I'm Sad.

Lots of great opinions loved reading them, I agree that a lot of our fond memories has to do with us being younger at the time, but id still say ibiza actually was better back in the day. I bet if you asked all the ibiza virgins from this year or last year if they could come back next year to open air daytime space, open air dc10, extended opening hours and great beach parties etc, I'm sure they would say definitely yes.
Of course we can't ignore other things like less traffic accidents etc but at the end of the day do we really consider traffic accidents when booking a holiday.
Ibiza is still amazing I had a brilliant time this year, space closing is massive, surely all can agree that's not for the best.
Well i cant see your opinion?? All i can see is you commenting on other peoples opinions!!!

Lets hear your opinion then..

Is ibiza heading in the right direction??

Etc etc

What's your thoughts???

Your asking me for an opinion, then a feeling and finally my thoughts, all three have different meanings moondust

Just add " in my opinion " in front of what you think are my " comments " during this thread and you have them.

Something really creepy about someone who calls themselves a kid, when they aren't?

Dirk what I find creepy is that you seem to have a real bone on for me, my opinion...is that Iam a little flattered, I must be honest, but I would much rather you take that to your sheep in the secret forum
I had a brilliant time this year, space closing is massive, surely all can agree that's not for the best.

I don't think it will make much difference, sorry- in my opinion it won't make much difference, the deal was done years ago, and I bet every decent night (except Carl Cox) has been booked to return again next year, the M family is a business. In my opinion......his not going to make massive changes, no way would he allow cash cows like Elrow etc go, they make Space to much money., and the media coverage is worth the same again .

The only subjective part for me is who legally keeps the name, that again is worth serious money.
I think that in truth (please correct me if I'm wrong) Kent Kid does understand how atmosphere and setting affect a party having been at Clockwork, Nassau Tanit this year and no doubt many others. But I also think what people (including me) bemoan the loss of is that feeling which was still so evident in there being so much more widespread and more of a 'norm' across parties on the island than it is now (more of an exception). It's largely crowded out in many places basically and you have to work pretty hard to find it sometimes, with the loss of many beach parties being one of the main reasons.

That said, I've also been to some nights in recent years, most memorably Neon Nights @ Sankeys one time, which reminded me that predominantly younger crowds really do know how to have a good time and could be just as friendly, inclusive and energetic as we ever were. They certainly felt the music as much and the party was absolutely electric. Had they had the opportunity to party through the day in an open air Space Terrace they'd have been in there boots and all loving every minute and being with everyone else there. So I'm totally torn because contrary to perceptions I know that great crowds still come to the island of all ages, sometimes to be found in the most unexpected of places (for us maybe !) and I've said as much in several previous reviews (now perhaps thankfully hidden somewhere deep in the archives of the forum :lol:).

The issue is more that it can increasingly take a stroke of luck to hit those great nights and crowds and we had the luxury of being able to tap into it almost "at will" 24 hours a day. You just get tired of shelling out massive amounts of time and money nowadays trying to find a party and crowd which hits your spot (well I do anyway), and the VIP charade doesn't do anything to help that. It's not entirely to blame either though. Big club "tourism" is just as much of a vibe-killer and clamping down on smaller parties in an attempt to try to funnel everyone through the 'money factories' doesn't do anything for the scene at all. It keeps a few powerful fat cats very rich and living the life of riley whilst they plot their next swipe at each other !

I'm also going to go out on a limb here and say that Ketamine is likely largely responsible for a great deal of souring of the vibe in clubs and parties for some of us (and to a lesser extent coke because that affects people in different ways, mainly being a serious problem in excess when people start behaving like utter wankers a la "Music On coke aggro" which I've said my piece on enough in the past not to bang on about it again here... and it's not as if we didn't have some of that in the old days too !). Heroin did it to the Jazz scene in a big way "back in the day". Very strong designer drugs which knock people down rather than lift them up do absolutely nothing for a party. These things come & go in waves though and I'm 100% sure there's a hardcore of young party-goers with the right attitude who are savvy enough to see through the EDM / Commercial nonsense who will keep Ibiza more than alive for many years to come.... and whilst they are there, great parties will keep popping up. You just have to work harder at finding them !
Dirk what I find creepy is that you seem to have a real bone on for me, my opinion...is that Iam a little flattered, I must be honest, but I would much rather you take that to your sheep in the secret forum

Quick regroup in the secret forum at 12pm, need to discuss a few things. Appears to be working.
I think that in truth (please correct me if I'm wrong) Kent Kid does understand how atmosphere and setting affect a party having been at Clockwork, Nassau Tanit this year and no doubt many others. But I also think what people (including me) bemoan the loss of is that feeling which was still so evident in there being so much more widespread and more of a 'norm' across parties on the island than it is now (more of an exception). It's largely crowded out in many places basically and you have to work pretty hard to find it sometimes, with the loss of many beach parties being one of the main reasons.

That said, I've also been to some nights in recent years, most memorably Neon Nights @ Sankeys one time, which reminded me that predominantly younger crowds really do know how to have a good time and could be just as friendly, inclusive and energetic as we ever were. They certainly felt the music as much and the party was absolutely electric. Had they had the opportunity to party through the day in an open air Space Terrace they'd have been in there boots and all loving every minute and being with everyone else there. So I'm totally torn because contrary to perceptions I know that great crowds still come to the island of all ages, sometimes to be found in the most unexpected of places (for us maybe !) and I've said as much in several previous reviews (now perhaps thankfully hidden somewhere deep in the archives of the forum :lol:).

