Ibiza 2012

I wish I did...daytime dancing laws and stupid veeeee eye peeees. Grrrr.

Though I can back up your claims - my friend went this year and said it was pretty good.
As I said earlier in the thread, if I want beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants, 'stuff' to do, then there are umpteen places I would go to above Ibiza.

I may go back one day but in the last 3 years I've not missed it in the slightest. But as I said earlier I'm sure Ibiza hasn't missed me one bit either :lol: Not when there are 1000s of bright eyed first timers eager to spend their hard earned euros on 18 euros drinks - they don't want a cynical tight old witch like me hogging their dancefloor :lol:

How about Gili Trawangan then ? Need never worry about having to drive there ;) .. (just a fortune in air fares instead and a l o n g journey home ! :lol:)
How about Gili Trawangan then ? Need never worry about having to drive there ;) .. (just a fortune in air fares instead and a l o n g journey home ! :lol:)

Been there and it's one of my favourite islands in the world. I don't think the air fare should necessarily put people off (granted we were there when we were travelling for 6 months so had worked our way down through Malaysia and Indonesia) but if you are flying from the UK, you can get a relatively cheap flight with Air Asia to Kuala Lumpur and then a dirt cheap flight from there to Bali and then boat to the Gilis. Then once you get there you can live like a King and Queen for a few £s a day (plus have mushroom shakes on tap :lol:). We actually worked out that even including air fares, we could holiday for 2 weeks on the Gilis for significantly less than we used to spend in Ibiza :spank:

Granted you've got that flight home but nothing that a few wines and a sleeping tablet wouldn't sort ;)
Been there and it's one of my favourite islands in the world. I don't think the air fare should necessarily put people off (granted we were there when we were travelling for 6 months so had worked our way down through Malaysia and Indonesia) but if you are flying from the UK, you can get a relatively cheap flight with Air Asia to Kuala Lumpur and then a dirt cheap flight from there to Bali and then boat to the Gilis. Then once you get there you can live like a King and Queen for a few £s a day (plus have mushroom shakes on tap :lol:). We actually worked out that even including air fares, we could holiday for 2 weeks on the Gilis for significantly less than we used to spend in Ibiza :spank:

Granted you've got that flight home but nothing that a few wines and a sleeping tablet wouldn't sort ;)

I agree once your in Asia, it is cheap as chip to get around and live. I party like a rock star and still have money for the return. The flight back can be daunting over 2 days traveling and 24 hours of flying time for me back to the east coast of the USA. The Asia trips are well worth it.
I agree once your in Asia, it is cheap as chip to get around and live. I party like a rock star and still have money for the return. The flight back can be daunting over 2 days traveling and 24 hours of flying time for me back to the east coast of the USA. The Asia trips are well worth it.

I know I think that's what makes me such a tight arse now :lol: I can spend more on a bottle of water in Ibiza than I would do living it up for a full day and night in some places in Asia :spank:

Agree on the flights from the States though, we met quite a few Americans and Canadians over there and their journeys were :eek: You don't seem to get (many/any?) direct flights to a central hub like Bangkok/KL/Singapore like we do in UK/Europe.
How about Gili Trawangan then ? Need never worry about having to drive there ;) .. (just a fortune in air fares instead and a l o n g journey home ! :lol:)

See and here's another one of those "it's not what it used to be" conversations! :lol: :lol:

I'm afraid to go back there because I was there nearly 10 years ago and have been told how MUCH that place has changed!

When I've seen some pictures or heard stories it sounds soooooo different, I'm afraid to go back!!!
See and here's another one of those "it's not what it used to be" conversations! :lol: :lol:

I'm afraid to go back there because I was there nearly 10 years ago and have been told how MUCH that place has changed!

When I've seen some pictures or heard stories it sounds soooooo different, I'm afraid to go back!!!

