how are the drink prices this year? (2008)

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douche bag

the reality is that the price is 18euros if you want to drink a vodka and mixer,it aint goin to change
if you cant afford it dont cry to me i dont give a sh;te work harder ,change your job ,dont go,earn more money .just stop moaning
problem is this worlds full of moaners with nothing better to do
if you read morbyds post he pays that in moscow for a drink
i no for some this will seem expensive but i am pointing out the reality and the fact s why drinks are this price .what do you want to pay what do you think is reasonable ?
i have been going to ibiza since 91 so im pointing out the obvious to everyone its always been expensive .
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the reality is that the price is 18euros if you want to drink a vodka and mixer,it aint goin to change
if you cant afford it dont cry to me i dont give a sh;te work harder ,change your job ,dont go,earn more money .just stop moaning
problem is this worlds full of moaners with nothing better to do
if you read morbyds post he pays that in moscow for a drink
i no for some this will seem expensive but i am pointing out the reality and the fact s why drinks are this price .what do you want to pay what do you think is reasonable ?
i have been going to ibiza since 91 so im pointing out the obvious to everyone its always been expensive .

ooohhh somebodies tired....

familiar fault of a narcisist - no one is crying to you my friend. We are crying to each other. And even I, whlst recognising some of the reasoning behind it, would never be little a man for complaining about the costs of drinks in Ibiza. It's a national sport.

...and i'm loving your 'pricing you out' comment. If ever there was a fools are parted from their money easily moment!!
**** sake has to be one of the only downsides from people I've spoke to. If I go out and I'm drinking Vodka Red Bull I'll usually spend £100-£120 with a few shots as well. That's in the local **** clubs £8 entry £5-7.50 a drink, think I'll be buying some cheap booze before I go out :eek:
every year this post appears about prices
are some of you forgetting ibizas clubs have just opened this year the season is very short, closing parties mid to end of september for the bigger nights they need to make what they can while they can
the price is the price it has always been that way in ibiza if you cant afford it dont go and dont moan for christs sakes
im sick of all the wanabe,chav types ,(beer boys) that populate these nights now hopefully this may price some of them :evil: out.

You seem to forget some of us are coming from other countries.The exchange rate sux."doesnt matter how much money you make"I beg to differ because that 18 euro cost me 28 US dollars.Now im not big on complaining but i sure can tell ya when something cost to much "IT COSTS TOO MUCH" for drinks that is.Forces me to get drunk before or take a pill to last all night...I dunno do the math.3 1/2 drinks for 100 buckaroos for me.

As for clubs yeah there the bomb and the music is all there and thats why we pay the expensive plane tix and club tix and accomodation to do this.Paying that kinda money once your in ibiza "in my eyes" is kinda like a slap in the face.But we deal with it go have a good time and vent in the forums.Thats what there here for.
Yeah for me with the price of the Euro going down and the club prices going up I'm probably gonna lose a night this year but f*ck it.
The only way to survive in Ibiza is get your tickets early and do your drinking before you go out. I'm not gonna let this bother me- I'll just buy less in clubs.
It's only as expensive as you make it. Do you really want to spend half the night queing at a bar anyway? No-ones forcing us to buy the alcohol.

Litre Of Vodka in a shop - 10 Euro

Ticket for Cocoon - 45 Euro

Sven Vath dropping tune after tune in the Main room - PRICELESS! 8)
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I have lived here since 1997 and I have got used to the fact that it is more expensive for drinks in the clubs here than elsewhere.
However, there is a limit.
8 Euro Water
8-10 euro a beer
12 euro mixed drink.
Expensive, but managable.

There is a reason why we come here and pay those prices.
Ibiza has the best nightlife in the world.

The Ibiza scene was not created by soley Ibiciencans or by the Club owners.
They accomodated it.
Sometimes they forget this.
This Ibiza scene created by an international group of free spirited artistic travellers who arrived on the Island without a great deal of money but a hell a lot of ideas.

It was not really about VIP sections and Cristal.
That was San Tropez and Puerto Banus.
Mr VW man said we should just work harder to pay for this life style.
Mate, I think you are confusing us with the San Tropez crowd.

The main concern for me is not the actual money.
I never have a clue how much I spend on a night out.
More than anything else, I don't like the message it's sending out.

I for one do not want bunches of people turning up at clubs drunk because they feel that they have to guzzle as much supermarket booze as possible in there hotel rooms.
There is a difference in maintaining a steady relaxing buzz to keep yourself in the groove and being drunk.
I really don't want to be around drunks.
Thats not my Ibiza.

Don't worry about the clubs. They are making their money.
With internal policies Pacha are the most generous and accomodating and are pretty much the most successful club business in the world.

However Privalege are going to be a hundreds of thousands Euros worse off this year through a expensive misjudgement.
... the price is 18euros if you want to drink a vodka and mixer,it aint goin to change
if you cant afford it dont cry to me i dont give a sh;te work harder ,
change your job , dont go,earn more money ...

if you read morbyds post he pays that in moscow for a drink
maybe ... and the drink prices in fukcing moscow are of highest interest
in a thread about the drink prices in ibiza, but please send me a postcard from
your next moscow-vacation.

