*** Ibiza Gossip 2017 ***

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What I've also got an issue about is people that work there (not residents) that moan about it being august and it's so terrible etc. god sake, you're working in one of the most beautiful places, your are only there because the tourists come and ultimately that's what pays your wage. Yes there is the sustainability question but come on.

I hear you but having done both seasons years ago and now being an all year round resident for 6 years, it is a simple fact - it IS the worst month of the year. normally it´s just far too busy everywhere - clubs, roads, beaches, restaurants, everywhere. this year it doesn´t feel as bad though I have to admit. but then add that it´s also got the worst mix of people and it just really doesn´t make a great month. I understand we shouldn´t complain about it since it´s the period everyone makes most money, but then moaning is just something pretty human ;)
I hear you but having done both seasons years ago and now being an all year round resident for 6 years, it is a simple fact - it IS the worst month of the year. normally it´s just far too busy everywhere - clubs, roads, beaches, restaurants, everywhere. this year it doesn´t feel as bad though I have to admit. but then add that it´s also got the worst mix of people and it just really doesn´t make a great month. I understand we shouldn´t complain about it since it´s the period everyone makes most money, but then moaning is just something pretty human ;)
Totally understand...I used to live in Edinburgh and when it was festival season and rammed I was exactly the same...all I'm saying is people should step back and think how lucky they are!
The drinks prices are a joke and the only stain on an otherwise perfect location for me. For the quality of what is on offer and the surroundings I think club ticket price and accommodation is acceptable. To see a favourite dj play somewhere like amnesia for me it doesn't get better and can't be matched anywhere in the world. But a bottle of San Miguel is a bottle of San Miguel. It tastes the same chilled straight out of my fridge at home as it does in a club. So to pay an extra 9 or 10 euro for it is a real kick in the bollocks
The drinks prices are a joke and the only stain on an otherwise perfect location for me. For the quality of what is on offer and the surroundings I think club ticket price and accommodation is acceptable. To see a favourite dj play somewhere like amnesia for me it doesn't get better and can't be matched anywhere in the world. But a bottle of San Miguel is a bottle of San Miguel. It tastes the same chilled straight out of my fridge at home as it does in a club. So to pay an extra 9 or 10 euro for it is a real kick in the bollocks
I think the drink prices are good...the problem is for you is the exchange rate. For me it's cheap as I'm linked to usd
For people coming from the UK it has become increasingly more expensive due to the crash in the value of the pound

For instance, say normally I change £2,000 into €'s before I leave.

A number of years ago I remember getting €2,760 for this. For my trip in September anything over €2,000 will be a bonus.

The actual island I don't think is getting anymore expensive, just your money doesn't go as far as it once did.

I still wouldn't go on a clubbing holiday anywhere else in the world though....:)

The £ was overvalued even before the brexit.
I'll be coming over for my 11th year now, either working or holidaying. drink prices are a joke but at least have always stayed the same, more or less.

what really worries me is the difference in accomodation prices over the years. if you won't pay vip hotels these days your choice is highly limited and the quality of affordable accomodation is often terrible.
the direction of government and economy is clear: we want less tourists, in order to make our own everyday lives better during the season, but we want the same money so let's only get the vips. very worrying :/
I think the drink prices are good...the problem is for you is the exchange rate. For me it's cheap as I'm linked to usd
The alcohol prices are fine in terms of spirits by the measures (usually massive compared to UK), and if you're inclined and can afford to buy hugely marked up bottles of beer/vodka/champagne then best of luck to you.

The price of water in the clubs however is not fine.
My mate came back from palma yesterday. He went to one of them beach clubs, some rip off, 50€ for a double bed with 2btl water or 2 smoothie free... 6€ a pint,10€ for G&T..

Yeah, those prices are pretty common and you'll even find that in Mykonos or Sardinia or anywhere else there's white painted decking and a bartender dressed in White ;)

of course it´s still there but it´s undeniable that, compared to 10 years or even 5 years ago, the affordable accommodation options have diminished heavily and the more upmarket ones have grown massively.

