Hangover club

best sangria I ever had was at this place in Barcelona


I basically lived in that pub as an exchange student - very international, big with the interrailers heading through town

sickly sweet (scared to think of how much sugar went into those ceramic jugs :eek: )

the apocalypse usually hit your bowels the day after but that was always another battle for another day
best sangria I ever had was at this place in Barcelona


I basically lived in that pub as an exchange student - very international, big with the interrailers heading through town

sickly sweet (scared to think of how much sugar went into those ceramic jugs :eek: )

the apocalypse usually hit your bowels the day after but that was always another battle for another day

I like southern Spain but I will have to take another trip to Barcelona. That bar seems great.

http://www.tk3.es/ My favorite beach bar in El Puerto DE Santa Maria, they have great Mojito's
Im the same...unless my date gets me drunk on Saturday :rolleyes:

in that case i expect to hear your drunken exploits next week. Hopefully you will remember them this time. I thought my date on sat would be a bad influence and try and get me out sat but he is feeling rough and on detox so film night for us! I feel really responsible and grown up for a change, may even pop to ikea on sunday!
in that case i expect to hear your drunken exploits next week. Hopefully you will remember them this time. I thought my date on sat would be a bad influence and try and get me out sat but he is feeling rough and on detox so film night for us! I feel really responsible and grown up for a change, may even pop to ikea on sunday!

I would not be surprised if both him and i get right bloody on it again ffs...

either way im looking forward to hitting up in his camp base, hes in the RAF ;)

