wont even date someone who doesnt go to the gym, jesus christ, i annoy myself with these stupids standards i have :rolleyes::(
Rumbled? Surely, most people would assume that if you were talking on a dating site, it's likely you are also talking to other people?

Well yeah exactly thats why the gf and me wernt fussed by this poor guy who was chatting to both of us, gotta have a select few as 'options' haha ;):lol:
With dating your not exclusive until both parties have a talk about it. It should not be a big deal if your talking to more than one person on a dating site.
6ft :D and i wonder why im still single :lol:

Was talking about it in the office yesterday, saying to my Director 'im just tooo fussy' I wont even date someone who doesnt go to the gym, jesus christ, i annoy myself with these stupids standards i have :rolleyes::(

So whats your take on a guy who is 5'11? ;) How tall are you, anyway?

My flat mate is 5'8, and one of my best mates is 5'5... poor guy :lol:
With dating your not exclusive until both parties have a talk about it. It should not be a big deal if your talking to more than one person on a dating site.

Agreed, but i think this particular dude thought that either of us would take offense to it, you know with you lot thinking most females are nutters :lol:
So whats your take on a guy who is 5'11? ;) How tall are you, anyway?

My flat mate is 5'8, and one of my best mates is 5'5... poor guy :lol:

Im 5'7 maybe 5'8 but live and die in heels so would be silly for me to be seen with someone shorter than me...i also like my guys quite well built, aint asking for much am i :lol: