Getting to/from Ibiza latest info

Simom Calder said on his Instagram that The Canaries and Balaerics could be going onto green list next update

Yeah outside chance of a Spanish island or two plus maybe a Greek island he was saying. It’s a long shot. Unfortunately these glimmers of hope from the travel journalists are based on the data the government said they would follow when implementing the traffic light system.

Meanwhile our flight is still due to take off in 27 days time and EasyJet are reminding me to check in now via the app 😩
I’ve got a new job and went to Dublin last week as part of it … had to get a fit to fly pcr test certificate to fly out and it was pretty slick drive through at Heathrow at what would normally be long stay parking … £59 and they email you within ~36 hours the result and certificate and it allows you to fly somewhere that you land within 72 hours of the time of the test …
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I’ve got a new job and went to Dublin last week as part of it … had to get a fit to fly pcr test certificate to fly out and it was pretty slick drive through at Heathrow at what would normally be long stay parking … £59 and they email you within ~36 hours the result and certificate and it allows you to fly somewhere that you land within 72 hours of then time of the test …

Its good to see the prices for PCR tests have come down a bit 👍
When would that be done, before departure or on arrival (ie at the airport)?
Prior to take off. At a guess they will bring back in the need for a negative 'fit to fly' PCR test to show on landing. Adds another cost but worth it.

Considering the situation in the UK with Delta cases rising - I cant see why the Spanish Goverment will continue to allow us to enter with no testing.
Prior to take off. At a guess they will bring back in the need for a negative 'fit to fly' PCR test to show on landing. Adds another cost but worth it.

Considering the situation in the UK with Delta cases rising - I cant see why the Spanish Goverment will continue to allow us to enter with no testing
Yes I really don't get it either, we have the delta variant in Madrid now 18 cases detected so far
Yes I really don't get it either, we have the delta variant in Madrid now 18 cases detected so far.

As far as we know here its no 'deadlier' then any other variant - just spreads faster given the chance. As long as older generations 'more at risk' are vaccinated it shouldn't change much.

That said - the fact UK citizens, or anyone for that matter - aren't being tested to enter the Balearics is madness in my view. I'm happy to do it to protect the people who live there!
As far as we know here its no 'deadlier' then any other variant - just spreads faster given the chance. As long as older generations 'more at risk' are vaccinated it shouldn't change much.

That said - the fact UK citizens, or anyone for that matter - aren't being tested to enter the Balearics is madness in my view. I'm happy to do it to protect the people who live there
Yes they are going to give the over 60s the second vaccine earlier which means my vaccine due next week could be delayed...

Yes no pcr test if not vaccinated for Spain...crazy
Question re when in Ibiza - I've read through the Coronavirus thread but can't ask questions there and am slightly confused.
I'm in Ibiza from Fri this week til Wed next week.
Clubs not open, I know but has the midnight curfew on bars ended now. Basically, after eating will there still be a bit of life out and about Ibiza Town etc...? Cheers.
Question re when in Ibiza - I've read through the Coronavirus thread but can't ask questions there and am slightly confused.
I'm in Ibiza from Fri this week til Wed next week.
Clubs not open, I know but has the midnight curfew on bars ended now. Basically, after eating will there still be a bit of life out and about Ibiza Town etc...? Cheers.
You can the latest info here but yes curfew gone and bars can close at about 3am

You can the latest info here but yes curfew gone and bars can close at about 3am

I've not actually seen anywhere thats closing any later than midnight atm, though I'm sure I could be wrong.