
haha i always think, if they have seen me either pissed, hungover or in a general right outta bed state and they still wana know, then your generally onto a good thing :lol:

Very very true, we werent an item as such then, just met through friends but clearly wanted it to go further so met up at V. Then he lost his mates and ended up kipping with me and my mate in our tent. Quite a funny weekend :lol:

But yes you are right, if you cant be seen in a state so to speak or without the makeup then he is def not a keeper.
Very very true, we werent an item as such then, just met through friends but clearly wanted it to go further so met up at V. Then he lost his mates and ended up kipping with me and my mate in our tent. Quite a funny weekend :lol:

But yes you are right, if you cant be seen in a state so to speak or without the makeup then he is def not a keeper.

Oh did he really ;):lol:
ideal would be qualities you want that are reasonable. dream would be a fit rich nympho, that would let you do what you want flip it for the sex of your choice

I heard that a woman nympho at first is great but after a while it isnt all that :lol:

Thats actually true aswell, someone was tellin me a story the other day about a couple who were on holiday and theyd be sitting around drinking with friends etc and the gf would give her bf the nod as if to say 'its time, i need a fix'

I mean talk about bad timing :rolleyes::lol:
Result of text message to see if she's still up for Friday.

"Hi (some other bloke's name), my babysitter let me down for Friday so I'm trying to sort out something else."

I heard that a woman nympho at first is great but after a while it isnt all that :lol:

Thats actually true aswell, someone was tellin me a story the other day about a couple who were on holiday and theyd be sitting around drinking with friends etc and the gf would give her bf the nod as if to say 'its time, i need a fix'

I mean talk about bad timing :rolleyes::lol:

A mate of mine ruined our other friends' wedding, or rather his missus did, by drunkenly demanding sex from him at inappropriate moments. "F*** sake, Danny, a girl's gotta eat!" at the top of her voice when the Best Man paused for a breath was the classic!:lol:
A mate of mine ruined our other friends' wedding, or rather his missus did, by drunkenly demanding sex from him at inappropriate moments. "F*** sake, Danny, a girl's gotta eat!" at the top of her voice when the Best Man paused for a breath was the classic!:lol:

Classy bird!
I gave up chocolate, sweets, cakes, icecream, sugar in my coffee, fizzy drinks with sugar, marshmallows, basically anything sweet .. I'm allowed slimfast drinks as I can't eat fruit it makes me ill and I have to get sugar from somewhere or I'm permanently pissed.. oh and I'm allowed alcohol :)
Welcome back, our feline friend...
Interestingly, the conversation had moved on from lent to best dating practices :lol:
Sorry I couldn't be assed to read through so just thought I'd pop in and address the original topic .. I wanted to talk about it like a kind of counselling session (its hitting me hard)
I think casual sex got thrown in there somewhere too ;)

Never had a slim fast drink, what are they like?