I'm Sad.

Bit late to this post but a great read.

Whenever I start thinking how it's not like it use to be blah blah blah I will always across someone who's just been for the first time and they tell me they've had THE time of their lives and cannot wait to go again.
Just like I did after my first trip and then think you know what, it IS still a unique and special place for which ever generation experiences it.

I've been going to Ibiza since 1998 and i get a bit bored with all the "not as good as it used to be" comments although i do actually agree with a lot of the reasons people say it. I partied for days on end years ago but i'm too old to do all that sort of stuff now so i choose my nights and have a much longer recovery period between big nights out. The kids that are heading to Ibiza now don't really give a shit what people that went 20 odd years ago think about their choice of nights or the music they party to... we are OLD lol

I have an 18 year old daughter and in August this year she went out in the West End a few nights, went to Zoo Project, Together, Garlands, Creamfields @ Space and i took her to Amnesia for the first time for Cream (special moment) when A&B were playing and she said it was the best night of her life so far. We also went to Mambo for the Radio One weekend party and Fatboy Slim the following week with my 12 year old which they both absolutely loved. Mambo has changed massively since i sat on the rocks years ago with about 30 people there but i wanted to show my kids and they had a ball, i mean they LOVED it. Do they care that it's not as good as i think it used to be? No. Would i have chosen to do all the parties my eldest went to? No but then again i'm not 18 years old so her tastes will be completely different to mine but the main thing is that both my girls saw some amazing places in the 2 weeks we were there and had some great evenings/nights out that we are still talking about weeks later.

Two visits over 24 days and they both can't wait to get back so although there are some things that might not be as good as they used to be, for me there are a lot of things that will be better over the next few years because i've got 2 new Ibiza converts to go away with :cool:
It seems the co
The kids are brainwashed today by big brands like they never were before. It stinks. That's the major difference. Yeah sure i loved my tunes when i was 15 but a dj was just a bloke who played records not a god

well these days its rare to make it djing without producing. hence some good producers who cant dj well and some awesome dj's who pay someone else to engineer their tracks probably lol.

noteable exceptions,
djs- Eats Everything, Jane Fitz, Jon Rust , Andy Blake, Carl Cox, Laurent Garnier , Andy C , Seth Troxler, Sven, Craig Richards
Theyve all produced abit but mainly just made it for djing.

great producers who can dj -
Matthew Dear/Audion, LTJ Bukem , Bushwaka , Mr C , A Guy Called Gerald (unconventionally but still). Tale of us
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You have started a separate thread about me, sworn at me on the forum, blamed me for EDM, accused me of never going to a rave, said your going to kick my head in, called me " Creepy " (lol) and now a key board warrior, and they are just the ones I can remember ! ( but of course I don't get to you.... )

I don't agree with what you and your sheep go on about most the time, you very rarely justify it and you find it impossible to understand that people can have a good time without the way YOU think it should be done, and God help anyone who disagree's with you , then you go into fully bully mode.

Putting me down To hide your own insecurities or try and make you look good may look cool to your sheep, but I one for one, see straight through it.
Its all a bit of fun Kk..:) we're all sheep man just don't expect us to be looking at the djs, never cared for that myself..just boobies and house music and im happy out.. OH and few free drink tokens thanks to my conections on the island..;)
If you're the sort of person who is never seen outside of a back to front baseball cap or tacky club merchandise there's an extremely strong chance we have zero in common and will never be seen in the same places. ever.

That's where I maybe diverge from some of you, I've genuinely got no problem with kids wearing a Space tank top, neon face paint and a back-to-front cap as long as they're up dancing happily enjoying themselves and appreciating decent music. If they're over 25 and still doing it I might have more of a think :lol:. Part of being at Ku in 1993 was dressing up and expressing your individuality but those days are long gone outside of KM5 etc. and occasionally the velvet rope ... and I don't think any less of someone or stereotype them unless their behaviour warrants it. It's what they do and how they act which I'm bothered by not how they dress or look. Most of the time they're just kids being how kids are nowadays.

Part of the point of a good dancefloor is that you don't need to have anything in common with others there apart from a mutual love of the music and a mutual respect for each other. Blasting away all social barriers and uniting people is, for me anyway, the best possible outcome. That's surely what it's all about, and part of what made Space Terrace what it was. Otherwise you may as well just hole up in your room with a good podcast ;) !
See if you actually tried to make a point without being disprespectful and condescending in every post, people would probably respect that you have a different opinion.

You continually choose not to and then wonder why people respond. You tried it with me once and I ignored it, you then continued being disrespectful for no reason.

Nothing but a keyboard warrior. No subtance to any of the points you make and unwilling to answer any questions people ask.

Pretty sure I have never spoken to you on here....??? Keyboard warrior I am not....But since you mentioned that 'The majority of big clubs in Ibiza these days are shite. 80% of people there to say they have been and only about 20% trolleyed and going for it.' - Makes you sound a little bitter.....Maybe you are too old now and are trying to kid yourself? To say that only 20% are trolleyed and going for it is blatant rubbish. I could share many many videos of all the clubs I went to and you will see that 90% of people are actually going for it and loving life....Maybe your idea of going for it is someone on MD/KET and acid facing the wrong way and dancing around like a chimp in a zoo looking at the ceiling?

Anyhow the other thing to mention is what about the technology - sound systems? the pyrotechnics? These will have improved over the years and all add to the experience I am sure

All I am really saying is what you don't know about the past doesn't matter to those that are now going....Not once have I thought 'Oh I wish I went 10 years ago I bet it was so much better'.
That's where I maybe diverge from some of you, I've genuinely got no problem with kids wearing a Space tank top, neon face paint and a back-to-front cap as long as they're up dancing happily enjoying themselves and appreciating decent music. If they're over 25 and still doing it I might have more !

Are you saying I shouldn't be wearing my Elrow branded vest next week?????
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All I am really saying is what you don't know about the past doesn't matter to those that are now going....Not once have I thought 'Oh I wish I went 10 years ago I bet it was so much better'.

I didn't spend too much time thinking about how people enjoyed the island in the 70's when I first went to be fair, it just felt like we were the first people to ever do any of this (which of course we weren't)

In short... I think the island was 'better' 15-20 years ago. I also think that those coming to the island now are enjoying themselves every bit as much as I did back then (they certainly look like they are having more fun than me anyway, lucky bastards!!)

4 days to go!!!!
You have started a separate thread about me, sworn at me on the forum, blamed me for EDM, accused me of never going to a rave, said your going to kick my head in, called me " Creepy " (lol) and now a key board warrior, and they are just the ones I can remember ! ( but of course I don't get to you.... )

I don't agree with what you and your sheep go on about most the time, you very rarely justify it and you find it impossible to understand that people can have a good time without the way YOU think it should be done, and God help anyone who disagree's with you , then you go into fully bully mode.

Putting me down To hide your own insecurities or try and make you look good may look cool to your sheep, but I one for one, see straight through it.

Obviously you can dish it out but you don't like it the other way? Maybe just try and not be so aggressive and condesending? :lol:
Pretty sure I have never spoken to you on here....??? Keyboard warrior I am not....But since you mentioned that 'The majority of big clubs in Ibiza these days are shite. 80% of people there to say they have been and only about 20% trolleyed and going for it.' - Makes you sound a little bitter.....Maybe you are too old now and are trying to kid yourself? To say that only 20% are trolleyed and going for it is blatant rubbish. I could share many many videos of all the clubs I went to and you will see that 90% of people are actually going for it and loving life....Maybe your idea of going for it is someone on MD/KET and acid facing the wrong way and dancing around like a chimp in a zoo looking at the ceiling?

Anyhow the other thing to mention is what about the technology - sound systems? the pyrotechnics? These will have improved over the years and all add to the experience I am sure

All I am really saying is what you don't know about the past doesn't matter to those that are now going....Not once have I thought 'Oh I wish I went 10 years ago I bet it was so much better'.

Mate, that wasnt directed at you. If you look at the post that was quoted (Yours Bitter Dirk)