Getting to/from Ibiza latest info

Travel to/from Ibiza , Easyjet has just cancel our Departure flights for 19 June 2021 . Making us choose more expensive times and departure airport and hotels to match .? not sure if it is do-able now ?

So not only the hassle of Tests ...If the flight are not cost-effective the airlines will cancel booking ,IMO
UK green/amber/red list updates announced today.
Fingers crossed. I worry that the situation will arise like last year - corridors open and then suddenly slammed shut meaning tourists scrambling around for flights home to avoid quarantine. With those tests, should that be necessary though if one country/area has a sudden spike of cases?

ADDS; Bad news? "Balearics not expected to be on the green list"
Spain overall is getting better....hopefully in a month Spain will be on green list

Boris maybe being cautious as if he announces Spain on the green list the bookings will be through the roof
Fingers crossed. I worry that the situation will arise like last year - corridors open and then suddenly slammed shut meaning tourists scrambling around for flights home to avoid quarantine. With those tests, should that be necessary though if one country/area has a sudden spike of cases?

ADDS; Bad news? "Balearics not expected to be on the green list"

Current rumours aren’t sounding great. No Spain, Greece, France, Italy. Islands such as Balearics, Cyprus “unlikely”. Portugal potentially going amber. Some Caribbean islands going green. That seems to be the journalist chat at the moment, but nothing concrete yet.
Industry experts have begun to share their predictions for the upcoming announcement. Paul Charles, chief executive of travel consultancy The PC Agency, told the PA News Agency yesterday he would be "surprised" if Spain's Balearic Islands - including Ibiza, Majorca and Menorca - are added into the safe-to-travel green list today
Current rumours aren’t sounding great. No Spain, Greece, France, Italy. Islands such as Balearics, Cyprus “unlikely”. Portugal potentially going amber. Some Caribbean islands going green. That seems to be the journalist chat at the moment, but nothing concrete yet.
That was the point I alluded to - tourists out there having the goal posts moved.

Frankly any thoughts of going abroad this summer - maybe till late September - have just vanished. What's it gonna take to let us off the leash? We've had T+T, we've had the vaccines - what now?? If it's all based just on case numbers I can't see any holidays maybe for years??

A quick look at worldometer - Portugal's cases numbers have risen but only very slightly and the moving weekly average for deaths for three weeks hasn;t been above 2. Why the panic?
That was the point I alluded to - tourists out there having the goal posts moved.

Frankly any thoughts of going abroad this summer - maybe till late September - have just vanished. What's it gonna take to let us off the leash? We've had T+T, we've had the vaccines - what now?? If it's all based just on case numbers I can't see any holidays maybe for years??

A quick look at worldometer - Portugal's cases numbers have risen but only very slightly and the moving weekly average for deaths for three weeks hasn;t been above 2. Why the panic?

I understand everyone's frustration - ours will be massive if it actually happens (and it looks as though), but please, keep this thread focussed on INFO ONLY rather than covid/vaccine discussion. thanks.


Spanish and Greek islands 'could be added to green list' today
There is growing speculation that popular holiday islands in Spain and Greece could be added to the government's travel green list later today.
It would mean people visiting those locations from the UK will no longer be required to quarantine on their return.
Robert Boyle, former director of strategy at British Airways' parent company IAG, predicted that a number of summer hotspots, including Malta will be added to the green tier.
He wrote in a blog post: "It still seems very likely that whilst Spain and Greece will not make it onto the green list, many of their islands will, due to lower case rates and higher vaccinations than on the mainland."
Mr Boyle added: "Malta, Finland and Slovakia are fairly safe bets, based on high testing rates and low reported cases."
Paul Charles, chief executive of travel consultancy The PC Agency, said a number of popular holiday destinations "really deserve" to be moved to the low-risk tier.
He expects additions to the green list to include the Greek islands of Zante, Rhodes and Kos, the Caribbean islands of Grenada and Antigua, plus Malta and Finland.
Portugal is the only viable major tourist destination currently on the green list, but there have been reports it could be downgraded to amber.