European Festivals

I've been to 3 now. Genuinely unlike anything else I've ever experienced. Curious as to how it went without AW for first time. He was the focal point so I think this is probably a bit of a 'test' year to see where they can take it
Hopefully his spirit will still be there.
Sounds like the organizers absolutely nailed their work. Good on the Mayor and the locals for their going along with it.
It could end up being an annual event...when the mayor says he would like them to organise their own festival - who knows! It must have been a total culture shock for the local people but it's great that they seemed to embrace it.
Just are the prices of festivals in the rest of Europe? Cause in the Netherlands promotors seem to be going all out...
Loveland tickets Early Bird saturday: 67,50. That's excluding fees and such.
Same with other festivals such as Elrow and Mystic Garden. Feels like the raised the prices by 20% this year.

Widely reported that the council never granted permission to use Danson Park in the first place and have now refused

Turning their replies off is telling imo and I think regardless of what the truth is, they are going to struggle shifting many more tickets
you have to laugh, new year, new venue, same ol' story (ignore the Katherine Jenkins coupon and mention in the url - LOL)

We've just booked Awakenings, the Spring edition and the entry price has increased big time from when I first went about 10 years ago. Not in line with inflation either!
All the companies have a great excuse to put prices up and charge what they want!

And us normal conusmers feel the pinch!

Thank god for paying in 3 installments nowadays