Ibiza 2012

I can either party during the day OR party at night. I'm too old to do both (so don't require clubs/parties to be constantly open). The amount of stuff required to keep me going would probably result in a paranoid freak-out. :lol:
Robder / Beckiboo, it's bullsh!t to think that you can't party in the daytime in Ibiza anymore. Just not all the time.

Woah woah woah - I've not said the partying thing is the reason why I haven't been to Ibiza in a couple of years. And all the things you've listed there I've already done, believe me.

I'm saying the clientele has changed, that's what I don't like. It's gone from being pretty uncool in mainstream terms to being super-cool, and that's what's started attracting the douchebags IMO.

People used to say to me "why do you go to Ibiza? It's all techno and pill-heads isn't it?" - whereas now you have Dizzee Rascal, Example etc playing out there, and the people who previously slagged it off are booking their holidays there! It's these same people who are updating their Facebook with "At Bora Bora... siiickkkk!" which makes me feel glad I'm not there too!

Maybe it is a bit of snobbery, but I bet it'll be no different in 10 years when the now 19-yr olds are 29 and saying the exact same thing! When you go somewhere for a long time and are used to it in a certain way, and then it changes... yeah it does make you a bit snobby!

And I probably will go back - because of the gorgeous beaches, restaurants, bars and underground club nights which I love. But at will I go back to Space, Bora Bora, Amnesia etc? I'm not sure...

(Well, maybe for Cocoon! )
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When I go Ibiza its for a holiday.

Relax, nice food, sunbathing and the choice of say 6/7 big club nights each night, plus so many places to visit that I will never visit them all by the time I die.

All within 220 square miles, a quarter of the size of the small county that I live in.
People used to say to me "why do you go to Ibiza? It's all techno and pill-heads isn't it?" - whereas now you have Dizzee Rascal, Example etc playing out there, and the people who previously slagged it off are booking their holidays there! It's these same people who are updating their Facebook with "At Bora Bora... siiickkkk!" which makes me feel glad I'm not there too!

i agree , though I never feel glad Im not there, I know exactly what you mean about the people who used to slag it off and it becoming more mainstream. Think thats been reflected in the visitor numbers this season too.
i agree , though I never feel glad Im not there, I know exactly what you mean about the people who used to slag it off and it becoming more mainstream. Think thats been reflected in the visitor numbers this season too.

Never glad I'm not in Ibiza as a whole of course... but I meant glad I'm not there at Bora Bora with those douchebags around me! :lol:

I'm honestly in love with the island, think it;s one of the most beautiful places on earth, but the type of holiday I would take there has changed. I don't think I'd go to the same places I did for the past 10 years. But maybe that's a good thing!
People used to say to me "why do you go to Ibiza? It's all techno and pill-heads isn't it?" - whereas now you have Dizzee Rascal, Example etc playing out there, and the people who previously slagged it off are booking their holidays there! It's these same people who are updating their Facebook with "At Bora Bora... siiickkkk!" which makes me feel glad I'm not there too!

But before techno, trance and house took over Ibiza, it was musically very diverse (so I believe!). I like the whole Ibiza Rocks thing - seeing a band play on a warm evening. Even if it's a band you don't particularly like (and I saw Biffy Clyro there...) the vibe is good. I don't know of anyone who has said 'it's all techno and pill-heads' about Ibiza - there's been a mainstream package holiday scene there for years, surely?
This is where it's a personal thing though.

I liked the musical direction Ibiza took in the late 90s. I went to an Azuli MoS party at Pacha in 99 and house had suddenly got over the speed garage hump and returned to its US roots.

Hearing stuff like 'Dubtribe - Equitoreal', 'Rolando - Knights of the Jaguar' and 'ATFC - The voice ('that' shirts off mix)' for the first time in such elegant surroundings made for the perfect combination.

Tracks with such a latin influence just didn't sound the same back home.

...perhaps people feel the same about Dizzee Rascal, who knows. :lol:

I'm sure it's still brilliant on a good day though.
I know what you mean, Robder - that latin house style works very well in the sun. But so does plenty of other music. One band we were hoping to catch at Ibiza Rocks was Friendly Fires, but I couldn't get away that week; I think they would have worked pretty well on a warm evening.

Then you've got the whole sunset chill out thing. It's good to hear DJs get creative with what might work at that time.

I don't mind the Rascal. (I bought his first album, before all the plebs got into him. ;)) Dunno if he's that 'Balearic', but if he was playing IR while I was over, I'd happily go see him. It's the indie landfill stuff that generally offends me: The Vaccines, Kooks, Wombats, etc. Snore.
best thread/debate on here for ages.

i still go....have been going for a looong time and have hardly missed a year. i think next year when i go for my stag do will be the last time though.

thats not cos i don't enjoy it anymore, i still do hugely. this year was right up there with the best trips i have had.

Things change and Ibiza certainly has changed....some elements for the better and some for the worst. Barbie has a point with regards to the change in the laws...that has certainly had a big effect and most notably, in my view, on WLS. For me that day/night was the pinnacle of clubbing......the old terrace in the middle of the afternoon/early evening was just THE best room i've ever been in. The atmosphere when you were with all your mates (some of whom have posted in this thread) was unbeatable. The change in laws has changed WLS from a daytme party to a nightime party. And, for me, that is a shame. I still love Space but it isn't the same on a Sunday anymore!
Barbie - who said you have to be the one doing the driving ? If you're only going to Ibiza for clubbing then I agree it's likely not the best place. But the best places for clubbing don't have Ibiza's 'extras'. So if the 'extras' are not sufficiently important to you and your clubbing preferences are that demanding then maybe it's not the right place for you any more. However, you'd be very much in the minority as far as not being able to make a trip out there work for you.

