Always worth remembering when browsing these forums:

- overground/underground - some ppl base their stance on certain DJs purely on the grounds on whether they consider them underground or not. They may indeed like a certain DJ up to the point where they feel they have become too exposed or popular. At which point they will drop them. To them, being underground is everything.

- some people dislike certain DJs - not because of their talent or lack-of - but because they are associated (and thus collude) in the commercialisation/gentrification/inflation/dumbing-down of the Ibiza they love.

- some DJs are disliked because they are utter helmuts.

- some people enjoy a good debate/row and will argue until the cows come home about absolutely anything and everything.

- you can't please all people.

- variety is the spice of life.

guilty as charged on 1-4
Morillo used to be my favourite, not sure he's any good now? Other than that, Digweed really, ever since the first time I saw him. Luciano has knocked my socks off a few times, especially in the last 2 years, he seems to have got better. And I LOVE Craig Richards - but I am a Londoner and Fabric is in my bones. Back in the day, I used to be all about Tall Paul and Seb at the 'mills. On a separate note, that was the best club in the UK in my view, hands down.
Morillo used to be my favourite, not sure he's any good now? Other than that, Digweed really, ever since the first time I saw him. Luciano has knocked my socks off a few times, especially in the last 2 years, he seems to have got better. And I LOVE Craig Richards - but I am a Londoner and Fabric is in my bones. Back in the day, I used to be all about Tall Paul and Seb at the 'mills. On a separate note, that was the best club in the UK in my view, hands down.
Like morillo, he can still do a good set, he played at space closing. Really good. I like luciano too. Also like paco osuna
never seen digweed or sasha ffs.

Really need to see them. Luciano got better? Hes a mess now mate. hes proper average, like richy ahmed
Kerri and Sydenham
Joaquin "Joe" Classell owning the isolators no doubt
It was Jerome's first time over and kerri's 4 or 5 I think. He was living with kerri at the time and came over and could not believe all these badly dressed with people loved the music he did.:)
Solomun and Tale of Us were my favourite before both 'blowing up'. Have never been to a +1 night but i know it's a different style for what i used to rate him so highly for (i still like what he plays now btw)


Still rate TOU highly and especially liked their sets from 2011-2014 (don't think i've managed to catch them in a year or two but know they get slated on here)


Don't think i have a 'favourite' dj anymore just like certain styles and certain labels
Ill be whatever i want mate. Im just challenging some tastes here.
whereas your taste is obviously exemplary, and built up over years of partying in all corners of the world, as opposed to just reading the RA top 10 and checking out a few sets on soundcloud, right ?
whereas your taste is obviously exemplary, and built up over years of partying in all corners of the world, as opposed to just reading the RA top 10 and checking out a few sets on soundcloud, right ?
RA lists are terrible for the most part lol. Just like anyone my taste are built up from seeing tons of acts and comparing them.