... yes, and the problem is that the pressure to recoup refurbishment outlays in the first couple of years is immense. So when they all start upgrading together affordable rooms are like hens' teeth. I mean come on, nice though the room refurbs are am I really going to pay £165 single for a night at the Hotel Abrat overlooking the car park ? :rolleyes: :lol:

Sometimes last minute can work out but it's VERY much a gamble - you have to actually phone around and can get really burned if unlucky. I paid much less for a really nice double room at Gran Sol (actually £70 a night which in August is a miracle) than a licey pillow at Piscis Park (£120) this week calling up the night before and grabbing a no-show. But on the flip side I had to give up my great room there and move after 2 nights to pay more for a night in the corner cupboard at Hostal Tarba (£82 after they gave me a 10% return visitor discount). The hotels go in and out of full capacity over the course of a week and getting continuity anywhere is a real struggle. So bed-hopping and all the loss of quality time that involves is an August speciality for those who haven't booked way ahead unless you pay through the nose. Having a dirth of decent affordable places to park your valuables (not to mention car) and crash definitely makes last minute trips a struggle. When you flip up booking.com and hover over endless pins of rooms at £250 - £500 a night it's enough to put off all but the most determined !
normally it´s just far too busy everywhere - clubs, roads, beaches, restaurants, everywhere. this year it doesn´t feel as bad though I have to admit.
I would say in the case of the roads it feels worse... only my perception though!
Exactly Div

Exactly Diver, I don't know the numbers obviously but the vast majority of people who go to Ibiza are only interested in going there, other places are not even given a moments thought. I am one of these people as well and as a result you do probably end up paying over the odds
Me too...i would love to go other places, cities, but love it that much couldnt bear to go anywhere else even if the its the same DJs which nowadays it is. Same DJs different place. I cant even stay in bossa anymore, used to always stay there way out my budget. I always stay in fig and ibiza town these days..
I hear you but having done both seasons years ago and now being an all year round resident for 6 years, it is a simple fact - it IS the worst month of the year. normally it´s just far too busy everywhere - clubs, roads, beaches, restaurants, everywhere. this year it doesn´t feel as bad though I have to admit. but then add that it´s also got the worst mix of people and it just really doesn´t make a great month. I understand we shouldn´t complain about it since it´s the period everyone makes most money, but then moaning is just something pretty human ;)
Used to hate august when i worked there. And all the workers used to moan then. Its true busy as f*** and horrible people! Thats the month I used to get mistaken for a prostitute the most sadly ha
Stupid shit like buses not arriving when they should makes Ibiza expansive. You then have to rely on taxis. I can think of at least 3 times when the buses didn't arrive and I had to use taxis in both ibz and Formentera. I hate that.

You have to book early..and yeah the CDN dollar isn't as strong as it was in like 2012 so it takes more to get euros.

I still love the crowd...but I feel like the crowd was better in the past just from stories I hear.

Blue Marlin is the best example of VIP taking over....they had a VIP spot set up front left speaker and like 70% rest of the area was like devoted to VIP.

About the falling attendance, I also think there's too many DJs starting up their own nights with similar music that splits the audience. At the same time...I'm happy that it creates more space tho.

I do wonder about Croatia a lot tbh...but Ibiza just has too much of a special place in my heart. I've always associated it as THE place to be for this music and the views are always incredible...like even just going from San Antonio to PDB is amazing.

