Hangover club

I jst cant do vodka :eek: it hates me...

Is it me or have alot of people had a seriously bad experience on Vodka ?!

I used to get really aggressive on it but not so bad these days - you are not alone though, I know friends who cant drink it - have bad experiences etc

I just find if I drink rose which is my fave I just get too wasted and in a state

Must be getting old :lol:
I dont discriminate with drinks , all are welcome here :)

except vile Bitter and anything with Tonic Water of course
I used to get really aggressive on it but not so bad these days - you are not alone though, I know friends who cant drink it - have bad experiences etc

I just find if I drink rose which is my fave I just get too wasted and in a state

Must be getting old :lol:

Vodka and i am now reminded that Absinth is a shocker for me :evil: so they are both banned from my drinks list :lol: she says and i do enjoy a bit of vodka redbull from time to time...

But for me, vino and lots of it and disaranoo and coke 8)
Agreed 8)

agreed. i think tonic water must be a grown up drink and i am not there yet. I love vodka limon and vodka redbull!! but also white or rose wine or cava, love the bubbles (also ridiculously cheap from shops in ibiza)

i don't get aggressive on anything but I am known amongst friends as "white wine sally" if i drink it unassisted i can be a bit of a d1ck, drunk dialling etc, and the worst thing about it now is rather than just checking my call list I have to look at BBM, text, FB, FB chat, Whatsapp and email, as i lie there hungover in my bed it takes me a good twenty minutes to discover quite how embarrassed I should be.

Vodka Limon , a classic ibiza beach tipple but too many and you'll be needing the gaviscon the next day. Its so acidic!

Takes some beating, esp with the measures dished out on the island.

One old type bar on the way into Ibiza Town, the old guy comes over to the table with his bottle of Smirnoff and glasses /ice, sits down and pours the drinks, adding a little limon as an afterthought. Waits for your approval and tops up the glasses! Ahhh, I'm there now.
I think I've had sangria made with cava in Ibiza Town harbour area. Hate to think how much it would cost in Mambo. ;)

I've just recently started liking mojitos as a holiday drink.
Vodka and lemon fanta sounds lush! Very refreshing.....I like vodka as it never makes me ill and you can gradually get merry.....

I dont know about hangovers today but I have severe munchies today :eek:

Vodka and Fanta Orange is my weapon of choice in ibiza before headin out, my balcony drink shall we say. Fanta just tastes so much better abroad :D
I think I've had sangria made with cava in Ibiza Town harbour area. Hate to think how much it would cost in Mambo. ;)

I've just recently started liking mojitos as a holiday drink.

Bloody love mojitos.

I make a killer one with fresh mint from my garden. It took a bit of practice to get the mix right but I've nailed it 8)
i don't get aggressive on anything but I am known amongst friends as "white wine sally" if i drink it unassisted i can be a bit of a d1ck, drunk dialling etc, and the worst thing about it now is rather than just checking my call list I have to look at BBM, text, FB, FB chat, Whatsapp and email, as i lie there hungover in my bed it takes me a good twenty minutes to discover quite how embarrassed I should be.


I am EXACTLY the same....white wine for me tho leaves me with a god awful headache the next morning :evil: not to mention champers lol....

I dread the next day looking at what utter sh*te you wrote to someone....
Lucky for me i am totally incapable of using any other app on my phone other than bbm and txting - thats all bad enough :rolleyes:

I didn't like my first couple, but really got into them with some perseverance.

I was exactly the same, definately an aquired taste....i had my first one in the only place to ever have one, CUBA 8)

Rolled up into our hotel, dumped bags whilst everyone queued like sheep for reception, straight to the bar for a fresh Mojito 8)
Champagne Sangria at Mambos is well nice

I love the cava sangria or sangria period. If you see me drinking out of the pitcher it is too late the wheels have come off the cart. Everyone is my friend and I can speak any language.
I put together random groups of people:oops: