Getting to/from Ibiza latest info

Meant to be going to Ibiza 24th July for a villa holiday that was moved from last year. If it's not on the green list by then i'm waving goodbye to roughly £6k because we can't move it again. That's with the majority of us all having been double jabbed and only the kids not having at least one. Fantastic
Meant to be going to Ibiza 24th July for a villa holiday that was moved from last year. If it's not on the green list by then i'm waving goodbye to roughly £6k because we can't move it again. That's with the majority of us all having been double jabbed and only the kids not having at least one. Fantastic
You can still go right? Just have to deal with bs when you're back. Can't see how they can keep up their ridiculous list in 2 months
You can still go right? Just have to deal with bs when you're back. Can't see how they can keep up their ridiculous list in 2 months

Nope. Out of the 7 fully vaccinated adults that are going only 2 can work from home when we get back. I'm hopeful that in the next review they change Ibiza to green.... even the one after that should mean it will be fine by the time we get home but if it's still amber then we won't go and lose the money. We have 5 days booked in September and another 5 in October but would like to get away for all 3.

It does beg the question, what's the point in being vaccinated at all if it apparently doesn't mean you are ok to travel as normal? Or are they just going to find scary new variants every few weeks that end up being not that scary at all but in the meantime we just keep moving from one restrictive phase to another.
As for Spain as a whole, I can't see anything in the stats that suggest it should be amber; cases are falling (halved since the end of April) and deaths are flatlining around 30/day, and 40% of the population (just adult pop I think) has had at least one where's the problem??

Deaths are higher than the UK but the vaccine roll-out was slower at first.

I would have thought if the Spanish were concerned about the IV; they would block us, but (Stivi - confirm plz) I don't think the Spanish have put any restrictions on the Brits, and we could have flown there just like Portugal??

So basically, if anyone was to fly to Ibiza tomorrow and quarantine here on return, what would the Spanish authorities want from us on arrival?
As for Spain as a whole, I can't see anything in the stats that suggest it should be amber; cases are falling (halved since the end of April) and deaths are flatlining around 30/day, and 40% of the population (just adult pop I think) has had at least one where's the problem??

Deaths are higher than the UK but the vaccine roll-out was slower at first.

I would have thought if the Spanish were concerned about the IV; they would block us, but (Stivi - confirm plz) I don't think the Spanish have put any restrictions on the Brits, and we could have flown there just like Portugal??

So basically, if anyone was to fly to Ibiza tomorrow and quarantine here on return, what would the Spanish authorities want from us on arrival?
Nothing, no pcr or show of vaccine if I am not mistaken...just Boris being a nob

Soon when spain have vaccinated even more and covid cases are even less they cannot justify leaving spain on the amber list
Nothing, no pcr or show of vaccine if I am not mistaken...just Boris being a nob

Soon when spain have vaccinated even more and covid cases are even less they cannot justify leaving spain on the amber list
They promised us they would use the data, and there's nothing in the data to suggest keeping us away. Listening to Hancockup right now on the telly, I'm interprating his comments we're amber/redlisting countries on the off chance another variant emerges, especially one that beats the vaccine. In that case, we'll NEVER get away on that principal, because even if a country has next to zero rates, it just takes one bit of the virus to mutate and off we go again??
From what I understand it, they're looking at infection rates and vaccination rates - which is why they've sounded so sceptical about overseas travel in recent weeks given how far ahead the UK is in their vaccination programme.

I mused before about the idea that it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing for them politically if they 'forced' people to holiday in the UK because despite the outrage from those that couldn't get overseas, it would pump a shitload of money back into places that need it. I do think that will play a part in it, but ultimately I think this is a sensible decision based on a variety of different facts.

Sensible people have been warning about the danger variants can threat for ages - so far we've been extremely lucky that the three main mutations have only lead to increased transmitability rather than increased mortality. But if we open borders too soon and mutations continue, eventually they'll end up out-pacing the vaccine development and we'll be back to square one.
From what I understand it, they're looking at infection rates and vaccination rates - which is why they've sounded so sceptical about overseas travel in recent weeks given how far ahead the UK is in their vaccination programme.

I mused before about the idea that it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing for them politically if they 'forced' people to holiday in the UK because despite the outrage from those that couldn't get overseas, it would pump a shitload of money back into places that need it. I do think that will play a part in it, but ultimately I think this is a sensible decision based on a variety of different facts.

Sensible people have been warning about the danger variants can threat for ages - so far we've been extremely lucky that the three main mutations have only lead to increased transmitability rather than increased mortality. But if we open borders too soon and mutations continue, eventually they'll end up out-pacing the vaccine development and we'll be back to square one.

They are losing money from a lack of wealthy Chinese and Middle Eastern tourists in London...but yes holidays at home does mean money pumped into struggling seaside resorts. I've just had a week in the Scottish Highlands, somewhere I've never been and somewhere id have never considered before, usually I'm on a plane to Greece, the Canaries or Costa Del Sol this time of year.
28th June seems to be the date for the next UK announcement. Source : Guardian. Any changes to begin the following week if they stick to the same system.
It does beg the question, what's the point in being vaccinated at all if it apparently doesn't mean you are ok to travel as normal?

Helps on the way in most places - and meant to be about helping reduce domestic transmission and keeping people out of hospital/morgues rather than anything to do with going abroad to spend money they'd rather you spend in UK !
Helps on the way in most places - and meant to be about helping reduce domestic transmission and keeping people out of hospital/morgues rather than anything to do with going abroad to spend money they'd rather you spend in UK !

All the vulnerable and high risk groups have been vaccinated, 50% of the UK adult population have had both vaccinations and the amount of people dying each day in the whole of the UK could fit in a mini bus. At what point are we allowed to get back to some sort of normality?
On another forum they say France is shortly to announce you can travel there without quarantine and just a PCR (?) test. I think I'll wait until no tests are required, and of course France is still on the UK's amber list. But I suppose it's a start.
All the vulnerable and high risk groups have been vaccinated, 50% of the UK adult population have had both vaccinations and the amount of people dying each day in the whole of the UK could fit in a mini bus. At what point are we allowed to get back to some sort of normality?

Down here in Devon it feels pretty much like normality already bar the masks inside thing. Shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, attractions all open and not a mask in sight outdoors. Staycationers having half term sunny fun all over. It's just the foreign travel thing they''re discouraging - the underlying economic driver for this move is pretty clear and they virtually said it months ago.

@2H76 I don't think entry with no tests to Spain will last for unvaccinated - EU grumbling at Spain already to impose it on Brits. Coming back the other way I don't think UK will remove testing requirements this year for anyone entering the country, maybe I'm wrong but doubt it.
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Just as I was so close it looks like the party’s over for me.

Emailed my Hotel (Arenal, San An) last week and was told they will not be open for my arrival on June 11th but they will accommodate me in their sister hotel the Savines. Fine with that.

But then last night I received two emails from BA to say my both my flights have been cancelled. It looks like they have cancelled all flights to and from Ibiza and London City Airport for the next few weeks. They've put me on alternative Heathrow flights now so airport queueing times will be far longer. Flight out is two days later too.

However I now have the opportunity to cancel the flights and get a full refund (I paid with Avios anyway) or change flights to more suitable ones.

I'm wondering whether to push back the flights a week or two so hopefully Ibiza will be on the green list for my return. I have already paid for day 2 & 8 PCR tests anyway. Obviously this would be dependant on my hotel being able to change my dates.

The big question though is should I do this or just cancel everything? I booked the hotel through Lastminute*com and paid in full but it says I have free cancellation before June 9th. So at least I would have a chance of getting my money back. Even if I change my flights now, there is still a chance of further cancellations or alterations or even government restrictions.

Also I rely heavily on the bus service to get about to the beaches out of San An every day (mainly Cala Conta). Does anybody know if these are even running yet? Or even the airport bus? No info on the IbizaBus website.

I still have a booking for late September but even that’s not guaranteed - who can guess what the situation will be like then? I lost both my holidays last year, I’ll be gutted if I get a repeat of that this summer.

Sorry this is a bit long and rambling - just so undecided and stressed right now.
Down here in Devon it feels pretty much like normality already bar the masks inside thing. Shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, attractions all open and not a mask in sight outdoors. Staycationers having half term sunny fun all over. It's just the foreign travel thing they''re discouraging - the underlying economic driver for this move is pretty clear and they virtually said it months ago.

@2H76 I don't think entry with no tests to Spain will last for unvaccinated - EU grumbling at Spain already to impose it on Brits. Coming back the other way I don't think UK will remove testing requirements this year for anyone entering the country, maybe I'm wrong but doubt it.

It's pretty normal here too but i have stuck to the rules for 18 months and i want to go away on holiday and get something that i paid a considerable amount of money for two and a half years ago. The government can't push everyone to have a vaccine and say it's the way out of this shit show and then STILL say ah.... well you can't do that.... and that..... oh that's not a great idea either..... you can do that until we decide in a few weeks that you can't actually do that any more as well. Everyone who is in danger from this is apparently now 98% less likely to die or end up in hospital. Open up and let the people who are nervous live their lives safely and let the rest of us get on with it and get the country, businesses etc back up and running
Just as I was so close it looks like the party’s over for me.

Emailed my Hotel (Arenal, San An) last week and was told they will not be open for my arrival on June 11th but they will accommodate me in their sister hotel the Savines. Fine with that.

But then last night I received two emails from BA to say my both my flights have been cancelled. It looks like they have cancelled all flights to and from Ibiza and London City Airport for the next few weeks. They've put me on alternative Heathrow flights now so airport queueing times will be far longer. Flight out is two days later too.

However I now have the opportunity to cancel the flights and get a full refund (I paid with Avios anyway) or change flights to more suitable ones.

I'm wondering whether to push back the flights a week or two so hopefully Ibiza will be on the green list for my return. I have already paid for day 2 & 8 PCR tests anyway. Obviously this would be dependant on my hotel being able to change my dates.

The big question though is should I do this or just cancel everything? I booked the hotel through Lastminute*com and paid in full but it says I have free cancellation before June 9th. So at least I would have a chance of getting my money back. Even if I change my flights now, there is still a chance of further cancellations or alterations or even government restrictions.

Also I rely heavily on the bus service to get about to the beaches out of San An every day (mainly Cala Conta). Does anybody know if these are even running yet? Or even the airport bus? No info on the IbizaBus website.

I still have a booking for late September but even that’s not guaranteed - who can guess what the situation will be like then? I lost both my holidays last year, I’ll be gutted if I get a repeat of that this summer.

Sorry this is a bit long and rambling - just so undecided and stressed right now.

Next decision on travel isn't for 3 weeks