Ibiza to Sant Antonio Road

Yes but if you have 10,000 people in Manumission and 5000 in Amnesia, there will be quite a high number of people totally out of it, staggering into the road for a taxi or deciding to walk back home then it's no wonder there are so many accidents on that road.

These are the people who bring most of the money to the island so it's madness that nothing's been done about the road so far.
taken from the ibiza sun:

36 Million Euros for Disco Death Road.
The Sant Antoni to Ibiza road is known in some sectors of the British press as the 'disco death road'. This is because of the deadly accidents involving "clubbers" going to or coming from the 2 big clubs located in the Sant Rafael section. The road is going to get 36 million euros spent on improvements, the preliminary detailed plans of the changes were presented to the local press this week.
Basically the road will be turned into a dual carriageway with fences along each side separating the areas where pedestrians can walk from the road. At all the main junctions the dual carriageway will go below ground level like a subway with all the local service roads passing over it at ground level with slip roads providing access to the main dual carriage- way once it returns to the surface. In total there will be 8 of these subway junctions. These will be built at the junctions which exist at Ses Paises, at Can Guillamo, at Can Thomas, at Can Parentona, between the 2 discos at Sant Rafael, at the new industrial estate by the hypercentre, at Can Negre & finally the roundabout where the outer ring road around Ibiza joins the Ibiza to Sant Antoni road. When the junction at the entrance to Sant Rafael & betwen the 2 big discos is built, it will be possible to get to one disco from another without ever connecting with the dual carriageway!
Within the plans for the dual carriageway there is a provision to save the tree lined entrance to Sant Antoni as a 2 way road. They will open up a detour from the new roundabout near the local Police station which will lead to the petrol station on the Avenida Dr Fleming by the entrance to the Bay. This is planned to be come the main entrance to the south west part of the town whilst the road leading to Can Coix will be the main entrance to the rest of the town.
The final plans for the new road will be finished in May & it is thought that work will start in September or October & be finished by 2006.
san rafael:

waht the hell is a carriage way? like a road? they said soemthing about a subway? well what ever it is GOOD! no more clubber road kill
LokiUS530 said:
waht the hell is a carriage way? like a road? they said soemthing about a subway? well what ever it is GOOD! no more clubber road kill

Not a subway, I think they mean tunnels to avoid junctions. It seems very good, but way too dangerous for people who dare walking from Amnesia to Privilege or the opposite. I hope the government consider this and build a footbridge.
hrm... i thought the article was saying they were gunna do the whole road with fencing and stuff! :evil:
LokiUS530 said:
hrm... i thought the article was saying they were gunna do the whole road with fencing and stuff! :evil:

Yes but some people without a car might try to jump the fences to reach the other club without paying for a taxi. A footbridge is necessary, in my opinion. I don't think a metal prebuilt footbridge is as expensive as a hundredth part of the rest of the investment on the road.
that's very tru..... i would figure foot bridges would be a given.... cause.... how would people cross the road? lol

BTW (tiger) your icon thing was dancing to my song lol
taken from the ibiza sun:

