IMG_20170328_130217.jpg @Amp and Deck
Some favourites of yours played sir henrys in cork over the year..
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Pop quiz who can you name. These are all pre 2000 and some of the guys are quite popular now...


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Dixon, Talabot, Rodhad and Hawtin are all sh!t playing the same old sh1t.
lol talabot is as varied as you can get. dixon has been playing it safe but is still unbelievable. Rodhad is class. Hawtin when hes in the mood is still huge.
Fair enough if that is your view - I don't agree with plenty of opinions on here but we generally all could respect other opinions more.

She started the thread in the first place when there haven't been a lot of interesting threads on here recently and as we've said its just interesting to gauge other peoples' tastes.
Well said;)
Often people's opinion on whether a DJ (or sportsman, or restaurant chain) is any good is based on their own (limited) experience.

I've never seen (or even heard of) Deborah Luca. So no comment from me.

Hawtin I have seen maybe shy of a dozen times. And there's no doubt when he is on song, it is glorious. But when he isn't he can be appalling. And maybe 4 of those 10/11 times, he has been diabolical in my opinion. Maybe some uber-techie philes would disagree. I dunno.

If you were to catch him on an off-day then I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to see him again!

Also, very often it's the case that people confuse themselves having a good time for the DJ being any good. Which isn't necessarily the case. Equally, you can be having a shit time yet the DJ could be on point. So many contributing factors to a good night out.

People invest in music in much the same way that you invest in other things which appeal to you emotionally. If you've had a good time watching DJ x in the past, chances are you're going to see them again (and go in with optimistic outlook). Vice-versa for a bad experience.

This thread is 'favourite DJ' - not 'best DJ' - and therefore people do not need to argue their choice. It's totally subjective.

I think this thread is interesting just to see the spectrum of choices being put forward. But a competition it isn't.
I bet quite a few people who go religiously to Clockwork Weekender might say Brandon is their fav DJ.
They'd probably say this because of a variety of reasons: nostalgia having invested in him in his early days at Space, his persona, how much they enjoy Clockwork overall etc.

But is he much of a good DJ nowadays? Probably not. And yet, he can still legitimately be their favourite.
WIC makes quite a few valid points but I find pointless subjective arguments are fun though... especially on forums when you're bored at work. Otherwise it just turns into lists and everything just turns into a tediously sycophantic like-fest.

I agree that it is easy to confuse who we like with who we respect. There's a few people I respect by reputation but who bore me shitless (derrick carter, terry francis, craig richards, ritchie hawtin, adam beyer) and others I like despite not exactly being cutting edge (greg wilson, crazy p, chris coco, franco moriaghi, dj yoda)

One thing I notice on this forum though is that people tend to celebrate DJs like they're football teams or involved in a game of top trumps. I think people forget they are ultimately just skilled technicians manipulating other people's music. The actual producers get forgotten too often. Or worse, confused with the people playing the tracks out. I forget this myself at times, because I get wrapped up in sets and amazing nights I've had but they're not gods and certainly not worth x million...

That said, it takes a specific skillset to give people the night of their lives (ammo or no ammo) and I will instinctively revere any DJ who can blow my mind with the right music in the right order. Judging the mood is an artform and I've seen so many people over the years clear floors and not understand why.

It comes down to a combination of all the right ingredients that make a night go off - but you can have the best gear in the world but if the DJ doesn't reflect your mood, it's game over.

Which takes us back to the people I mentioned earlier - people I like AND respect. For me, the key thing during a peaktime set is 'drama', it doesn't matter what genre it is or who is playing it, I just want to hear sounds that make my spine tingle. That's why a lot of the guys I like are pretty eclectic - the only rule is that the track rocks.
Very true, sometimes DJs have off nights or your mates could be feeling the night and you not, depends on mood also for me and the people. music on closing didnt like the music at all but had a friend who loved it!
Really looking forward to seeing Derrick May in Cardiff next month after reading this thread. Cardiff has an absolutely dire music scene, I had to double check it was real and not 'Derik Maye' or something like that.
Oh yeah, and my favourite DJ (as I'm sure some other posts indicate) - The Black Madonna. Just because she makes me feel good.

Nice to see some Carl Cox love in this thread too after the other thread went a bit dark :D I'm going to his Privilege party this year having never seen him before nor having vistited Privelege; that thread was starting to piss on my strawberries a bit ;)
Nice to see some Carl Cox love in this thread too after the other thread went a bit dark
that thread was starting to piss on my strawberries a bit

Always worth remembering when browsing these forums:

- overground/underground - some ppl base their stance on certain DJs purely on the grounds on whether they consider them underground or not. They may indeed like a certain DJ up to the point where they feel they have become too exposed or popular. At which point they will drop them. To them, being underground is everything.

- some people dislike certain DJs - not because of their talent or lack-of - but because they are associated (and thus collude) in the commercialisation/gentrification/inflation/dumbing-down of the Ibiza they love.

- some DJs are disliked because they are utter helmuts.

- some people enjoy a good debate/row and will argue until the cows come home about absolutely anything and everything.

- you can't please all people.

- variety is the spice of life.