Ibiza 2012

My first trip was 2009 and the only difference I can see is that 2011 I felt more of an edge in places I hadnt previously. That said it was August and radio one weekend(not that I would lower myself to such an event) so I guess that brought the riff raff out :D
I walked around san an and the bay with no top on as did 100's of other men mainly brits at a guess but I never had anything said to me.
Whilst I understand the place isnt the same nothing in life stands still. I will just go and enjoy it because its so much better then the other "resorts" on offer in Europe at the minute and the island itself is beautiful and has something special about it. I still think its far less dangerous to go out in the west end and shout racist abuse then it is to even attempt a decent night out in "napa" or playa de las americas where it is full of people only there to get so srunk they fall over. Ibiza still has this but its a minority in my opinion. I also like the fact that the dutch, spanish, italions etc turn up to the big clubs for the underground music as I feel the vibe is better then the drunken brits trying to start fights. I read on here someone saying how amazing it was hearing ultra bate at space in the day and how magic it was, but for me its my worst nightmare :lol: I think from what I have read the music is far better these days as are the events but the day time laws mean less parties so it depends what you want. Decent music, good vibes with a range of people, nice sites to visit and the odd day time party available or magaluf and pop remixes of beyonce and jason derulo in a club rammed with brits singing football songs and throwing glasses/bottles at each other? I know what I would rather do 8)
in 2010 I had one of my best trips to Ibiza (first trip 1997) and this summer probably my worst! however I think if you are visiting somewhere so regularly you arnt going to hit the heights EVERY time for one reason or another. Im hoping to get back next summer to put this year right :lol:
so much has changed since I first went - id love to be able to go back to 97 to recount it properly, and a lot has remained the same. but I still get the same buzz when i land.
I've only been in the last couple of years, so I've never seen the change into commercialism that Ibiza has gone through with some of it's nights.

That sad, I still love, and will still go back every year. 2009 is still my best year for me.
But a lot of that has to do with the music I love morphing in to something I'm not so keen on... but all music genres must evolve, else they become stale and forgotten about.

Hopefully 2012 and the two planned trips will go down a treat.

I do think some more smaller clubs like Sankeys are needed over in Ibiza, to see more of the smaller talent that exists out there in the big wide world.
I know people are talking about the music being commercial, but I remember Manumission having a commercial tie-in with Orange as far back as the late 90s. IIRC they had an "orange meeting point" in the club. Im sure Ive got the little card which had a map of privi on somewhere
I know people are talking about the music being commercial, but I remember Manumission having a commercial tie-in with Orange as far back as the late 90s. IIRC they had an "orange meeting point" in the club. Im sure Ive got the little card which had a map of privi on somewhere

That would've been around the time I went to those (legendary) Bacardi parties on the original Space terrace.

Ibiza has always been commercial.

My beef is with the regimented laws and daytime dancing ban.
My beef is with the people who go there now. My "normal" friends used to think I was a scumbag because I always went to Ibiza (I let them think that, we didn't want that type there anyway!) but now every perma-tanned Essex bod goes to Ibiza, I mean, even the TOWIE lot went there this year!

It used to be cool, because you were in the know about music (well that's what we thought anyway), now it just seems to be touching on another Malia.

I've got a lot of friends who are Essex girls and I love them of course! But when they start wanting to go to Ibiza is the time it makes me stop wanting to go there...
Ibiza, as far as I know, has always attracted some riff-raff as a package destination - the sort that just want a cheap holiday getting p!$$ed in the sun and to whom it's probably quite interchangeable with Zante, Benidorm, etc. I know people who've been to Ibiza that have no knowledge of dance music whatsoever and have never stepped foot in the big clubs. I doubt they care much for the pretty sunset either. The difference between Ibiza and those other places is, while there are a lot of twattish tourists, you *can* still find stuff that adds extra value.
When i first went I didnt have a clue about Ibiza, I wasnt a big clubber really, and I only went cos mates were going. We spent most of our time in the west end (we were 18-19) and did Privilege and Es Paradis I think! The "cool" people probably would have said we were the type of people they didnt want on the island. But nearly 15 years later ive stayed all over the island and visited a lot of it, as well as the clubs/bars. But I needed that introduction to it somehow to get to know it, and amongst those 'Essex-types' referred to above, I bet theres a lot that end up doing similar.
I think for me it was always about clubbing, that's why I went to Ibiza, for the dj's and the clubs. Today's newbies are going because Abby Clancey and the cast of TOWIE go there.

