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Pipe down. I have an active interest in racism and partake in many different activities to vocalise my points. You sitting behind your computer and telling me that is highly amusing. If you wanna have me rant about racism for 5 pages feel free.

I think you spell you name wrong!!!

unless "o" is pronounced "i" in your world??

and don't tell me........your not a your driveway was tarmacced by some lovely irish folk???
I knew when i met you there was something dodgy about you Buckley


:lol: To be fair, it was a brief flirtation with my roots. One kid at school, born and raise here use to put on a fake Irish accent constantly and ask 'how's the craic' etc. He'd never even been there. Rife in Catholic schools all that:lol:
Jonny, I missed this first time. You should calm down and not take offence where it is not meant. My point was that you only needed a few people for supporters club but I was demonstrating that point, to make it crystal clear, by expressing it at the extreme. You may well have the biggest support n the world, but a list of supporters club worldwide doesn't demonstrate that to any degree. You seem hysterical about making people agree it's true - why does it matter?

I have Irish parents and often wore a Celtic shirt as nipper, so I definitely have no problem with your clubs Irish roots.

Fair enough point taken mate at least yoo don't resort to abuse like some on here.

I have Irish parents and often wore a Celtic shirt as nipper

So are you a closet Tim then :p
So it seems. But presuming you don't mean this as I'm currently reading, please explain why you felt the need to include Jonny's nationality in your earlier post.

And no, you don't have to explain yourself to me or anyone else but I presume you don't want us to think you're racist, if you're not?

If people like you, did feel the need to publicise your "non-racism" then there would be no such thing. Racism, essentially, to todays perception is the difference in attitudes to one another with relation to a colour of one of their physical attributes. It is bollocks. It has the same meaning to me as calling someone ginger or big nose etc. It is only people like you who make a deal out of it who make others feel victimised by it. You all think you doing such a service to the people when actually it is completely the opposite. I hope you feel happy in your armchairs tonight discussing how bad racism is and doing nothing about it.

With relation to Jonny, obviously we are having a barney about football, trading little bits of banter etc. I called him an "Irish Twat". Stating fact if nothing else. This to me is the same as calling him "Manc Scum" etc. which no one picked up on. I believe some insults were put my way in the sound of "Southern Fairy", yet again, nothing picked up on because being prejudice towards a part of England has not got a little name you can brag to your mates about how against it you are.
Oh, and you have a "fight list", how very big of you. That not maybe telling you summit pal, most people have friend lists and such, does anyone actually like you?

Obviously wasn't being serious you absolute mug. No wonder this debate has gone shambolic if it involves people like you. Think about it.
Super Polack, all banter aside, could you please explain why you feel the need to attack everyone personally in discussions? As I stated above, sometimes you make decent arguments and sometimes you talk utter bull**** (racism doesn't exist? are you really that ignorant?), but your approach only serves to weaken your arguments and reduce any possible respect for your intellect.

I guess what I'm saying is, most of the names you've been calling people really only apply to you in this conversation.
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true its hardly racist callin sum1 an irish twat ! im sure jonny cries himself to sleep every nite now :(:oops::( surely he can take it and if not hes a pansy !
polack is rite u all probably sitting there on your high horses pretending to be so offended when really what have you ever done for so called racism ???
by the way henry to celtic haha dream on
I did not say racism does not exist. I stated the reasons behind it .

Super Polack said:
If people like you, did feel the need to publicise your "non-racism" then there would be no such thing. Racism, essentially, to todays perception is the difference in attitudes to one another with relation to a colour of one of their physical attributes. It is bollocks.
I interpret this as saying that racism is only a "difference in attitudes". In short, "bollocks". That is a wholly misinformed opinion.

And my objection is more with your use of the word "tw*t" over a lame football discussion (though comibining it with "Irish" does further diminish your standing) just because you disagree aboout the importance of Celtic FC. If that's all it takes for you to drop your level of discourse then heaven forbid if we should get into a discussion about the destructive legacy of the Thatcher years!
Obviously our views on offensive terminology and general intention differ and fair play, as I don't know any of you maybe I'm not right to do this. However, anyone who I think deserves any of my respect can rise above / not care about a harmless insult from some bloke who doesn't know you and lives miles away. I am only indulging in this argument with you for my own enjoyment. If I had anything better to do I would not even consider such ridiculous opinions and challenging of something so harmless and pathetic.
If people like you, did feel the need to publicise your "non-racism" then there would be no such thing.


I don't need any brownie points from anyone here or anywhere else for pointing out that including someone's race as part of an insult suggests you believe the two are related.

When my parents came here from Ireland they faced vacancy boards (for jobs and homes) which said 'No Irish or Blacks Need Apply'. There is a history behind why racism offends more than regionalism.
this thread has confirmed some things for me.

1.super polack is a very frustrated type, that clearly has some issues. i feel sorry for him that he has to kick off all the time on here, although i do find it amusing.

2. jonny is clueless about football, gives celtic fans a bad name and is pretty narrow minded (based on his sturbonness to accept that anything other than what he believes to be right can actually be so).

3. by the time i retire, the story will be that celtic had 1 million fans in sevilla 2003!:lol::lol::lol:

4. buckleyism lives on!