The issue is more that it can increasingly take a stroke of luck to hit those great nights and crowds and we had the luxury of being able to tap into it almost "at will" 24 hours a day. You just get tired of shelling out massive amounts of time and money nowadays trying to find a party and crowd which hits your spot (well I do anyway), and the VIP charade doesn't do anything to help that. It's not entirely to blame either though. Big club "tourism" is just as much of a vibe-killer and clamping down on smaller parties in an attempt to try to funnel everyone through the 'money factories' doesn't do anything for the scene at all. It keeps a few powerful fat cats very rich and living the life of riley whilst they plot their next swipe at each other !

I'm also going to go out on a limb here and say that Ketamine is likely largely responsible for a great deal of souring of the vibe in clubs and parties for some of us (and to a lesser extent coke because that affects people in different ways, mainly being a serious problem in excess when people start behaving like utter wankers a la "Music On coke aggro" which I've said my piece on enough in the past not to bang on about it again here... and it's not as if we didn't have some of that in the old days too !). Heroin did it to the Jazz scene in a big way "back in the day". Very strong designer drugs which knock people down rather than lift them up do absolutely nothing for a party. These things come & go in waves though and I'm 100% sure there's a hardcore of young party-goers with the right attitude who are savvy enough to see through the EDM / Commercial nonsense who will keep Ibiza more than alive for many years to come.... and whilst they are there, great parties will keep popping up. You just have to work harder at finding them !
Nail - head
I guess it all comes down to expectations (and thorough research, along with good contacts). Mine were rock bottom (on a musical level) but i've found this week there are still some great little bars/clubs offering a totally different vibe to the corporate cash cows. The four parties i went to cost a total of €0.00 to get into. The thing to always remember is that minutes outside central san an and bossa, you're back in the real Spanish Ibiza where there's all sorts of fun to be had off the beaten track
This shouldnt get personal guys and not a competition about who's been going longest...
This is all heavilly focussing on clubbing , which in my opinion there is simply no argument that the freedoms pre 2009 or whenever it was were better than the current situation. I dont think its contradictory that people who hold that view keep going back as these are the people who are doing less and less clubbing and more and more exploring of an island they have come to know well.
This shouldnt get personal guys and not a competition about who's been going longest...
This is all heavilly focussing on clubbing , which in my opinion there is simply no argument that the freedoms pre 2009 or whenever it was were better than the current situation. I dont think its contradictory that people who hold that view keep going back as these are the people who are doing less and less clubbing and more and more exploring of an island they have come to know well.

very much agree to this.

and just to point out something - pikes (which is great no doubt) was also definitely better a few years ago. ask any local and they'll all tell you the same. I don't want to bring up a separate discussion now, but just to point out that simply everything evolves...for some for the better, for some for worse.
I've loved reading this thread, I've wanted to go to Ibiza since I was 13 (I'm 31 now) my first time was 2013 and me and my misses have been every year since (4 times) we are getting married here next year, we absolutely love it, it's been a real insight to what it used to be like and I feel a bit empty that I was too young to see it.

As relative newbies to the island, from My point of view it really is amazing, we've been to most of the clubs now and our most recent visit was last week where we did more exploring than clubbing (we did go cream closing but it was too busy compared to what I'm used too). Agreed the prices are horrendous, we are both far from
Vip, both absolutely love dancing/raving, anyway I'm rambling a bit, the point in trying to make is that in my opinion Ibiza really is unlike anywhere else I've ever been (we have travelled a fair bit) I can appreciate from what I'm reading that it has changed massively, but believe me when I say the place is completely unique, I'd literally rather stay in all year and save it for a rave in Ibiza instead of go for a night out in the uk (with the slight exception)
I've loved reading this thread, I've wanted to go to Ibiza since I was 13 (I'm 31 now) my first time was 2013 and me and my misses have been every year since (4 times) we are getting married here next year, we absolutely love it, it's been a real insight to what it used to be like and I feel a bit empty that I was too young to see it.

As relative newbies to the island, from My point of view it really is amazing, we've been to most of the clubs now and our most recent visit was last week where we did more exploring than clubbing (we did go cream closing but it was too busy compared to what I'm used too). Agreed the prices are horrendous, we are both far from
Vip, both absolutely love dancing/raving, anyway I'm rambling a bit, the point in trying to make is that in my opinion Ibiza really is unlike anywhere else I've ever been (we have travelled a fair bit) I can appreciate from what I'm reading that it has changed massively, but believe me when I say the place is completely unique, I'd literally rather stay in all year and save it for a rave in Ibiza instead of go for a night out in the uk (with the slight exception)
Love this post
I've loved reading this thread, I've wanted to go to Ibiza since I was 13 (I'm 31 now) my first time was 2013 and me and my misses have been every year since (4 times) we are getting married here next year, we absolutely love it, it's been a real insight to what it used to be like and I feel a bit empty that I was too young to see it.

As relative newbies to the island, from My point of view it really is amazing, we've been to most of the clubs now and our most recent visit was last week where we did more exploring than clubbing (we did go cream closing but it was too busy compared to what I'm used too). Agreed the prices are horrendous, we are both far from
Vip, both absolutely love dancing/raving, anyway I'm rambling a bit, the point in trying to make is that in my opinion Ibiza really is unlike anywhere else I've ever been (we have travelled a fair bit) I can appreciate from what I'm reading that it has changed massively, but believe me when I say the place is completely unique, I'd literally rather stay in all year and save it for a rave in Ibiza instead of go for a night out in the uk (with the slight exception)
Agree me too...i never party where i live anymore, i save my money and then party in ibiza...(well i wouldnt say save) just dont eat for a month after i get back lol, there is no place like it, yes its changed some aspects are better before than now but its still amazing...people complaining i bet they will be back next year again..