I'm all over the place in this post. But just my thoughts
Yeah, those prices are pretty common and you'll even find that in Mykonos or Sardinia or anywhere else there's white painted decking and a bartender dressed in White ;)

... yes, and the problem is that the pressure to recoup refurbishment outlays in the first couple of years is immense. So when they all start upgrading together affordable rooms are like hens' teeth. I mean come on, nice though the room refurbs are am I really going to pay £165 single for a night at the Hotel Abrat overlooking the car park ? :rolleyes: :lol:

Sometimes last minute can work out but it's VERY much a gamble - you have to actually phone around and can get really burned if unlucky. I paid much less for a really nice double room at Gran Sol (actually £70 a night which in August is a miracle) than a licey pillow at Piscis Park (£120) this week calling up the night before and grabbing a no-show. But on the flip side I had to give up my great room there and move after 2 nights to pay more for a night in the corner cupboard at Hostal Tarba (£82 after they gave me a 10% return visitor discount). The hotels go in and out of full capacity over the course of a week and getting continuity anywhere is a real struggle. So bed-hopping and all the loss of quality time that involves is an August speciality for those who haven't booked way ahead unless you pay through the nose. Having a dirth of decent affordable places to park your valuables (not to mention car) and crash definitely makes last minute trips a struggle. When you flip up booking.com and hover over endless pins of rooms at £250 - £500 a night it's enough to put off all but the most determined !

Bit steep for Tarba!!!! Although, can't argue with their £18 a night Opening/Closing parties/winter prices... :D
I agree more places differ nights to go to this year, cant see clubs being as crowded as last year at all. It is better that its nots so crowded. That said some nights i wish were a bit busier
Bit steep for Tarba!!!! Although, can't argue with their £18 a night Opening/Closing parties/winter prices... :D

That was for the shyte tiny room at the end of the corridor too, which was 100 without breakfast before they offered me the discount at the desk unprompted when he recognized my face ! They've hiked prices to pay for that fancy refurbished Blooms restaurant/bar area and any vacancies they have this month are taken by people arriving at the bus station and basically begging for a room it's been fully booked on hotel booking sites for ages. Everyone is doing up and charging more and people have little choice but to cough up. Getting a single occupancy room under £100 a night in August is incredibly hard now - and may as well sleep in the car as take a bed at Amistadt lol !!! But been like that for a few years though it's nothing particularly new in peak season.
Stupid shit like buses not arriving when they should makes Ibiza expansive. You then have to rely on taxis. I can think of at least 3 times when the buses didn't arrive and I had to use taxis in both ibz and Formentera. I hate that.

You have to book early..and yeah the CDN dollar isn't as strong as it was in like 2012 so it takes more to get euros.

I still love the crowd...but I feel like the crowd was better in the past just from stories I hear.

Blue Marlin is the best example of VIP taking over....they had a VIP spot set up front left speaker and like 70% rest of the area was like devoted to VIP.

About the falling attendance, I also think there's too many DJs starting up their own nights with similar music that splits the audience. At the same time...I'm happy that it creates more space tho.

I do wonder about Croatia a lot tbh...but Ibiza just has too much of a special place in my heart. I've always associated it as THE place to be for this music and the views are always incredible...like even just going from San Antonio to PDB is amazing.

I'm all over the place in this post. But just my thoughts
Just got in and reading that made me smile, don't know why

Off me trolly I'll work it out in the morning
Been to Croatia for Electric Elephant and was fantastic, gorgeous part of the world and nice people. The BIG difference is it just isn't as liberal if you get my drift. Not many people pushing on through for days and nights at a time, not a lot of local characters and that makes things less twisted. Having said that, probably not that important to a lot of today's youth, so a real viable option for them

Mexico is the better option. Some great parties, cheap as you can get and edgy.

Looking likely that we won't even leave Pikes this year, too many bad experiences of late in the bigger clubs and the decent party people just ain't there anymore. Will just have to see how Pikes is holding out with the recent surge in popularity.

Like a lot of people these days I look elsewhere for those defining party moments. There are still good parties out there, but VIP culture and the people that are now attracted to the likes of OCB, Hi, Ushuaia and BM are slowly killing it across all parties.

Even Itaca being sucked into that commercial culture is worrying, as it happened to Mambo, Savannah and Cafe Del Mar years ago and it significantly changed things. More commercial, polished and expensive isn't Ibiza.

The next 5/10 years will be a very interesting time. I don't think people realise the danger of the current model to tourism in general and party tourists.

I'll still be there, just not sure where.
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