G20 Summit

Mr smuggins that's really patronising!

I respect your views - you're entitled to them.

The difference between us is that you trust that the bankers are being altruistic and acting in the only way they know how.

I don't...they seemed to know about all this mess brewing ages before it kicked off.

The capitalist model cares about profit - until the whole thing goes crazy which it has.

Let's shake hands and agree to disagree please...and don't give me any of that, 'my dear boy I was merely stating...' tosh. :lol:

Okay enough's enough. My post was patronising on a re-read, it wasn't meant to be.
In fact it makes me sound like a dick. It's fun to spar on these issues, but not to the point where it starts to seem antagonistic.

But I don't know why you think I'm a fan of the banking industry, I'm not. I'm feeling the bite of this **** storm. It's just that the reactionary mob get to me. It doesn't seem constructive.

On that point i'll leave it and see you on a more light hearted post. ;)
Awww bless ya...I enjoy being sparred and this is a very interesting discussion so no worries at all there.

Reactionary? Agree it's difficult to find a line that is constructive but I can't stand apathy.
Hmmm I can detect a bitter wry smile in the above but I'll ignore that. ;):lol:

Everyone will be in the same boat so it'll be interesting should the worst happen.

On the other end of the scale, everything could get written off which would seem equally impossible. :lol:

It's all a big mess and I haven't got kids so I guess it's just a case of knuckling down and enjoying the drama as much as possible. :lol:

Living alone won't be an option that's for sure so I may have to split each room into a self contained flat and live like the old woman in the shoe. :eek:
there'll be bloody chaos if the banking system collapses 100%.

its debt which has caused this. bloody out of control and someone has to pay for the mess (taxpayer).

the balance between deposits and lending needs to be restored. ;)
I'll pitch a tent in your front garden and host leather parties with loads of unsightly daddy bear types late into the night to a sound track of hi-nrg eurocheese.

You'll enjoy the opportunity to share a little. ;):lol:
I'll pitch a tent in your front garden and host leather parties with loads of unsightly daddy bear types late into the night to a sound track of hi-nrg eurocheese.

You'll enjoy the opportunity to share a little. ;):lol:

please try, im trawling the internet for some antikrusty countermeasures as we speak.

well well well. who'd have thought it. It appears that the police have once again been caught out behaving like thugs. And then lying about it.

It will all come out fairly soon as there will have to be a proper inquest into the death of innocent bystander Ian Tomlinson.

The police tactics of penning protesters into small areas for hours and hours and hours on end with no food, water or toilet facilites had been, ahem, controversial for ages now (it was first used, i believe, in Oxford Street a few years back). The police have always been able to shrug their shoulders and say these tactics were 'fair' as they were not directly violent. However, this time it appears that these tactics were the catalyst for trouble even before the police got baton happy.

These tactics also have the insidious effect of making protesting (which is still perfectly lawful) a difficult and worrying thing to do, thus reducing the prospect of people wanting to join protests in the future.

As I say, there will be no hiding place for the guilty this time.
well well well. who'd have thought it. It appears that the police have once again been caught out behaving like thugs. And then lying about it.

It will all come out fairly soon as there will have to be a proper inquest into the death of innocent bystander Ian Tomlinson.


Is there evidence that they did something to him?:eek:
It's not so much the kettling that's the problem - although it was very annoying and caused a lot of strife rather than contained it.

It's more the aggressive tactics employed from the word go. I understand that sometimes police need a 'no messing' approach but to put up shields and stand in a row looking menacing seems a bit ridiculous to me.

The police clearly chased this bloke from behind when he was just trying to get home (I don't think he was involved in the protest but don't quote me on that) and he did nothing to resist or provoke.

I had a similar experience that day when I was violently shoved for walking back to the office. The only reason I decided to leave at that moment because the police looked like they were about to get aggressive - not the crowds.

A few people on here said they wanted this to happen - "I hope they operate with extreme prejudice"...and it's a shame a bloke had to die for the general 'sun reading' public to jump on the next bandwagon and say actually this isn't the right way to deal with a situation.
A few people on here said they wanted this to happen - "I hope they operate with extreme prejudice"...and it's a shame a bloke had to die for the general 'sun reading' public to jump on the next bandwagon and say actually this isn't the right way to deal with a situation.
I think that's slightly unfair.

There's a difference between wanting the police to be tough with people who damage property and cause havoc, and expecting that they will be reasonable in a peaceful situation like the one where this gentleman was attacked (peaceful, judging by the Guardian's footage)
I wasn't talking about anyone specifically - I just think that no one would be talking about the operation and calling it an outrage had someone not died.