Latest Football Transfers

bloody hell, i still can't quite get to grips with this "irony" business :evil:

Soz JJ, I assumed your 'Happy Clara' thread, of which I only read the title, meant you thought Sven was a catch, so if you take that as a context for your post you'll understand how I misunderstood your blackflyinachardonnayism.
Your a plank mate, if you I'm the one being made look foolish here, a) couldn't care less b) clearly not. Most replies are commenting on your idiotic statements.

If I try to take a neutral stance on the matter, for one reason or another, Celtic & Rangers are somewhat of a joke in football. You cannot deny this, it is many peoples belief which if we use this topic as an example, have to light. This perception must have breeded from some sort of truth in the matter.

P. S. - Celtic & Rangers best players consisting of such names of Nacho Novo, David Prso, Craig Beattie ( now gone to a better club by the name of WBA ) & Zurawakakakaski just backs up my argument. :)

P. P. S. - My knowledge of Scottish football is immense considering I couldn't give a toss about it and havn't looked at any of it since the season when East Stirling lost so much they were brilliant for gambling reasons ( always a sign of a good league )

please tell me you are not serious about the best players comment!:eek: We have been dying to get shot of beattie and therefore is it not the english championship teams that are paying silly money for our washed up??steven pearson, another player who comes under the same catagory as beattie and takes derby to the premiership. Prso hardly played last season as he was buggered and novo?are you kidding me on?
Have you heard of craig gordon, scott brown, nakamura (the man whose left foot slayed the greatest team in the epl!)artur boruc. all players that the majority of english premier league and championship teams would pay around the 5-7 mill mark easily. The prospect of champions league football is guaranteed at celtic and is a major factor when bringing in foriegn players such as donati and the possible signing of fanni.
As has been stated before yes some players that were successfull in scotland have failed in england and vice versa. It does not say anything about the qaulity of the teams or league,just about that players ability/inability to adapt to other leagues.
The statement about larsson is plain ignorant and I dont need to comment for people to know how incorrect you are.
Personally I do not think Henry would have came to celtic as he is not a player, unlike graveson :evil:, who is fuelled by money. However it does not mean that celtic are incapable of attracting some class players. When faced with the opportunity of joining one the many teams that are labelled "mid-table" and drifting into the black void of mediocrity or joining celtic and rangers with the very possible prospect of becoming a champion and playing in the champions league it is an easy choice for some!
Now, accept the fact that celtic are one of the best loved and well known teams around world. We have proved ourselfs on countless occasions that we can hold our own against premiership teams and would be grateful if you could tell me any english team that have showed us up in the last few years.
Soz JJ, I assumed your 'Happy Clara' thread, of which I only read the title, meant you thought Sven was a catch, so if you take that as a context for your post you'll understand how I misunderstood your blackflyinachardonnayism.

I wouldn't go as far as to say he was a catch, but im quietly optimistic he can turn things around...and to be honest, anything would be an improvement on the last season and a half so it wont be that hard. he's got money to spend and is the sort of coach that could pull in some big names and nurture some of the kids who are our greatest asset at the moment. You are right, 7 years is a long time away from club football and he may not be the coach he was but is he acheives half of what he did with Gothenberg & Lazio then he will be deemed a success on the blue half of town.
I wouldn't go as far as to say he was a catch, but im quietly optimistic he can turn things around...and to be honest, anything would be an improvement on the last season and a half so it wont be that hard. he's got money to spend and is the sort of coach that could pull in some big names and nurture some of the kids who are our greatest asset at the moment. You are right, 7 years is a long time away from club football and he may not be the coach he was but is he acheives half of what he did with Gothenberg & Lazio then he will be deemed a success on the blue half of town.

That's a reasonable point JJ, so I ask you this - WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING IN THIS THREAD?

You should claiming that Ronaldo is coming to you from Man U and may line up for you against Celtic with Terry H up front in CL Final:lol:
I would request that the administrator give this poster a warning over these comments, there is absolutely no need for this type of abuse on here.


SP - you're need to include Jonny's nationality between the word's 'stupid' and 'twat' suggests you think the former infers the latter two. Racism is abhorrent.

J68 - I still think the TH thing is hilarious though.
please tell me you are not serious about the best players comment!:eek: We have been dying to get shot of beattie and therefore is it not the english championship teams that are paying silly money for our washed up??steven pearson, another player who comes under the same catagory as beattie and takes derby to the premiership. Prso hardly played last season as he was buggered and novo?are you kidding me on?
Have you heard of craig gordon, scott brown, nakamura (the man whose left foot slayed the greatest team in the epl!)artur boruc. all players that the majority of english premier league and championship teams would pay around the 5-7 mill mark easily. The prospect of champions league football is guaranteed at celtic and is a major factor when bringing in foriegn players such as donati and the possible signing of fanni.
As has been stated before yes some players that were successfull in scotland have failed in england and vice versa. It does not say anything about the qaulity of the teams or league,just about that players ability/inability to adapt to other leagues.
The statement about larsson is plain ignorant and I dont need to comment for people to know how incorrect you are.
Personally I do not think Henry would have came to celtic as he is not a player, unlike graveson :evil:, who is fuelled by money. However it does not mean that celtic are incapable of attracting some class players. When faced with the opportunity of joining one the many teams that are labelled "mid-table" and drifting into the black void of mediocrity or joining celtic and rangers with the very possible prospect of becoming a champion and playing in the champions league it is an easy choice for some!
Now, accept the fact that celtic are one of the best loved and well known teams around world. We have proved ourselfs on countless occasions that we can hold our own against premiership teams and would be grateful if you could tell me any english team that have showed us up in the last few years.

