Ibiza 2012

A bit harsh our group were newbies to the island this year. Not one of us went there for the celebrities or TOWIE whatever they/that is :oops:
We went because we know it is the place to go clubbing. Out of the 5 of us that went only 2 of us was into dance music the other 3 are Indie/Rock heads. Safe to say all 5 of us came back having had the best time and experienced the real ibiza and all 5 of us loving the music. So much so we are planning 2 trips out there next year, so dont presume all newbies are going for the celebrities or glamourous side to Ibiza.

:lol: it was a 'bit' harsh...but Bec has a point - Ibiza is a marketing man's dream these days.

It used to be a place to drink yourself into oblivion, get your baps out for channel four and vomit on the pavement...or dance in some of the world's best clubs with other music lovers. (and the two tribes were worlds apart)

Now the jet set 'society' Eurotrash turnout have arrived. If you mentioned Ibiza to a perma tanned bint with plastic norks and a £100k handbag back in the mid 90s, she'd eye you with disdain and rock up somewhere from the 'what's hot' list in Tatler magazine.

The music lovers are still there - but you don't get much bang for your buck these days and many have chipped yard and gone elsewhere.

OlskiNotts said:
the only thing I really dislike about the place is the snobs.

You may have a point on the old timer bit...but rose coloured spectacles removed - are you telling me taking up valuable terrace reel estate with roped off VIP areas full of society w@nkers and bottles of water for £8 are things to evangelise about?
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Well as I am not one who had the experience before then I cant miss what I never had ;) I can totally see the point with the VIP areas, pacha appears to get really bad press for this but then I wouldnt go to pacha....ever after reading about it here despite the fact I wouldnt mind going to a defected night for the tunes. Im not "glam" enough for pacha :lol: So in that sense I see your point. But I wont let it bother me enough to not go yet, maybe once they section off parts of amnesia downstairs for cocoon as a VIP I may well change my tune. But until then I will just enjoy Ibiza for what it is and at the minute for me its almost perfect. Day time raving is something that attracted me there, then when I got there I found out it was no more :(
I dis-like a lot of this snobbery on here.

Why is it snobbery saying that we don't like the new regimented clubbing rules and all the VIP nonsense that goes hand in hand with the Ibiza clubs these days? Believe me I would LOVE to still be going to Ibiza and rocking up at Space on a Sunday morning, dancing all day in the sunshine and then into the night, and then cracking through to DC10 on a Monday morning, but alas it's no more :( So for me, sad as it is, what Ibiza has turned into is just not for me anymore, so I holiday elsewhere. But I can appreciate that loads and loads of people still love it despite all the changes and each to their own. I'm sure Ibiza isn't missing me one bit :lol:

(Anyway I can't get into an argument with a fellow Forest supporter so let's agree to disagree ;) )
Why is it snobbery saying that we don't like the new regimented clubbing rules and all the VIP nonsense that goes hand in hand with the Ibiza clubs these days? Believe me I would LOVE to still be going to Ibiza and rocking up at Space on a Sunday morning, dancing all day in the sunshine and then into the night, and then cracking through to DC10 on a Monday morning, but alas it's no more :( So for me, sad as it is, what Ibiza has turned into is just not for me anymore, so I holiday elsewhere. But I can appreciate that loads and loads of people still love it despite all the changes and each to their own. I'm sure Ibiza isn't missing me one bit :lol:

(Anyway I can't get into an argument with a fellow Forest supporter so let's agree to disagree ;) )

Where else can you do that then? (or similar?)
Alas this is true.

I love Berlin and all - it's got the alternative element that Ibiza never had...but it's still lacking in the Balearic department.

As much as I love dark techno (and gnarly punks in rubber :lol:), I'm a soul boy at heart. I'm told Berlin is really eclectic nowadays (outside Berghain) but you still can't beat sunshine and h.o.u.s.e.

Croatia? :confused:

Who knows to be honest.
Why is it snobbery saying that we don't like the new regimented clubbing rules and all the VIP nonsense that goes hand in hand with the Ibiza clubs these days? Believe me I would LOVE to still be going to Ibiza and rocking up at Space on a Sunday morning, dancing all day in the sunshine and then into the night, and then cracking through to DC10 on a Monday morning, but alas it's no more :( So for me, sad as it is, what Ibiza has turned into is just not for me anymore, so I holiday elsewhere. But I can appreciate that loads and loads of people still love it despite all the changes and each to their own. I'm sure Ibiza isn't missing me one bit :lol:

(Anyway I can't get into an argument with a fellow Forest supporter so let's agree to disagree ;) )

I am not arguing I like the debate :p
If I were in your shoes I may feel down beat about it, BUT......im not so I shall enjoy it for what it is :lol: I could never cope with a marathon session like that anyway now at the grand old age of 29 the comedown would make me paranoid of impending death :D:oops: I too would love to do these things, but also couldnt afford to whack the cost involved in doing such. There are day time parties on the island the flyers are posted on here regular throughout the season and also with opening and closing parties there is usually a day time event somewhere where the blind eye is turned.