Sant Antoni To Ibiza Road Protest Grows.
More & more people seem to be joining the protest movement against the changes proposed for the Sant Antoni to Ibiza road which would apparently change this heavily transited road into a fast 6 lane highway. Though everyone agrees that it is important to make the road safer, the protestors appear to want more information as to why the road needs to be changed so drastically. They are opposed to the environmental impact of the new road which the protestors claim will be 50 metres wide & will virtually split the island in 2! The protestors claim that the new road will take over 5 years to build & will be dangerous for pedestrians of cyclists or farmers in the area to use or cross.
Others claim that the real problem of safety on this road is caused by the 2 big discos who do not respect the by laws which govern such things as legal capacities & closing times. The protestors claim that if these laws were applied strictly to these 2 big discos then the road safety problem of the Ibiza to Sant Antoni road would virtually disappear.
The protestors have started a petition, set up their own information web as The Ibiza Sun reported last week called www.novolemautopista.tk & they are putting up protest posters as well as holding protest meetings in the Barl "La Cruce" at 20.30h every Monday from now on.
Later in the week there were strong but arguable denials of the protestors arguments by Stella Matutes, the Consell Island Government Transport & Roads Minister, as well as other claims that the protestors were being used by the left wing opposition against the PP Conservatives as an election ploy. Stella also claimed that a wider, 4 lane road was safer than a normal 2 lane road. In response to this, the organisers of the campaign called for a meeting with Stella as soon as possible so that they could state their case against the road plan.
Some neighbours are prepared to accept the road changes, which they were promised by Pepe Sala, Mayor of Sant Antoni in his last election manifesto. Sala apparently promised a new, safer road between Ibiza & Sant Antoni no wider than the present section which passes through the Can Negre industrial area. The road proposed by Sala contained no underground sections or fly overs. It had a maximum of 4 lanes & not 6 as Stella Matutes has apparently talked about but did envisage roundabouts at most of the major junctions & turnoffs to make the entry & exit of traffic easier & safer as well as to slow down the traffic on the main Ibiza to Sant Antoni road.
Other residents from all over the island have written to the local press complaining about the 36m€ the new road will cost. They argue that this huge amount of money would be better spent solving the educational deficiencies & health care necessities, which exist on the island, as well as protecting the environment.
Though this is true, the money from the road is provided by the PP Conservative Madrid Government just for this road & cannot be transferred & spent on other types of investment. If Ibiza doesn't use the money on the Ibiza to Sant Antoni road it supposedly will be invested on roads else where in Spain instead. Rather than loose the money or spend it on a road nobody wants, the politicians on the island should be applying themselves to finding ways to use the money more creatively & intelligently.
The original idea presented to the public of Ibiza in late 2003 was to build a northern European styled urban boulevard. This was supposed to contain speed reducing features, have wide gardened edges, be divided by a gardened central isle, contain protected pedestrian walkways as well as cycle tracks & generally enhance the environment along the road. The Ibiza Sun wonders what has happened to this original idea which seemed such a good one?! How have we arrived at the present situation which seems to bare no relationship to the road plan which was originally "sold" to the public by the PP Consell Island Government?

during the first week they recollected 2500 signatures against the highway :!:
They can choose to have 36m€ or not to have it 8O

How can somebody turn down that offer? (Okay I can understand people who will live under 100 meters from the road but others?)

This road will save lives. This road will save time. This road will help to get more tourists (and money) to the island.

Apparently those people are just opposing change.

:?: :?: :?:
MrMambo said:
*just noticed a post I did on this post 5 months ago... :oops: *

I knew my aim in life was to be a footpath engineer.
How about I grab two spades and we go spend the summer digging? :lol:

Free drinks at space should just about cover it!
hey, i' ma tree hugger too... but! THAT GOES TO FAR....... sure the highway is gunna be big (they should make it 4 lanes and the side two lanes can be replaced by foot paths) and blaming the clubs which is one of their main incomes since it attracts everyone...... it's stupid.... these poeple just wanna complain, or are morbidly fascinated in people getting hit by cars
taken from the ibiza sun again:

All this week the protests against the proposed Ibiza to Sant Antoni road changes made the news. At the beginning of the week, Jaime Matas, the PP Conservative Balearic President appeared to declare that there was no going back on his road building plans for the entire island. Matas argued that there was money available from the PP Conservatives in Madrid for road building & it was "daft" not to seize this chance to spend it, especially as in the last 4 years under the Pacto Socialist coalition little investment had been made in this area & the Baleares needed a communication system fit for the 21st Century.
Those against the road plans of Matas & especially against the "Super highway" planned for Ibiza to Sant Antoni said that the money for road improvements was welcomed but it had to be spent in a sensible, controlled way which would conform to the island's needs & physical dimensions & environment. So far those neighbours in the Sant Rafael area of the island, who are against the proposed road changes, said they had collected over 2500 signatures of support in less than one week. They claim that no politician can overlook this level of support for their cause & go against the wishes of the people. The neighbours are also raising money to finance their opposition to the road plans by selling T-shirts at 5€ a time!
The protestors are gaining more support everyday from all over the island but made it very clear that they are not politically motivated as some of the PP Conservative Consell Island Government had claimed. They have gone on record as saying that they are offended by the declarations of Stella Matutes, the Consell Island Government roads minister who apparently said the protestors were exaggerating their cause. They think Stella is treating them as if they were "tonto" (silly) & is almost talking to them in a papal manner. The protestors are apparently going to send Stella a dictionary so that she understands clearly what the Spanish words for motorway & dual carriageway mean when she is stalking about the proposed Sant Antoni to Ibiza road. It is the protestors opinion that Stella needs to get her terminology right so she stops trying to call what they see as a proposed 4 lane dual carriage way with 2 additional service lanes between Ibiza & Sant Antoni something that it isn't!