You wouldn't recognise it Meryl - it's still pretty basic and absolutely beautiful (and the shakes are still plentiful :lol:) but a lot more developed than the 3 shacks which were there when you went :lol:;)
You wouldn't recognise it Meryl - it's still pretty basic and absolutely beautiful (and the shakes are still plentiful :lol:) but a lot more developed than the 3 shacks which were there when you went :lol:;)

As long as they still have those delicious mushroom shakes!!! :lol: :lol:
As long as they still have those delicious mushroom shakes!!! :lol: :lol:

It's so bizarre that in this country which has some of the heaviest penalties for drugs in the world there is this little island sanctuary where you can't move for tripping over mushroom shakes, weed and the rest :lol:
I saw Seth at Kehkuma(prob spelt wrong) having not even heard of him before and it was amazing. First and only time though so I didnt know he was so popular that you old timers would be putting us down ;)
Why is there a swimming pool in privilege? Why cant they swim in it? If they cant then what is the point?
Also the pics of the "amazing manumission" look like a crap party to me. Hardly rammed full of folk having a good dance is it :p
I researched Ibiza mentally before going and didnt realise space didnt open early doors anymore until we got there and the tickets were for night.....I was gutted. Totally empathise with those who went to that and cant do it again, however the closing weekend seems to follow this kind of suit so why cant they do it all through the season? :(
Finally can some one give me a couple of grand to book and see out the closing parties next year? :lol:
Here is an interesting piece about Gill Trawangan asking is it the "New Ibiza" penned by the man who wrote the original Rough Guide to Ibiza....


Written by my lovely buddy Ian from Brighton and previously discussed here ;)


I wouldn't say Gili T is the new Ibiza, in fact I don't think anywhere will be the 'new Ibiza' - it's a different world out there these days....but for anyone wanting beautiful beaches, chilled out days laid in a hammock drinking Binting, dancing under the stars and THE best mushroom shakes in the world (and all for cheap as chip prices - we were there in high season but still paid just £15 a night for accomodation and couldn't have spent more than £15 a day on food, drink and everything else) then it's a very special place 8)
A newbies persepctive on this from America.....

Now I get a lot of the british jokes and references, but im a bit lost on the Essex girls references, so if someone could explain that one to me...but anyway, as someone who got into dance music roughly 2008-2009 because of David Guetta and the Swedish House Mafia guys...I can certainly see how I would start to be the type that you all refer to as being hated...but I can certainly agree that you have to start somewhere. In America its almost impossible until just recently to have decent exposure to dance music unless you go searching for it unfortunately. After a study abroad trip allotted me a chance to spend two days in Ibiza in 2010 (i did FMIF and Supermartxe..yes i know..couldnt be more opposite of big nights, dont ask me haha)...it influenced me to spend 2 full weeks there this summer with some college friends. Yes a few nights certainly included us getting hammered drunk in the west end, but that was mainly because we had gone to major clubs every night and spent a ton of money for entrance. But the reason i came back to ibiza is what was important, i dont really care about the whole VIP scene, maybe id try it if i had the money (i managed to only spend $1600 american in two full weeks and go to a major club 80% of the nights as well) but the fact is, i just absolutely fell in love with the clubbing/music/love feel of the island and electronic music in general. Just because you like to get bombed with your friends in the West End one night, doesnt mean those same people arent the ones that go to Benirras on Sunday nights, and get a few beers and sit on the rocks for pure enjoyment of seeing the speckle of sun disappear to cheering on the rocks at cafe del mar/mambo...because thats what my trip consisted of.
Big Brother has just announced he will be going to Ibiza for his stag do next year so i will get to go :D

Just a shame he's planning it for the first week in August.
I'm a bit confused here as it seems to me that the majority of the "Ibiza is not what is used to be" people haven't been to the island for a few good years, so I'd like to ask how do you know it has so dramatically changed? Is it because of what is reported by others and the media in general?
I'm a bit confused here as it seems to me that the majority of the "Ibiza is not what is used to be" people haven't been to the island for a few good years, so I'd like to ask how do you know it has so dramatically changed? Is it because of what is reported by others and the media in general?

I don't.

My assumptions are based on the changes that happened post 2007 (which were kinda drastic) along with heresay and evidence around price hikes and the double whammy of Euro performance.
I'm a bit confused here as it seems to me that the majority of the "Ibiza is not what is used to be" people haven't been to the island for a few good years, so I'd like to ask how do you know it has so dramatically changed? Is it because of what is reported by others and the media in general?

I'd already seen the changes happening on my last couple of visits in 2008/09 (the no daytime clubbing laws, the VIP culture taking over etc) so I voted with my feet and haven't gone back :lol: