I'm Sad.

Las Rosas was unfortunately just a joke, I live 25 meters grom where I was born! Off to Madrid in December though so may be looking for some advice
Ah the old 'Ibiza is dead' thing.

I first came here for 2 weeks in 2000. I came every year again at least once, I did a couple of seasons (well kind of), and I've lived here for a few years now.

Ibiza is totally different now to 16 years ago. I imagine in 2000, there were people saying Ibiza was dead because the music on offer ranged from dnb to trance to hard house as well as the normal house music.

I remember when they clamped down on daytime parties and everyone said Ibiza was dead.

Now Space is closing and every one is say Ibiza is dead.

Truth is, it constantly evolves, that energy and connection between music, creativity, sunshine and hedonism isn't going away. Ibiza will always find a way adapting, and the party will never die.

So after everyones posts i would go back to this...
This is all very well and good but.... The injection of huuuuge money by business people not going to any parties HAS changed it massively very quickly which is undeniable. thats not ' ibiza evolves' , its not 'creativity' as this is the era of investment. PDB is asking prices never proportionally grown to over the years. there is a jump thats not natural and i think its undeniable....
Thats not to say its not great fun but to say its still the same just evolving i think is abit of a stretch. im talking the last 3 years mainly, not even since the glory days. No free beach parties within the allocated hours just minor licensing things shutting them down when the west end has people getting pickpocketed daily.
Sorry bit of a rant and i know people who still have an awesome time but they are all fairly new to it. Im fascinated by veterans who still love it and normally its because they venture beyond or almost without clubbing.

edit - i should add this is about the clubbing scene mainly on the island not the whole place of course
That may be but people still pay these ridiculous prices...26 e for a fanta and beer in amensia, 70 euro for music on, hotels way more expensive that it used to be...but they know we love ibiza and we will pay whatever we have to, to get there and to be in the best clubs in the world with the best djs
I would argue proportianally there has been an increase in accomodation prices with no upgrades than ever seen before in the last 2 years (PDB). Its not so much about the drink prices as the numbers of people just wanting water are always high since day one.
Its also the police / licensing thats suddenly become SO important to the authorities after years otherwise. thats fine but to say its just as good doesnt add up to me
That may be but people still pay these ridiculous prices...26 e for a fanta and beer in amensia, 70 euro for music on, hotels way more expensive that it used to be...but they know we love ibiza and we will pay whatever we have to, to get there and to be in the best clubs in the world with the best djs

Some still will, for me it's a very rare thing now - and clubs have been very expensive in Ibiza for a VERY long time. If you factor inflation out of the prices not much has changed. It's what you get when you're there that's changed most and I do reckon it's now more about the kids than us with a few exceptions like Cocoon. Just wish Ushuaia had been less glitzy/tacky and gone less commercial. But the glamour set do like their pop music and they're in it to rinse every Euro they can out of the place.

What they need to understand though is that non-commercial beach parties etc. are not taking people away from their parties. People like me who would go to the former are certainly not going to go have our eardrums split by David Guetta in their establishment instead.

What I do regret far more than the way the clubs have evolved is the take-over of the beaches by fancy Beach Clubs. A handful is great, but not when they start popping up in every corner of the island. Plus the ludicrous hike in accommodation prices brought about by excess demand. Bossa is an armpit of a place with (now) ridiculously overpriced hotels. They only get away with it due to the laziness of visitors wanting to be close to Beach Clubs, Space, Ushuaia & the Airport. To get into any sort of nicer Rural guest house in Season you're paying hundreds of euros a night and families drive up the price of anywhere from Sta Eularia to Es Canar beyond what's reasonable.

But this has been happening for years not just the last two. In 2012 I wound up sleeping in the car for 3 nights rather than pay near on 150 Euros a night for a vaguely acceptable single room in San An as everywhere affordable was full. Going back for about the 4th time that Season and paying August air fares too the cumulative outlay was getting crazy. People without loads of mates sharing villas and staying for at least a week were basically completely screwed even back then. Hotel prices seem to get hiked earlier and earlier in the Season and drop later and later each year. So every year it gets harder to find somewhere reasonably priced to stay. Add to that £300+ air fares for a weekend over in September for the last 3 years running and if you go clubbing, your 2 nights away wind up costing about £500 each. I like a good night out, but not that much !
Whichever way you look at it ibiza. Is amazing and always will be.. No where compares,best djs in the world, good mix of different nationalities, friendly people....

No real fun loving individual needs the best DJ in the world, who by definition is not even a DJ but rather a StickJ (or wanker).
I am purly satisfied with the best music in the world and don't need some weirdo on an oversized stage.
The majority of big clubs in Ibiza these days are shite. 80% of people there to say they have been and only about 20% trolleyed and going for it. Then you have people like Kent Kid who think that is the norm and a great experience?

The whole VIP thing has broken it sadly. Still there if you know where to look, but only a couple of very small pockets. All very sad.