Hangover club

Back from Ibiza last night! No so much hungover as feeling like my brain's turned to cotton wool. Gonna be a few days before I'm capable of much... Thankfully off work till Wednesday!
I consumed at least 3 bottles of wine & champagne at a wedding yesterday, followed by a good few pints of beer at a club last night.

Already hugged the porcelain throne 3 times today!
I consumed at least 3 bottles of wine & champagne at a wedding yesterday, followed by a good few pints of beer at a club last night.

Already hugged the porcelain throne 3 times today!

Stay strong brave warrior. Champagne does give the worst of all hangovers.
All day in the sun drinking cider and BBQing yesterday. Feeling rough now but the weather is too good to stay inside. Just about to go out on the mountain bike for a couple of hours, think it's gonna make me or break me.
Back from Ibiza last night! No so much hungover as feeling like my brain's turned to cotton wool. Gonna be a few days before I'm capable of much... Thankfully off work till Wednesday!

Get yourself slowly back to earth by writing to tell us ALL about it ;) :twisted:
Get yourself slowly back to earth by writing to tell us ALL about it ;) :twisted:

Ha! Was gonna go for a review, but soon found I had no time to take notes...

Notable places visited: Space, Bora Bora, Ushuaia (1st time) and Sankeys (1st time).

Have to say, Sankeys was prob far and away my fave of the lot (though could have been because one of the nights there was when I was most off my pickle; eyes wobbling all over the place :twisted: ). Really awesome little club - intimate, but still with room to explore, good smoking/chill-out terrace and I thought it felt a good bit less posey than you tend to get in Ibiza. Almost more like a night in The Arches.
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3 week bender has resulted in me stuck in bed with a racing heart, a raging headache and no appetite. My own fault I'm in this state but I'd still like some sympathy.

May debate a trip to the hospital tomorrow if I'm no better....
Yeah, 3 weeks hitting it very hard every single night - oops :/

Not quite okay but I have two lovely housemate slaves nursing me back to health :)
1st night of my holiday I was fine, only spoiled by the fact that I didn't bring enough goodies (ya know, fags, gum that sort of thing ;)). The 3 following nights I was flagging and had to go home earlier than I wanted. Must be age!
I've averaged about 3-4 hours sleep a night for 3 weeks, I'm lucky I'm not in a body bag really.

Think it's about time I grew up and started going home early!
Still feeling the effects of a heavy night out on Thursday. I had my worst ever night of sleep paralysis last night. It was really grim. :(
Etizolam is another one that you can buy in the UK without a prescription. Supposedly does the same job as valium. I'd only recommend using these things sparingly and occasionally. IME you only need a little and it seems better than guzzling loads of booze to try and get over the fear of going to sleep.
Do you have access to any anti-anxiety meds (valium, xanax, etc)? Kiss sleep paralysis goodbye!

No, I'd have no idea where to get anything like that. My SP isn't usually as bad as it was last night: multiple episodes that lasted quite a while. I do tend to get it about once a week normally, more often if my sleep pattern is disrupted.

It scared the **** out my housemate last night.

"What the f**k was going on in your room last night? Are you OK?"
