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1) Loving your work Super Polack. Inches away from asking the immortal "just why do you come on here" question, though I must admit, your decline into Message Board Source of Universal Ridicule is great TV.:lol:

Who said Steroids were all bad, eh? How did your bike ride go in the end matey?

2) All footballers have a price. Let's not pretend they don't. It's just that Henri's, and Celtic's would possibly be all the tea in China.

A week.

Apologies if I'm shattering illusions here, but the rest of the world thinks Scotlands not exactly, erm, Blackpool.;)

3) Wasn't it Johnny86 that said Man U fans are the best in the world? He lost me there with regards to serious football banter, though you can't fault his blind enthusiasm .
Oh, and whilst i managed Glasgow Rangers for many seasons from 2000/2001 to 2013/2014, I had probably every player in the world "looking forward to working with new manager, Dan x", despite me only offering them a "mostly squad player" status, having a history of buying people on Bosmans only put them immediately on the transfer list.
Jonny - surely you see that your stance on the Henry issue is making it impossible for any other opinion (in relation to Celtic) to be seen as objective?

Why do you think others are expressing amazement that you claim it's not outlandish to suggest Henry would to sign for Celtic?

Now I like Celtic don't get me wrong but there's much chance of me signing for them than Mr Henry! but only if the money is right you understand.:)
you make me laugh, so if the media says somethin it is a fact!:eek::eek: what age are you?;):rolleyes: the bottom line is that since the event, the figure has spiralled, from initial reports of 50,000 to 80,000 to well over 100,000 and even at one point in this thread you mentioned 120,000!:eek::lol:

but do you not see the foolishness of your logic to "take their word for it" cos they were there. what if the lads you know had no idea whatsoever and only read some exaggerated figure by a deluded fan on a forum or it was hearsay or chinese whispers of how many went. i went and read nearly every online paper in the week afterward and heard from anything between 30,000 to 100,000. do i just believe cos "the media said it??"
Now your being silly, i like some most certainly do not believe everything the media says as being gospel, however it wasn't just the local media that said it, it was reported in a few different countries that there was over 100,000 there, we get on average 60,000 every home game, now in Sevilla pre and post kick off as i walked around the city in stifling heat there was more Celtic fans than ive ever seen at a home game, a lot lot more in fact which brings me to believe there was in fact over 100,000+ present in Sevilla,the official attendance was 52,972 and over 90% were Celtic, that's over 40,000, plus there were a number of very large spaces with gigantic screens for those who didn't get tickets with thousands of Tims there, not to mention every bar and hotel packed to the rafters with Tims, i actually don't care if you believe me or not but im adamant the figure ive given is correct.
as for henry, you are missing the point. this isn't a pop at celtic cos i love the club, but i'm not blind either. henry having done what he has done and being arguably the best player in the world and rich beyond belief would have no interest going to celtic even for beckham like wages. in his defence, he has been and always will be a football person, he ain't no johnny foreigner that the brits love to hate, "taking our jobs" and the like. he wants to take things to a new level in his career and win champions league finals and la liga titles, not beat man utd once and get to a quarter and roll over dross in the SPL. even if many footballers are motivated by money, i stand by my point that you are clueless to think henry falls into this category and therefore deluded to believe he would move to celtic. so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that henry may one day play for celtic, but perhaps only when he is 37 and looking for one last pay day, but if that time comes then the goalposts for this argument will have shifted considerably.
Your wrong, although i admire Henry as a footballer he is like most professional footballers today motivated by money, players like Ryan Giggs would not be,on his day Giggs could have gone to Milan or one of the big Spanish clubs and quadrupled his wages but he didn't he choose to stay at Man United and he's still there, the same as Roy Keane, on his day Keano could've also gone abroad and quadrupled his wages but choose to stay at Man United.

For people to think it's beyond the realms of possibility is clueless, you only have to take Alan Shearer as a prime example, he could've signed for Man United on a lot less wages he was offered by Blackburn and gone onto win Premierships galore, FA Cups and the Champions League and become possibly the best striker in the world, but he choose Blackburn because the wages he was being offered by the then Blackburn Chairman Jack Walker were substantially higher than what MUFC were offering.

