I'm Sad.

This thread so pulls at the heart stings. First time I went was as an impressionable teenager 20 years ago, space was my homeland and daylight was something to tell you have woken up to early. It seems a lot of us here are in our 30's/40's and remember when we all thought it was all so mind bendingly fresh. I don't know if that's the same feeling to the kids of today, wether it affected them as much as it has us on our first "trip" there or if it's a place to tick off the list. Is it me getting older and not wanting to get twatted so much that it f***s up the next few days or is it me wanting to make sure im compus mentus enough the next day to explore I don't know, thing I do know is ill be back, even if it's for a drink on the sun set strip, a night in sankeys or a walk along portinax beach, ill be back.