And what I meant by snobbery is the way some on here look down their nose at folk like me who enjoy it for what it is. Maybe I have took what I read wrong and if so then apologies not wanted to start an argument but there is no need for some to make out its crap these days when it clearly isnt. Makes me feel that people think we are fools because we still go and enjoy ourselves despite all the trauma that comes from VIP and commercialism :) I hate pretty boys to, the place is full of em, but I dont stop going just because they ruin my vibe ;)

Edited....YOUUU REDSSSS 8)
as far as I can tell, for the week I was there for in late september, i don't think there wasn't a time when you couldn't be out at a club or an afterparty. seemed a lot more relaxed, but i dunno what like it was throughout the season.

as for me, i did three and a half hours* in dc10 and that was the extent of my forays into clubs this time :lol:

(*had a ****ing excellent time though!)
Robder / Beckiboo, it's bullsh!t to think that you can't party in the daytime in Ibiza anymore. Just not all the time. You could quite happily swing from afterparty to workers party to villa party to preparty with a dip into Ibiza Town and round the music bars in between without ever seeing a club. You just need to be freely mobile to jump around what's on offer and have a fair idea of where to go to avoid the irritations.

I agree with JV places like Hush in the West End are actually pretty decent and fun. They're not Space or Privilege, nor do they feature the hippest deep house DJs of the hour. But the crowd's controlled, the drinks are London not Ibiza prices and "normal" people make up the majority. That's likely why you're there !! There are also many little night-time spots in Ibiza Town to hide out in :!:

Partying at Sands at lunchtime on a simple wooden dancefloor is still great fun after tanking up out of the back of a hire car. No-one's actually clocking whether you buy their 10Euro drinks or not. You won't be able to use the sunloungers without paying. But who cares - the sun is shining and if you don't want to then just lie on the beach a few feet away :!: The prices actually help keep the average age up a bit.

Grial stays open till 6am, so does Underground and the like. Aura is cool. If you don't want to sleep in the mornings you can always have your own party with mates till the music starts again at midday. Sure the Superclubs are not open for a few hours in the mornings before the bars (and Ushuaia :confused:) kick off again. But jump in a jeep, thow on some balearic tunes and head out to one of the awesome remote spots and your life suddenly feels very 8) indeed :!: Or go to one of the few morning afters as and when they crop up, before they get shut down.

Personally, I probably prefer marathon clubbing sessions in Northern Europe to Ibiza - because the weather is so pants most of the time in London etc. you're not missing much else !!

Ibiza is actually so nice in the daytime round and about that aside from the odd daytime party, walking round the coasts, forests and villages, North/NE, swimming, chilling, stopping off for a simple lunch and a jug of Sangria with a friend is actually far more fun for me nowadays when the weather is great than dancing all day. Before you know it it's sunset again.

There are masses of places to check out now, some good, some not so good (London is no different) - but bar crawling when it's free entry is no rip-off (you just pay for drinks - if you order them that is). The hippy/psy-trance vibe still exists in (small) pockets in the North-East too if you want it :!: Ask around. The place is what you make of it. Commercialism is rife, yes, but that's the same most places. Just steer Paris Hilton and David Guetta a wide berth when they prance past - and if you can get your a*se up to Sa Pedrera by 11am you'll most likely have the place to yourself :twisted:8)8). Couldn't do a San An or PDB staycation. Never could even back in the day :!:

You cannot fall out of love with the natural Ibiza. It's out of this world. And every day and night there's music everywhere. What's not to enjoy :?:
Congratulations on such a well fomatted post.

:eek: that's me told. :lol: ;)

You're right, there's everything to enjoy!

I just find it a bit of a faff - I'm not part of the villa micro scene, nor do I like to party with workers (they're all gap year students).

Circoloco isn't promoted by Charlie Chester any more, there's an unsightly roof, it feels like an air conditioned leisure centre, the crusties are no longer out in force and the toilets aren't swimming in sh!t...plus there's a branded shop down the road.

I'm just a jaded 90s raver who doesn't like change, ignore me while I moan myself off to bed. ;)
More or less agree with Kimajy ^ bit less partying though,this year has been one of the best.
Will endeavour to carry on...
I just find it a bit of a faff

A total faff :lol: Kimajy I believe I read elsewhere that you drink and drive when you're over there so it's not a faff for you, for those who are massively opposed to drink/drug driving, all what you've said is just a massive faff. If I'm leaving a club at 6am in a morning and wanting to carry on, there is a reason why I want to carry on, so to find these infamous villa parties/workers parties (done both, and both generally bore me to tears, it's not after partying as I want it) I either:

a) drive there under the influence, or
b) get a taxi to drive me there because everyone knows that taxis are SO plentiful when you leave a club in Ibiza and a taxi driver is going to want to take me on a wild goose chase as I go from x to y to z looking for an after party that may or may not be on and then may or may not be shut down :lol: That's surely a way to whack up an already expensive night in Ibiza.

I basically just can't be arsed with all that nonsense for mediocre clubbing.
Berlin-on-Sea ?


Barbie - who said you have to be the one doing the driving ? If you're only going to Ibiza for clubbing then I agree it's likely not the best place. But the best places for clubbing don't have Ibiza's 'extras'. So if the 'extras' are not sufficiently important to you and your clubbing preferences are that demanding then maybe it's not the right place for you any more. However, you'd be very much in the minority as far as not being able to make a trip out there work for you.

There aren't THAT many decent daytime parties in Europe in the daytime outside a couple of days a week, now, are there ?