Now had Celtic made a substantial bid for Henry, with a massive signing on fee and say for example 130,000 STG a week wages, plus all the other added benefits your seriously trying to suggest to me he would just dismiss it out of hand even though he would be more or less guaranteed to win silverware and be guaranteed to play Champions League football then im sorry but that anyone who says the it's beyond the realms of possibility is talking tripe, period, despite what you may think im not just saying this because i love my team, this is football in 2007, money unfortunately talks, and the vast majority of players are motivated by it, loyalty to a club is sadly a thing of the past, Beckham is rich beyond his wildest dreams and could've stayed at Real Madrid and gone onto win more silverware, but the offer of millions of $$$$$ from USA proved too much to turn down.
this isn't a pop at celtic cos i love the club,
Yes it certainly sounds like you do alright:eek:
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1) L
3) Wasn't it Johnny86 that said Man U fans are the best in the world? He lost me there with regards to serious football banter, though you can't fault his blind enthusiasm .

actually i said that about Celtic fans and i stick to my word as well.
Now your being silly, i like some most certainly do not believe everything the media says as being gospel, however it wasn't just the local media that said it, it was reported in a few different countries that there was over 100,000 there, we get on average 60,000 every home game, now in Sevilla pre and post kick off as i walked around the city in stifling heat there was more Celtic fans than ive ever seen at a home game, a lot lot more in fact which brings me to believe there was in fact over 100,000+ present in Sevilla,the official attendance was 52,972 and over 90% were Celtic, that's over 40,000, plus there were a number of very large spaces with gigantic screens for those who didn't get tickets with thousands of Tims there, not to mention every bar and hotel packed to the rafters with Tims, i actually don't care if you believe me or not but im adamant the figure ive given is correct. Your wrong, although i admire Henry as a footballer he is like most professional footballers today motivated by money, players like Ryan Giggs would not be,on his day Giggs could have gone to Milan or one of the big Spanish clubs and quadrupled his wages but he didn't he choose to stay at Man United and he's still there, the same as Roy Keane, on his day Keano could've also gone abroad and quadrupled his wages but choose to stay at Man United.

For people to think it's beyond the realms of possibility is clueless, you only have to take Alan Shearer as a prime example, he could've signed for Man United on a lot less wages he was offered by Blackburn and gone onto win Premierships galore, FA Cups and the Champions League and become possibly the best striker in the world, but he choose Blackburn because the wages he was being offered by the then Blackburn Chairman Jack Walker were substantially higher than what MUFC were offering.

Now had Celtic made a substantial bid for Henry, with a massive signing on fee and say for example 130,000 STG a week wages, plus all the other added benefits your seriously trying to suggest to me he would just dismiss it out of hand even though he would be more or less guaranteed to win silverware and be guaranteed to play Champions League football then im sorry but that anyone who says the it's beyond the realms of possibility is talking tripe, period, despite what you may think im not just saying this because i love my team, this is football in 2007, money unfortunately talks, and the vast majority of players are motivated by it, loyalty to a club is sadly a thing of the past, Beckham is rich beyond his wildest dreams and could've stayed at Real Madrid and gone onto win more silverware, but the offer of millions of $$$$$ from USA proved too much to turn down.
Yes it certainly sounds like you do alright:eek:

:eek::eek::eek:you've lost it lad, sorry i can't reason with stupidity.

just on the last point, what have i said that gives any indication to the contrary?
:eek::eek::eek:you've lost it lad, sorry i can't reason with stupidity.

just on the last point, what have i said that gives any indication to the contrary?

Roughly translated means you actually know im right and cannot formulate a logical response.
Roughly translated means you actually know im right and cannot formulate a logical response.

no, it means when i tried that, all the semblance of logic was lost on you and your fantasy football manager world.

you still haven't answered my quetion(s).

why do you think henry left to go to camp nou?
when did i give an indication i don't have an affinity to celtic??
no, it means when i tried that, all the semblance of logic was lost on you and your fantasy football manager world.
Better try next time

you still haven't answered my quetion(s).

why do you think henry left to go to camp nou?
Who knows, maybe he felt he needed a change,maybe it was money, he had a few years left on his contract so it's anyones guess, he hasn't been his former self anyway, last season was poor by his standards, plus he was out injured a good lot of the season.

when did i give an indication i don't have an affinity to celtic?
:lol: ha ha well your hardly being kind to Celtic in some of your comments on this thread.
Better try next time

Who knows, maybe he felt he needed a change,maybe it was money, he had a few years left on his contract so it's anyones guess, he hasn't been his former self anyway, last season was poor by his standards, plus he was out injured a good lot of the season.

:lol: ha ha well your hardly being kind to Celtic in some of your comments on this thread.

ermmm good response!:eek::rolleyes:

are you serious!??!?:eek::eek::eek: i'm sorry but if the best you can come up with is "it's anyone guess" that the defence rests your honour.......

no, i've not attacked celtic at all, my argument has been against your attitude not the club, i wasn't involved in some of the early slagging off of the club.
Grow up lads, no need for such torrential abuse. Let's just agree to disagree, eh ?

As for the comments of me being a very frustrated young man... very true. I have many issues in life which are yet to be resolved, until this time I will continue to utilise the anonymity of message boards by randomly starting arguments with whoever takes my fancy in the hope that it brightens up my sad working week.

As for the comments of I'm a stoner, or I'm a kid that was told he was clever now thinks he is the balls, or that I'm doing one unit on something and think I know everything. Stoner, mostly wrong. Told I was clever, well... you know, I was invited to take a Mensa IQ test as a kid as I did beat their quoto of 140, but you know, I don't like to boast, I also don't like to boast that I have aced my way through academia and employment in pretty much every way so far as well.

As for Dan X, Hello brother, bike ride went well, completed it in record time, saved lifes, raised about £250 and completed the dreaded "ditchlings beacon" which only about 200 out of 27000 people complete.

To summarise, I'm a fu**ing hero.

P. S. That dutch fella turned down Celtic to play for Blackburn. No comment made.
Told I was clever, well... you know, I was invited to take a Mensa IQ test as a kid as I did beat their quoto of 140, but you know, I don't like to boast, I also don't like to boast that I have aced my way through academia and employment in pretty much every way so far as well.


its a wind up!


please tell tell us that's a wind up.

f*(k me no it isnt is it!


Beat this. When i was 7, I had a reading age of 13. Jackpot, gotcha!
I was invited to take a Mensa IQ test as a kid as I did beat their quoto of 140, but you know, I don't like to boast, I also don't like to boast that I have aced my way through academia and employment in pretty much every way so far as well.
Ya ya ya... I scored above the Mensa limit too... even when the tester made the mistake of seating an 8 year old who is supposed to be paying attention in a chair on rollers :lol:

Now, try to impress us again :rolleyes:
Nah this was in college I think. Impress you more, hmmm. On the intelligence side of things, okay - get this. At the age of 11 here you do exams to see what type of school you go to, comprehensive, grammar etc. etc. I did it, the schools were fighting over me and even offered part scholarship to one. But I went to the local hardman school Bognor comp ( failed Ofsted, get stabbed everyday, HAVE to take crack on entrance ) just coz I wanted to go to the school of hard knocks and be a f**king hero. Got an education from the streets too. That's why I'm such a brilliant all round person now. Impressed yet ?
I'm so proud of this whole topic. It covers everything. I'm gonna print and frame it. In years to come, this will be printed in the paper.
I'll just say not impressed... if I keep matching you point for point then I'll appear as much of a braggart as you are ;)
I god damn rip it up, when it comes to IQ tests i'm so god damn bad i make medicine ill!

you didnt ace your way through academia. really you didnt. you would think more clearly if you did. and if you had aced, then having an IQ of 140+ would really not be that fantastic a feat & certainly not be something to boast about. i hover in the mid 140's & managed to scrap through with C+ passes in everything & a 2.1 in my degree. not acing, not even clubbing...just above adequate.

i suppose it depends upon where the bar is tho..
A degree is one of the most inaccurate medium with which to measure intelligence it's possible. Like I said, I don't wanna boast or anything, but at the moment I am making solar powered vaccine cabinets for Unicef in Nigeria and soon for Iraq - unpaid, I'm such a nice guy, I'll make the money up later when I'm a billionaire. How do you reckon I gained this knowledge ? Self taught my friend, that's intelligence. God it's good to be me. 8)