Donald Trump....

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@gutsy What you say is fair enough. I have concerns about religion, and there are issues regarding religion (not just in Islam) that bother me. I do think that the right to live free from other people's religion is as important as the right to religious practice. Trouble is, these Trump types complain about Islam being backwards while at the same time trying to usher in a very backwards version of Christianity - anti reproductive rights, anti gay, anti sex ed, etc. So there's a discussion to be had about all religion in society and keeping it within certain boundaries, while not just picking on Muslims.
Bedtime now and fingers hurting but I’m with you on those points buddy.;)
If you can't tie down a loose canon it needs to be thrown overboard. We're getting ever closer to the point at which that needs to happen - any way it can be.
Or people who care about the environment, refugees, reproductive rights, combatting Islamophobia and outright lies in the media? Compare these people with the Trump supporters/free Tommy Robinson/alt-right types who went apeshit in London yesterday, attacking folk in a pub, kicking police horses and being a general menace. Their true colours were shown.

you see this is what i mean you mention media lies its the anti trumpers being swept up with the lies:rolleyes: and it wasn't just the blobby robinson twats causing trouble in london it was antifa as well !
you see this is what i mean you mention media lies its the anti trumpers being swept up with the lies:rolleyes: and it wasn't just the blobby robinson twats causing trouble in london it was antifa as well !

Links to stuff about Antifa causing trouble? The main incident seemed to be TR fans glassing a trade union guy in a pub - so much for supporting the working class and people who try to help them.
I bet you think Tommy Robinson and Paul Watson are real journalists as well don't you Nitefly. I bet you don't even know anything about "antifa" but know it's a cool buzzword to throw around in defence of drunken racist louts.

As for the posts on the last page saying the left are just as bad but it's not reported on.....yeah, maybe that'd stand up if a right-wing nutjob hadn't literally killed a Labour MP recently.
When anarchist/lefty/anti-capitalist types have smashed up stuff on marches/protests previously, it's hardly been hidden by the media.
Links to stuff about Antifa causing trouble? The main incident seemed to be TR fans glassing a trade union guy in a pub - so much for supporting the working class and people who try to help them.
The man who got done has previous for knocking about women. He’s always looking for trouble.
the amount of bullshit DT came out with yesterday was next level. To humiliate himself and his country like that, everyone is naturally wondering what incriminating files the Russians have got on him.... - just the Steele dossier or something even bigger? Clinton was nearly impeached for a blowjob. DT should be up for unfitness for office (and treason?) but his spineless/complicit party won't do it. In terms of the UK, it will be a total catastrophe if they go through with a clean break from EU. This man is not an ally. He will totally f**k the UK over.
the amount of bullshit DT came out with yesterday was next level. To humiliate himself and his country like that, everyone is naturally wondering what incriminating files the Russians have got on him.... - just the Steele dossier or something even bigger? Clinton was nearly impeached for a blowjob. DT should be up for unfitness for office (and treason?) but his spineless/complicit party won't do it. In terms of the UK, it will be a total catastrophe if they go through with a clean break from EU. This man is not an ally. He will totally f**k the UK over.

the amount of bullshit DT came out with yesterday was next level. To humiliate himself and his country like that, everyone is naturally wondering what incriminating files the Russians have got on him.... - just the Steele dossier or something even bigger? Clinton was nearly impeached for a blowjob. DT should be up for unfitness for office (and treason?) but his spineless/complicit party won't do it. In terms of the UK, it will be a total catastrophe if they go through with a clean break from EU. This man is not an ally. He will totally f**k the UK over.
THIS! ^^

Even the independent Russian press has detailed how the hacking/meddling was done.
(yes, there is some independent press here, and they did this long before the foreign press and intelligence people figured it all out!)

For the Donald to stand there and say "well, Vlad says it's OK so it's all OK" is beyond naive. I don't think Putin himself was involved in the details of it all but I also think it's impossible he was unaware.

Now you've got US and Russian governments together backing Brexit and the weakening of EU. How messed up is that?!?
the 4 part Trump documentary is quite revealing. Like Boris, he rose as a total opportunist, a media bigmouth with no fixed opinions on anything. He didn't really believe Obama was not American but he let the story run. So obv Obama hit back by ridiculing him in that speech in front of the entire American press corps. That was the catalyst for the monster. Everything thereafter was inspired by a visceral hatred of Obama. In a sense the destruction of western liberalism as we knew it can largely be traced to one man's petty obsession and wounded pride.
Now you've got US and Russian governments together backing Brexit and the weakening of EU. How messed up is that?!?

Is it ultimately as simple as that? The US and Russian governments wanting a weak EU (so presumably they can bulldoze individual countries as they like)? Is that the big plan that Brexiteers and the like can't see?
Is it ultimately as simple as that? The US and Russian governments wanting a weak EU (so presumably they can bulldoze individual countries as they like)? Is that the big plan that Brexiteers and the like can't see?
THIS! ^^

Even the independent Russian press has detailed how the hacking/meddling was done.
(yes, there is some independent press here, and they did this long before the foreign press and intelligence people figured it all out!)

For the Donald to stand there and say "well, Vlad says it's OK so it's all OK" is beyond naive. I don't think Putin himself was involved in the details of it all but I also think it's impossible he was unaware.

Now you've got US and Russian governments together backing Brexit and the weakening of EU. How messed up is that?!?
Its simply lovely.

Those EU big wigs that don't like to get hands dirty when its needed, i.e catalan referendum. Greece going skint, and the migrant crisis in the med. Just a bunch of, unelected greedy millionaires playing god with other countries.

Imagine if this was Trump?

Pissed up mess

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