This may seem like a bit of a rant, but is anyone else getting kind of fed up with the " ibiza isn't what it used to be" comments? I see tons of these particularly on social media (tiktok/instagram being the main offenders) and they seem to be on the increase, it's like some people ( naming no names other than a certain tiktok ibiza club ticket salesman!) want the island to lose it's tourism and charm!
Ultimately the island itself and its beauty will never change, but the club scene is naturally going to evolve over time the same way anything else does. Go back to the 90s and i'm sure the clubs wouldn't be the only thing that is strikingly different to now. YES ticket prices and drinks prices are up significantly on what they used to be but let's be honest Ibiza has never been the cheapest place to get a beer in a club.
Additionally I can't help but think the people that make these comments simply have either only ever been to ibiza once or twice OR only ever go for the clubs and nothing else. As everyone on this forum knows there are incredible restaurants, beaches, hikes and so much more available to us.
YES the government and police are making it harder for certain parties to take place at certain times of the day and that is both a shame and needs to be addressed properly, but to the people saying " Ibiza is dead " - look closer. I was on the island last week and had just as much of a good time as I ever have - even managed to come home with a kidney infection for good measure!
BTW - None of the above is aimed at anyone on this forum, just a general observation from me
Keen to get everyones thoughts on this - not sure if this thread is the right place so Admin, feel free to move this elswhere!