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Football team fans amaze me. Jonny, 100% honesty please - do you really true believe that there even the slightest chance that Henry would have gone to Celtic even if the offered double the fee and double the wages anyon else did? Honestly?

Yeah if he was offered enough money like most footballers im sure he would've gone.
So do we how many people each of those clubs has? One each for a minimum, the webmaster chappie, but what does it prove?
Yeah if he was offered enough money like most footballers im sure he would've gone.

I disagree, you see Henry is not that type of player.....he doesn't need the money...had that been the case he would have been off years ago. I believe he has gone to Barca because they will appreciate his style of play, he will be playing with players on a level par with him in terms of ability. I mean whos appetite hasnt been whet at the prospect of a forward line of Eto, Messi & Henry? or maybe even the 4 -2 -4 with Ronaldinho pushed up!!! And he will be tested not only domestically but on the European stage as well. Something that with the greatest respect, would not happen at Celtic.
Yeah if he was offered enough money like most footballers im sure he would've gone.

Football team love is blind. I'm sorry old chap but only someone completely blinded from reality by boundless enthusiam could possibly think so. There is no way a player rated among the very best by Europe's very top clubs would go to Celtic. Or anyone else other than those very top clubs.
This is annoying me. I spend my time and effort listing a load of points which back up my statement. For you to come back with a list of different Celtic supporters clubs. What is this proving ? You sir, are an idiot. Debate over, I win. If you can't answer my points don't come back.

Jean-Claude Darcheville (bosman from Bordeaux)
Graeme Smith (bosman from Kilmarnock)
DaMarcus Beasley (£700,000 from PSV)
This is annoying me. I spend my time and effort listing a load of points which back up my statement. For you to come back with a list of different Celtic supporters clubs. What is this proving ? You sir, are an idiot. Debate over, I win. If you can't answer my points don't come back.

Actually, he was answering the point you made about celtic supporters all being Irish or from Manchester. And when I pulled you up about the spelling, that was me being sardonic pal, but I promise I'll never say anything tongue in cheek like that again, wouldn't want to irritate a nice gentleman like yourself.:rolleyes:

And its such a shame that all of your valid points are gonna go unanswered, its a pain in the arse for us people who have lives...take care sweetheart ;)

Hail Hail :p8):D
Chewie - No

Super Polack - how can you expect anyone to take the time to answer all of your points (some valid, others insipid) if you engage in personal pot shots and name calling in every post? Keep it civil, for christ's sake...
Name calling is harmless banter which I personally think makes the world go round, hence why America is going the wrong way ( that wasn't a dig, just a general comment ). No reason to not answer me. So in conclusion, Celtic and Rangers are not fit to wash the boots of any Premiership and a fair few Championship clubs. Itso Factso.
So do we how many people each of those clubs has? One each for a minimum, the webmaster chappie, but what does it prove?

Buckley, you like Super Pollack are digging a hole for yourself, please man do yourself a favour, one person in a supporter club for fuc*s sake catch yourself on.

Let me give you an example, the Dubai CSC has over 200 members, that is Dubai, thousands of miles from Glasgow,now that would even be considered small in comparision to some CSC's around the world , i wont even bother going on about the thousands upon thousands of members in CSC's in Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales as well as worldwide,have another look at that link and see how many countries you see, there are not many teams who can top that.

It must grate people that a team from Scotland with proud Irish roots has such a massive global fan base, i know of no ther team who would ever bring 120,000+ fans to a UEFA Cup Final despite being allocated 25,000 seats, i met Tims from all over the world in Sevilla.

Facts are we ARE one of the best supported teams worldwide.
This is annoying me. I spend my time and effort listing a load of points which back up my statement. For you to come back with a list of different Celtic supporters clubs. What is this proving ? You sir, are an idiot. Debate over, I win. If you can't answer my points don't come back.

you,ve been made to look completely and utterly foolish and you resort to name calling so ill leave it at that, ive no desire to engage in any further "conversation" with you.
Football team love is blind. I'm sorry old chap but only someone completely blinded from reality by boundless enthusiam could possibly think so. There is no way a player rated among the very best by Europe's very top clubs would go to Celtic. Or anyone else other than those very top clubs.

Buckley,most footballers thesedays are motivated by £££$$$€€€€€€ and lots of it, those who are not are a dying breed, i can guarantee you if enough cash was on offer he would move to Celtic, FACT.

Graeme Smith (bosman from Kilmarnock)


Quality reply there - clearly much thought in it

i could have commented on Donati being at Milan for 5 years and being on loan for 5 years - couldn't get a game in front of Brocchi

but i didn't

as for the previous comments - i've not gotten involved in the debate but would the Celtic fans please stop adding numbers to the Suvil Cup Final

by next week you will have had more than the population of China there