Although I get what you're saying, the Ibiza veterans of the 90's probably looked at us all coming over for DC10, Cocoon, We love Sundays etc and thought "Ibiza is ruined!"

And like-wise the hippies from the 80's about the people in the 90's etc etc
Just go there and do what you want to do... I don't get too fussed about what people think of my clubbing schedule. I'm happy to admit I enjoy a laugh in the west end and actually enjoy some of the establishments (like Hush). Some of the big clubs can be a bit too posey (i wonder if people are there for the music or just to show off in many cases), which is just one of the reasons why I prefer clubbing back in Glasgow. :twisted:

The main thing is that idiots don't ruin it for you, but I can remember occasional dodgy situations (almost being pickpocketed, a guy walking around with blood spilling from his head after nutting someone, etc) stretching back to since I started going in the early noughties.

Any event I actually pay decent money to see is unlikely to have any TOWIEs at it, since I doubt TOWIEs know much about dance music beyond Guetta, etc. (And someone would have to pay ME to watch him. :lol:)
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If you're going to go to a big club every night, spend ages there and buy lots of £15 drinks, true. But it doesn't have to be like that.

While peeps are round paying silly money for a sunset at Mambo, I'm usually at the Golden Buddha. Both cheaper and more relaxed!

If you're going to go to a big club every night, spend ages there and buy lots of £15 drinks, true. But it doesn't have to be like that.

While peeps are round paying silly money for a sunset at Mambo, I'm usually at the Golden Buddha. Both cheaper and more relaxed!

Is that place down near Kanya?
If you're going to go to a big club every night, spend ages there and buy lots of £15 drinks

Is there an alternative?

Jeez I'd need to marry George Michael and turn up on a yacht to afford a two week holiday there these days.

The end result = a few trendy Wendy workers and an absence of clubbers (all on exile to Croatia and Berlin)
I've got to agree with Robder and Becki. I've not been since 2009 either, the reason I went 25+ times between 1996 - 2009 was solely for the clubs, yes there's some ok beaches and some nice restaurants but if I want beautiful beaches and amazing restaurants there's umpteen places I'll go to above Ibiza. Call me shallow but it was the clubs that lured me back to Ibiza time and time again.

I never thought there would be a time when I didn't go to Ibiza, but with the non daytime clubbing laws (it was daytime clubbing that set Ibiza apart from anywhere in the world....and don't tell me I can now go to a pool party from 5pm purrrllleassse - if I wanted to go to Vegas and Miami I would :spank:) and all the VIP nonsense, then at the moment there's nothing that makes me want to go to Ibiza these days.

If I want a clubbing holiday, give me Berlin any day of the week :twisted:
Ibiza has always been full of posers, snobs, rich kids and wannabes.

It's been "trendy" and a place to go and be seen for years.

But there was quite a noticable increase in the "braying hordes" this year.:lol:

I spent a lovely night in Ibiza town this year, where everyone we met were friendly, happy, chatty and random and the whole atmosphere was as fantastic as the first time I rattled round those cobbled streets on my first visit.

I remember being pleased that despite the changes, some things still stayed the same.

However, although I tend not to get too hung up on how mcuh I spend when on holiday, I did feel quite resentful of the cost this time.

Overall, I much preferred Barcelona this year for the nightlife. But Ibiza still has the "vibe" if you look in the right places.
That said, I didn't venture anywhere near PDB so coudln't comment on what it's like over there nowadays.
I dis-like a lot of this snobbery on here. So what if it isnt like it used to be, maybe the fact you went 20-30 times is the reason you are bored of it and nothing would change that. But its a convenient excuse and if this wasnt the case something else would be. Maybe a lot of us still love it for what it is because we didnt see the glory days and we still find it far more enjoyable then anywhere else. Each to their own and all that, the only thing I really dislike about the place is the snobs. And they are always English(surprise surprise) that wear the trendy everything and look browner when they go then when I come back :lol: but at the end of the day I dont let them bother me or ruin my holiday.
I think for me it was always about clubbing, that's why I went to Ibiza, for the dj's and the clubs. Today's newbies are going because Abby Clancey and the cast of TOWIE go there.

A bit harsh our group were newbies to the island this year. Not one of us went there for the celebrities or TOWIE whatever they/that is :oops:
We went because we know it is the place to go clubbing. Out of the 5 of us that went only 2 of us was into dance music the other 3 are Indie/Rock heads. Safe to say all 5 of us came back having had the best time and experienced the real ibiza and all 5 of us loving the music. So much so we are planning 2 trips out there next year, so dont presume all newbies are going for the celebrities or glamourous side to Ibiza.