... ibiza ... im pointing out the obvious to everyone
its always been expensive .
obvious ? obviously you have no plan at all ?!
ibiza hasn´t "always been EXPENSIVE" - for a very long time it had more or less
a very good price performance ratio ... but in the last 1,2 years some things changed -
and not for the better .

look whats going on @ ibiza´s economy at the moment -
a lot of things are going in one direction: DOWN.
so they depend very heavily (probably more then ever) on tourism ...
but if they are frightening off to many holidaymakers with 10eurominiwaterbottles
and 18euromixers ... then one day in the very next future
there could be a lot of whining for some of those racketeers ...
every year this post appears about prices
are some of you forgetting ibizas clubs have just opened this year the season is very short, closing parties mid to end of september for the bigger nights they need to make what they can while they can
the price is the price it has always been that way in ibiza if you cant afford it dont go and dont moan for christs sakes
im sick of all the wanabe,chav types ,(beer boys) that populate these nights now hopefully this may price some of them :evil: out.

I've actually noticed the opposite. The more expensive it gets the more Chav types we are getting.
Cheaper locations such as Underground, Aura, Guarnana and DC10 are pretty much Chav-less.
Are the drinks prices at Cova Santa decent? ie. in the same bracket as Underground?

Or should i expect to pay more there?
maybe ... and the drink prices in fukcing moscow are of highest interest
in a thread about the drink prices in ibiza, but please send me a postcard from
your next moscow-vacation.
I think the point he was making, which was the point I was making, is that in some cities around the world you can pay the same price for a drink as you do in Ibiza so it's not SO unheard of. For example, a double drink in London (equal to a single in Ibiza or Moscow) will cost about the same in some clubs...

look whats going on @ ibiza´s economy at the moment -
a lot of things are going in one direction: DOWN.
so they depend very heavily (probably more then ever) on tourism ...
but if they are frightening off to many holidaymakers with 10eurominiwaterbottles
and 18euromixers ... then one day in the very next future
there could be a lot of whining for some of those racketeers ...
Since only 20% of Ibiza's visitors are clubbers, and most of them are going to go to the clubs anyway (even if they won't drink much there), I doubt the club drink prices are having a devastating effect on the island's economy :lol:
drink prices in ibiza

I think the point he was making, which was the point I was making, is that in some cities around the world you can pay the same price for a drink as you do in Ibiza so it's not SO unheard of. For example, a double drink in London (equal to a single in Ibiza or Moscow) will cost about the same in some clubs...

Since only 20% of Ibiza's visitors are clubbers, and most of them are going to go to the clubs anyway (even if they won't drink much there), I doubt the club drink prices are having a devastating effect on the island's economy :lol:

ibiza s main clubs have always been expensive to buy drinks in that is a fact real terms is it any more expensive than it was in 1991,1998 or 2008?, i dont think so
i do have sympathy with anyone who travels from the us or outside of europe where we benefit from such cheap flights to get to ibiza but we all do it what ever the cost ,we get there somehow and we manage to afford it somehow.
you talk a bout a DOWN turn ice in ibiza what are you basing that on exactly ?
whats wrong with moscow then?

:?:ice sorry but the only postcard youd get is from ibiza ,ihave just come back 10 days there im afraid and back in august ,i make sacrifices elsewhere to be able to afford to go. by the way i have heard moscows got a fantastic nightlife and club scene for a few months it does seem like the world revolves around ibiza but yep theres a big world out there and

maybe ... and the drink prices in fukcing moscow are of highest interest
in a thread about the drink prices in ibiza, but please send me a postcard from
your next moscow-vacation.

obvious ? obviously you have no plan at all ?!
ibiza hasn´t "always been EXPENSIVE" - for a very long time it had more or less
a very good price performance ratio ... but in the last 1,2 years some things changed -
and not for the better .

look whats going on @ ibiza´s economy at the moment -
a lot of things are going in one direction: DOWN.
so they depend very heavily (probably more then ever) on tourism ...
but if they are frightening off to many holidaymakers with 10eurominiwaterbottles
and 18euromixers ... then one day in the very next future
there could be a lot of whining for some of those racketeers ...
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You seem to forget some of us are coming from other countries.The exchange rate sux."doesnt matter how much money you make"I beg to differ because that 18 euro cost me 28 US dollars.Now im not big on complaining but i sure can tell ya when something cost to much "IT COSTS TOO MUCH" for drinks that is.Forces me to get drunk before or take a pill to last all night...I dunno do the math.3 1/2 drinks for 100 buckaroos for me.

As for clubs yeah there the bomb and the music is all there and thats why we pay the expensive plane tix and club tix and accomodation to do this.Paying that kinda money once your in ibiza "in my eyes" is kinda like a slap in the face.But we deal with it go have a good time and vent in the forums.Thats what there here for.

No - he's just not interested Scribs - he's a cock's with attitude cos he's been going since '91 - as have most of the people on this board, but hey ho - let him educate us all - it'll keep him happy......:rolleyes:
... ibiza ... i make sacrifices elsewhere to be able to afford to go ...
wait a minute !
are you moaning ? :lol:

stop the moaning you old crybaby and bear that in mind:

" ...if you cant afford it dont cry to me i dont give a sh;te
work harder ,change your job ,dont go,earn more money .just stop moaning
problem is this worlds full of moaners with nothing better to do ..."

" ... moan moan moan
every year this post appears about prices
are some of you forgetting ibizas clubs have just opened this year
the season is very short,
closing parties mid to end of september for the bigger nights
they need to make what they can while they can
the price is the price it has always been that way in ibiza
if you cant afford it dont go and dont moan for christs sakes
im sick of all the wanabe,chav types ,(beer boys) that populate these nights
now hopefully this may price some of them out ..."

:lol: :lol:
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