Ibiza to Sant Antonio Road

McRackin said:
as expected (even if its june so a lot of people couldnt go for work reasons) it was a big success with between 9.000 (according to the police) and 12.000 (according to the organization) persons!!
i told you so:

9000 Or More On Anti-Motorway Demonstration.
Over 9000 residents from all walks of life took part in a well organised & effective demonstration against the Balearic Governments plans to build 3 motorways on the island. Starting at 21h the procession took over an hour to sing, shout, banner wave & protest in lots of other original ways around the main streets of central Ibiza Town. The protestors were particularly vocal outside the Consell Island Government building & outside the officers of the Matutes Group of companies as it is the daughter of the owner who is the roads minister for the island Consell Government.
Though police were on hand, there were no incidents & the rally finished with music & speeches by environmentalists & anti-motorway campaigners in the Vara del Rey. Also present speaking to the crowds was the internationally famous actress, Massiel. She apparently told the crowd that if you want motorways you go to New York not to Ibiza & that we must protect the environment of the beautiful island she has visited on & off for 30 years.
The demonstration was a huge success for the anti-motorway campaign as 9000 is a lot of people to get on the streets of Ibiza Town to protest about the proposed road plans. It is not easy to motivate the residents in Ibiza at any time & these protestors took to the streets in their masses even though there was the Euro 2004 on the TV. Also, the island is in the throes of summer tourist season with most people having to work at this time of the day if they are involved in tourism. Given this situation, 9000 protestors was a huge success for the anti-motorway campaigners & the politicians will now seemingly have to take more heed of their views.

(the ibiza sun)
McRackin said:
now in black and white:


McRackin said:
last tuesday they brought 4701 more - now a total of 16834 signatures :!:

which is very interesting because:
· around 12000 people voted to the PP (pro-highway) in ibiza on the recent european elections
· almost 17000 people signed against the super-highway planned between ibiza town and san antonio

:roll: :idea: :roll: :idea: :roll:
18000 signatures already :!:
18000 Signatures Against Sant Antoni To Ibiza Road Plans.
The petition against the proposed Ibiza To Sant Antoni motorway with all it's tunnels &
multilevel junctions has now reached 18000 residents. This week the businesses in Sant
Rafel village & the land owners, who will be affected buy the proposed changes presented
24 allegations each against the road plans to the Balearic Government. Both these groups
agreed that the proposed tunnel under Sant Rafael village would isolate the town &
destroy the economy. They suggested that this tunnel was being built to help the 2 big
discos in the village as access to these discos would be via new roads built on top of the
. Some of the anti motorway protestors went onto claim that the only real reason
that there was so many accidents on the Sant Antoni to Ibiza road was because the discos
did not respect their legal capacity or closing times & that their presence in the area led to
people walking on the road to get to & from the discos or people driving under the influence
of drink or drugs
Later in the week the PSOE opposition on the Sant Antoni own Council also appeared to
blame the lack of control by the council over the discos in Sant Rafael for the problems on the
Ibiza To Sant Antoni road
. They also announced that the building of the motorway would
destroy for ever 9 archaeologically important sites between Sant Antoni & Ibiza if it was ever

(the ibiza sun)

McRackin said:


no comments!! :evil:

Do you have more of these, because it may influence better experts to do much more logical solutions. Since the borders of the EU are open for this kind of cases external companies/experts can join in and do an offer.... :twisted:
Road Sense At Last!
In a week when the anti motorway protestors took up the reigns of the battle again against
the 3 proposed super highways for the island, the Consell Island Government & the Town Hall
in Sant Antoni presented modified counter proposals to the Balearic Government over their
"futuristic" & gigantic plans for a 6 lane highway between Sant Antoni & Ibiza Town. The local
authorities want the Balearic Government to build only a 25-metre wide dual carriageway,
including a 2 metre wide central isle, & not the 35 metre 6 lane highway which was planned.
They are also asking for as many of the junctions as possible to be reduced in size & to be
normal roundabouts rather than multilevel intersections.
The Consell Island Government & the Town Hall in Sant Antoni also want the road to have a
minimum impact on the environment & on the typical houses found either side of the road as
well as on the 6 historical sites, which have been identified along the length of the proposed
new road. However, it appears that the Consell Island Government & the Town Hall in Sant
Antoni are not against the building of the tunnel under the village of Sant Rafael which has
been a point of much contention between the authorities & the anti motorway protestors.

(the ibiza sun)
why are they planning this streets,....every year less tourists, in juliy the island was empty...i understand because of this prices and no service, shit boring music in clubs,.... since ten years the same music, boooooooooooooring,...season only 4 months....what are they doing on these super streets during winter???...building tents for the poor or what?...
All they really have to do with that road is make it a double carriage way, which they sort of have done on the San An side. Still access out of the clubs (ie Amnesia) during rush hour ar 7:30 am is very difficult, cars are really speeding it is quite hectic even when completely sober, so a solution is needed for that, maybe even some more traffic circles?

The existing plans sound terrible and totally over the top!



VIVA Country Lanes!
kosmos said:
All they really have to do with that road is make it a double carriage way, which they sort of have done on the San An side. Still access out of the clubs (ie Amnesia) during rush hour ar 7:30 am is very difficult, cars are really speeding it is quite hectic even when completely sober, so a solution is needed for that, maybe even some more traffic circles?

The existing plans sound terrible and totally over the top!



VIVA Country Lanes!

you have to shout: NO VOLEM AUTOPISTA!!!!!!!!!!
macky! send me an pm , if they start to build those HORROR road, i will fly over and will have a sit in front of the catterbillers! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
McRackin said:
18000 Signatures Against Sant Antoni To Ibiza Road Plans.
today they brought a few thousand more and now they have a total of 25.829 signatures,
which means 25% of the habitants on the island :!:
25.000 Sign Anti Motorway Petition.
The protest organisation formed to try & stop the building of 3 planned motorways on the
island handed in more signatures supporting their anti motorway campaign this week. So
far since the plans to build a motorway between Ibiza & Sant Antoni, between Ibiza & the
airport & around Ibiza Town were announced, the protestors have collected over 25.000
signatures by island residents against these plans. This supposedly means that over 25%
of the population of the island do not want these new motorways to be built.

(the ibiza sun)
Sant Antoni To Ibiza New Road Plan Disclosed.
Scrapping the idea of multi level junctions & a 6-lane motorway :D , the improvements to the
Sant Antoni to Ibiza road have been reduced to a more acceptable level by the Consell Island
Government & the Balearic Government :lol: . Multi level junctions are replaced by roundabouts
in the new plan & the road has only 4 lanes the same width as the section which already
exists near the Can Negre section of the road :P . There are still plans to build a tunnel under
the Sant Rafael village :? which will cost over 30 million € & has been criticised by some of the
other political parties who would support the road plan if this tunnel idea was scrapped as well.
For their part, the island's anti-motorway campaigners are still not happy with this new plan &
are continuing to collect signatures against the 3 different motorways presently planned for the
island. This week alone they collected 500 more signatures at the fiesta celebrations in Jesus.

(the ibiza sun)