Well said, I agree with every point.
Agreed x 2 - no need for that kind of comment.

Pipe down. I have an active interest in racism and partake in many different activities to vocalise my points. You sitting behind your computer and telling me that is highly amusing. If you wanna have me rant about racism for 5 pages feel free.
Pipe down. I have an active interest in racism and partake in many different activities to vocalise my points. You sitting behind your computer and telling me that is highly amusing. If you wanna have me rant about racism for 5 pages feel free.

No thanks, you've bored everyone quite enough with your rants on here.

There's no need to bring someone's Nationality into an insult is there? you just make yourself look even poorer in a rational argument.
Personally I do not think Henry would have came to celtic as he is not a player, unlike graveson :evil:, who is fuelled by money. However it does not mean that celtic are incapable of attracting some class players. When faced with the opportunity of joining one the many teams that are labelled "mid-table" and drifting into the black void of mediocrity or joining celtic and rangers with the very possible prospect of becoming a champion and playing in the champions league it is an easy choice for some!

Can only speak myself but that's got little to do with what I'm discussing. Henry wasn't choosing between those options. That's the whole point, he's the cream of the crop he can go where he likes, so he is not going to go to Celtic. He's leaving a club where he gets Champions league football every season to go to one where he hopes to win the thing.

None of the that stops Celtic being well-supported, popular even with non-supporters or any of the other things J68 has said, but only someone suspending all logic, as avid team followers are capable like no others, could think that at this point in his career, here and now, there is a cat in hell's chance that Thierry Henry would sign for Celtic.
I have an active interest in racism .

So it seems. But presuming you don't mean this as I'm currently reading, please explain why you felt the need to include Jonny's nationality in your earlier post.

And no, you don't have to explain yourself to me or anyone else but I presume you don't want us to think you're racist, if you're not?
Sorry I should have separated the two points. I was not saying that in referance to henry as I know that he is a player who is clearly only going to join one of the super powers of football. I was just arguing the point that celtic have a bigger draw towards them than polak is making out.
Unfortunalty, although celtic have the fan base and history our geographic location means we will not progress to the levels of man u etc due to the obvious lack of money in scottish football! Look at newcastle a team of similar support and the amount of money they constant spunk out on players no matter how bad there season is. I am not underestimating how hard it would be if celtic were to play in the epl but there is not denying the potential that would be there for celtic to become the cream of the crop! I was just arguing the point that celtic have a bigger draw towards them than polak is making out.
Pipe down. I have an active interest in racism and partake in many different activities to vocalise my points. You sitting behind your computer and telling me that is highly amusing. If you wanna have me rant about racism for 5 pages feel free.

Here mate, the reason cats are on this website is mainly to talk about future/past holidays, and even divulge in some banter with other people with similiar interests. Im pretty new to this site, and enjoying it fine, otherwise I wouldn't be on it. If you lok at the name of the thread this is on, it was actually posted so football fans could talk about transfers, not so sad little men like you could come on and start blabbering nonsense about things they don't understand, just to try and annoy others.

Oh, and you have a "fight list", how very big of you. That not maybe telling you summit pal, most people have friend lists and such, does anyone actually like you?

As for your racist comment, you are absolutely out of order, and I don't care how many lies you make up about how you do charity work and how many foster kids you have and how your singlehandedly fighting to cure cancer, in my opinion your a twat, so please go away, and, as we Scots say (that'll be Jocks to you I guess) bileyer****inheid!!

AAAAAAAAnyway, back to the news, Celtic have seemingly agreed a deal for NAC Breda striker Marceo Ritgers. I dunno much about, he's only 23 and been playing for the Dutch U-21s, doubt he could be any worse then Beattie or Miller though!!!
lol The Polack strikes again...:spank:

Its all been said already but there is absolutely no way Thierry leaves Arsenal to go to Celtic...

He only ever leaves for a 'bigger' club and I guess barca are...just...bigger than the Arse.

He's at the end of his career and he is worth well in excess of £25M already...he has 3 years of top flight football left and he wants to win the champions league/as much meaningful silverware as he possibly can. The Money is secondary Jonny...evidenced by the fact that he has actually taken a pay cut to go to Barca...

Plus, no offence intended here at all - but where would you prefer to live..Glasgow or Barcelona!? :lol:
Buckley, you like Super Pollack are digging a hole for yourself, please man do yourself a favour, one person in a supporter club for fuc*s sake catch yourself on.

Let me give you an example, the Dubai CSC has over 200 members, that is Dubai, thousands of miles from Glasgow,now that would even be considered small in comparision to some CSC's around the world , i wont even bother going on about the thousands upon thousands of members in CSC's in Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales as well as worldwide,have another look at that link and see how many countries you see, there are not many teams who can top that.

It must grate people that a team from Scotland with proud Irish roots has such a massive global fan base, i know of no ther team who would ever bring 120,000+ fans to a UEFA Cup Final despite being allocated 25,000 seats, i met Tims from all over the world in Sevilla.

Facts are we ARE one of the best supported teams worldwide.

Jonny, I missed this first time. You should calm down and not take offence where it is not meant. My point was that you only needed a few people for supporters club but I was demonstrating that point, to make it crystal clear, by expressing it at the extreme. You may well have the biggest support n the world, but a list of supporters club worldwide doesn't demonstrate that to any degree. You seem hysterical about making people agree it's true - why does it matter?

I have Irish parents and often wore a Celtic shirt as nipper, so I definitely have no problem with your clubs Irish roots.
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