Hes pretty fun but to have him your top 5 is an embarrassment.
Hes is the definition of entry level big room techno. Drop after drop with no progression. Saw him at fabric last month and he was pretty banging but got boring after an hour.

Hes decent thats it.

Fair enough, I can't argue with that. Well, maybe the embarrassing part.
Some people just want bangin'. I like more of a journey too. But I think there's a time and a place.
David holmes when he used to play House, I have a tape from Sides in Dublin from 1992 thats gone down in irish clubbing history as one of the best nights..:)
I'm always on the lookout for new DJs who play music I'm into. Not easy because I simply don't have time to scour internet streams, listening to endless shit in the hope I might find a gem. So I think the intelligent way to do it is avoid hype and instead follow the DJs you already know/trust and find out who they're into ie subscribe to their follow lists. The other thing is to to follow labels, so if someone is releasing on say ESP Institute, Claremont 56 or Compost Black, I'm more likely to give them a hearing, than say if they're on toolroom or defected.
my alltime favourite dj is Kerri Chandler, he is a very nice, calm and friendly person.
.......but there many good ones
Hes pretty fun but to have him your top 5 is an embarrassment.
Hes is the definition of entry level big room techno. Drop after drop with no progression. Saw him at fabric last month and he was pretty banging but got boring after an hour.

Hes decent thats it.

Shake my head
yep Capriati quiet boring..any advice of drugs to take in order to enjoy it?

I like Kerri but he doesnt play House anymore (Dc10 Rex club paris) & more boring Tech house (i like kicking euphoric one)

you gotta put some links up to the stuff you like. the term 'house' has lost all meaning now. everyone interprets it in their own way. I kind of define music now generally by how fast/slow it is and by how warm/cold it is.
you gotta put some links up to the stuff you like. the term 'house' has lost all meaning now. everyone interprets it in their own way. I kind of define music now generally by how fast/slow it is and by how warm/cold it is.
in ibz its more about places or djs
ocean beach ibiza , blue marlin play House, Pikes hotel ,Groove odyssey events play house, Lio Vintage , Heart, km5...Wild Corner at Hi...
in big clubs u can listen to some but for few mn included in a Tech House mix... (im fine with it too)

something with a mellow tempo like this
& from ur list yes ilike very much Franco Moraighi , heard it once from tribal spain cds early 2000,pic from ibz opening 17
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