After hearing a few stories on the island about things getting tougher for music events, venues etc it seems to be the conversation of the April / May rumour mill, with recent added stories adding and fueling the conversation. It's always like this here, and it will continue to be. It may be getting more so, I don't know. There have been a few panicked posts, including ones regarding our cancelling of an event yesterday.
Contrary to a couple of posts, our license is fine, intact, and it's business as usual.
Business owners, promoters and dj's, we're all just gonna have to up our game and stay ahead of this lot I'm afraid. That means what hours you do parties, how big you let them get, how loud you let the dj's play and now, how you word your promotion. It seems now the authorities have (finally!) begun to study social media to find out what's going on and the wording of the definition of the party seems to be causing offence. Avoiding words like 'Festival', 'After Party' etc. for a start seems to be something people are gonna have to take on board.
So after some 'un-forseen circumstances' (See? Choose your words) we are business as normal. Sorry for the incovenience people, and sorry to the promoters who despite great efforts, dedication, passion for what we all do and sheer hard work, had more than just an inconvenience.
Sunday was good fun down here anyway, just saying ;-)
Thanks Dx