I've done all the 'extras' - we always hired a car, drove to different beaches, villages, restaurants, I even got married in Ibiza so I know all about what else Ibiza has to offer. But the reason why I kept returning to Ibiza, and what set it apart from anywhere else in the world imo, was the clubs. The 'extras' per se are not enough to get me returning to Ibiza time and time again. As I said earlier in the thread, if I want beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants, 'stuff' to do, then there are umpteen places I would go to above Ibiza.

I may go back one day but in the last 3 years I've not missed it in the slightest. But as I said earlier I'm sure Ibiza hasn't missed me one bit either :lol: Not when there are 1000s of bright eyed first timers eager to spend their hard earned euros on 18 euros drinks - they don't want a cynical tight old witch like me hogging their dancefloor :lol:
Things change and Ibiza certainly has changed....some elements for the better and some for the worst. Barbie has a point with regards to the change in the laws...that has certainly had a big effect and most notably, in my view, on WLS. For me that day/night was the pinnacle of clubbing......the old terrace in the middle of the afternoon/early evening was just THE best room i've ever been in. The atmosphere when you were with all your mates (some of whom have posted in this thread) was unbeatable. The change in laws has changed WLS from a daytme party to a nightime party. And, for me, that is a shame. I still love Space but it isn't the same on a Sunday anymore!

Nail on head young man ;)

The last time I went to WLS it made me so sad - the place was virtually empty until 11pm and you can't help but compare it to the old days.

But as someone here rightly said if they never went in those days they have nothing to compare it to so it's a lot easier for them to appreciate Ibiza for what it is now.
Nail on head young man ;)

The last time I went to WLS it made me so sad - the place was virtually empty until 11pm and you can't help but compare it to the old days.

But as someone here rightly said if they never went in those days they have nothing to compare it to so it's a lot easier for them to appreciate Ibiza for what it is now.

I agree with you about We Love.. mornings on the sunset terrace were special and now that is gone it's just become another club night which I would only go to if certain people were playing. I still love going to Ibiza because I make my own fun however it has become more vip, look at me I'm gorgeous and as someone who really loves music rather than trying to look the best I dont like being around people who refuse to get sweaty and hanging. Ibiza used to have an anything goes vibe everyone seemed a bit bonkers now I just don't feel that at all But its the same as good underground nights in the UK.. trendys get word that they are the place to be and then they come and take over. And thats definitely not the opinion of someone who is getting older and jaded because the older I get the harder I party
It's really good to see a proper vet chat about the state of the nation again :lol: ! I think in the end you either have a lifelong love affair with Ibiza and feel a happiess there which transcends its foibles, flaws and changing crowds, or you don't. My first experiences of the island did not involve clubs. But they sure helped beef up the frequency of my visits. So maybe I fell in love with something different to some others.

It depends what drives your desire to go. If it was your group of friends who are all grown up now :)lol:) and the days of 24-hour clubbing then it's trickier. But I will tell you one thing for a fact - Space closing on the final morning still rocked it. The atmosphere was different to yesteryear for sure but the crowd was just as great. It wasn't Row 14 on a public holiday (that kind of abandoned decadence is very very rare these days) but the huge number of seasoned clubbers having a blast spoke volumes.

I agree about Bora Bora and the crowd which is going there. That is all over for me. But Sands and La Plage are as cool as anywhere else when they start going off :!:.

We Love as is was is over. It was great while it lasted but it's moved on (nothing lasts forever) and of course not for the better all in all. But I've moved on too - and couldn't hang around clubs for 24 hours at a time drinking 15Euro drinks anyway. And next year I'll likely go over for Portinatx Beach Party and hope to catch an all-nighter at s'Estanyol.

All in all, if you're not "feeling it" any more then don't bother going and hang on to your memories. There are places in France I feel like this about - and Peter Mayle single-handedly wrecked a load of them. The atmosphere changed too radically and wiped out the magic for me. So I don't go back and hang on to my happy memories instead :)/:(.
I agree with you about We Love.. mornings on the sunset terrace were special and now that is gone it's just become another club night which I would only go to if certain people were playing. I still love going to Ibiza because I make my own fun however it has become more vip, look at me I'm gorgeous and as someone who really loves music rather than trying to look the best I dont like being around people who refuse to get sweaty and hanging. Ibiza used to have an anything goes vibe everyone seemed a bit bonkers now I just don't feel that at all But its the same as good underground nights in the UK.. trendys get word that they are the place to be and then they come and take over. And thats definitely not the opinion of someone who is getting older and jaded because the older I get the harder I party

^^agree !
Last time i was at space was`97..jon marsh on the terrace and David holmes inside.I have only gone to two clubs since then and that was in febuary,Kato`s Bordello night in Somni and Grial..We still go every year but since 1999 we bring the kids every summer so no clubbing for us.Don`t miss not going clubbing but did enjoy the few days in febuary..8)
And to compare the bands of the eighties being in Ibiza to the pop music of now that David Guetta and SHM is bringing in is very wrong. I was never in Ibiza in the 80's my first time was in 1999 but I know that most of the pop music that fits into the dance scene now is aimed at teenagers while in the 80's 8 year olds could love the same music as 35 year olds.