Getting to/from Ibiza latest info


?? Where is the Galeno clinic in playa d'en Bossa? I've found the one in San An but that's no use for me. One in Ibiza town would be better - rather have a test in a clinic than rely on post and doing it myself.

Notice at Faro airport everyone has to queue to get to the checkin desk, even if you don't have bags (I normally walk straight past with no hold bags and e-ticket) to have their covid credentials checked. So get to the airport even earlier!!

Meanwhile - totally unrelated - as someone who's mother (early 80's) and grandmother (late 70's) had Alzhiemers' I'm so relieved to see on TV that there's a drug in the process of being passed which prevents the disease in the first place, attacks the plaque or something. On topic - if I need it, and getetically I'm at risk, and it works then that should extend my holidaying in Ibiza for many more years, and kinda makes up for the lost time through covid.

Silver lining and all that!!
Don't want to be negative but the effects of that drug are moderate at best and being vastly overstated. I've spent the last 27 years working with people with dementia and wished it was a real breakthrough but far from it sadly

Why do you think you are genetically at risk?

Apologies for off topic
Don't want to be negative but the effects of that drug are moderate at best and being vastly overstated. I've spent the last 27 years working with people with dementia and wished it was a real breakthrough but far from it sadly

Why do you think you are genetically at risk?

Apologies for off topic
I'm hoping it's a start. AFAIK there s genetic passage in Alzheimer's, I need to research it more but on the other hand it scares me to death. If a drug was available that helped, I would certainly go for tests to see if I'm at risk. I'm fit and healthy, no diabetes, no smoking, light to moderate drinker. BMI is fine, so giving myself the best chance of avoiding it.
I'm hoping it's a start. AFAIK there s genetic passage in Alzheimer's, I need to research it more but on the other hand it scares me to death. If a drug was available that helped, I would certainly go for tests to see if I'm at risk. I'm fit and healthy, no diabetes, no smoking, light to moderate drinker. BMI is fine, so giving myself the best chance of avoiding it.
I'm not hopeful with treatments but you're definitely doing all the right things, my understanding is that there is only a small increase in risk genetically and lifestyle is much more of a factor. This is probably complicated by Alzheimer's not really being one disease but more of a 'backstop' diagnosis once other causes are ruled out

Just wish there was more investment in caring for people living with dementia better
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My immediate thoughts are we're being bullied, and my second thoughts are we're being prevented from travelling because of something that might not happen anyway and my third thought - how convenient, boost the UK economy after Brexit??

If thye want us to stay in the UK then make it easier by ending distancing in hospitality - no point in going to Sunnytown if you can't get in to eat and drink. That applies to Ibiza too - no point in going if everywhere reaches "capacity" and you can't get a seat, although I understand capacity is increased indoors now??

Wonder if they would be so keen to prevent travel if this were an election year?
Interesting statistic in the Independent: "According to the International Transport Association (IATA), the UK has only 13% of 2019 flights operating. Germany has almost three times as many, even though the UK's vaccination rate is 40% higher."

Their travel editor Simon Calder also suggesting 24th June as the next travel announcement with changes taking effect on 29th June. Not sure about that and it hasn't been confirmed. Doesn't sound like there's much need for an announcement anyway, if that's the case they need to call it now. I'm guessing a lot hangs on the decision regarding 21st June lifting of all remaining UK restrictions which is scheduled for 14th (I think).
The new case rate in Spain is half what it was in mid-April and the trend is steadily downwards. UK government's handling of this is totally bizarre.
The new case rate in Spain is half what it was in mid-April and the trend is steadily downwards. UK government's handling of this is totally bizarre.
I dont think its bizarre at all by this lots previous record. Calculated and unwarranted is how i would describe it. They want everyone spending their furlough money in this country and of course the Brexit factor that has been mentioned earlier in this thread. The travel agents and airlines that go to the wall are just collateral damage. The figures will show the economy bounced back X% and they can 'boast' about that on Sophie Ridge in October. There's absolutely no way Im spending 1500 quid plus on a week in a caravan in Wales or somewhere. I'll save the cash and throw it at a 3 week no expense spared blow out next year.
I dont think its bizarre at all by this lots previous record. Calculated and unwarranted is how i would describe it. They want everyone spending their furlough money in this country and of course the Brexit factor that has been mentioned earlier in this thread. The travel agents and airlines that go to the wall are just collateral damage. The figures will show the economy bounced back X% and they can 'boast' about that on Sophie Ridge in October. There's absolutely no way Im spending 1500 quid plus on a week in a caravan in Wales or somewhere. I'll save the cash and throw it at a 3 week no expense spared blow out next year.
I'm off to London for the day. Three nights in Brighton next week, and maybe one more holiday before the school hols. Not going bonkers spending in the UK - if I save up what I would have spent on Ibiza I can go more often in the near future!! Basically, the Tories aren't getting a penny of what I save!!

All they are doing is annoying the crap out of everyone...hopefully their own supporters too (especially when they see the sost of a UK holiday).
Associated Foreign Press on EU travel pass: More than 1 million Europeans have received the new EU Covid health certificate being rolled out to unlock travel within the bloc, the European Commission has said. EU justice commissioner Didier Reynders announced the figure to the European parliament ahead of a vote to enshrine the document in law in time for the continent’s summer tourism season. The certificate – showing the bearer’s immunity to Covid-19 either through vaccination or previous infection, or their negative test status – is to be used for intra-EU travel from 1 July. But the commission wants as many EU countries as possible to start earlier.

Meanwhile UK cabinet minister George Eustice via BBC:
Mr Eustice was asked why the UK government had such restrictive overseas travel rules, when other European countries permitted people who had received both vaccines to go to some places.He says: "We take our own judgement on these things based on the advice we receive and different countries will take different approaches.
"If you had a variant that was able to get around the vaccine and we had that back here that would undo all of the work that we've done so that is why we are taking a cautious approach."
I can see that adults can "test and release" after 5 days on returning from an amber country. age 4 and under dont have to have the tests at 2 and 8 days. How does that affect age 4s quarantine period though? Can they release early after 5 days? I cant find an answer anywhere!