Donald Trump....

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So I'm copying this expert from the Mark Manson website....he's the guy that wrote the popular book 'The Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck
He says this about Trump:

Alright, I’m ready for the hate mail. Let’s do this…

I think the most contentious position one can have in the US right now is that Trump isn’t really that big of a deal. That’s because most people on the left think he’s the second coming of Hitler/Stalin/Satan/Apollo Creed and is going to start World War 3. And most people on the right think he’s America’s savior who is going to “fix” everything and we’re all going to party like it’s 1959.

I think he is neither. The right is wrong because it’s clear that he’s a shitty, ineffective, and needlessly controversial president. The left is wrong because they forget that US history is full of shitty, ineffective, needlessly controversial presidents. And you know what happened to most of them?


That’s right. A big ol’ nothing-burger.

The US system is incredibly complex and robust. The president’s power is overrated. In fact, the presidency is only a recent obsession (in the era of reality TV and sound bites). The president always gets credit for things he didn’t do and always gets blamed for things he didn’t f*** up.

Look, even competent and popular presidents have trouble getting their agenda done. Trump is not competent, nor is he popular. He’s a nothing-burger (cooked well done and with lots of ketchup). Even smart and successful presidents struggle to enact their foreign policy goals. They are hamstrung by large bureaucracies, Congress, the legal system, and the international order. And here you have a guy who probably thinks Frederick Douglass is an NBA player for the Knicks.***s-about-trump-2-780x439.jpeg
The system was designed to survive buffoons like this. Chill out.
The US system requires the effort of hundreds if not thousands of people to move it. The president is supposed to be the one to corral them. But Trump can’t even corral his own wife to spend more than a few hours with him, so what exactly are we freaking out about?

Look, I know Trump is a piece of shit. I know he’s hurt a lot of people. But on a societal/national policy level, he’s nothing that the US system hasn’t seen or survived before. So let’s calm our shit on the armageddon/Hitler talk. Life will go on.

Trump is possibly the biggest example of the Kardashian Rule to date. The same way Kim Kardashian seems successful because she gets so much attention, Trump seems evil because he pisses you off so much. But the fact is that neither is true. Trump isn’t that evil. He’s a bumbling narcissist who thinks life is one never-ending competition for TV ratings.

And as with Kardashian or school shootings, the more attention we shovel in his direction, the more empowered he becomes, and the more we encourage other politicians to follow in his footsteps. People are always complaining that he should delete his Twitter account, but how about this: stop reading it! Stop clicking on articles about shit he tweeted. Stop watching news segments about shit he tweeted. You don’t just vote with your ballot every four years, in 2018, you vote with your attention as well.

This is how we change the narrative direction of the country. Not by stamping our feet and demanding this guy who has been an asshat for 70 years suddenly change himself. That’s not going to happen.

A lot is made about #Resistance and all that, and look, I get it. It’s good to stand up to a shithead bully in the opposing party. Anything that gives the Democrats a semblance of a backbone is probably needed.

But there’s some responsibility on us, as a population as well — namely, our consumption habits. If we’re unhappy with our celebrities, politicians and leaders, in the end, we’re the ones who created them. So what does that say about us?

Yes, there are muslim grooming gangs. I'm not sure what your point is beyond this. Anyway, Tommy Robinson and the alt right want to see perps brought to justice so much that they were prepared to jeopardise a trial... Hmm. I think this is more about them being allowed to be racist than having any real interest in child welfare.
Yes, there are muslim grooming gangs. I'm not sure what your point is beyond this. Anyway, Tommy Robinson and the alt right want to see perps brought to justice so much that they were prepared to jeopardise a trial... Hmm. I think this is more about them being allowed to be racist than having any real interest in child welfare.

That is an interesting assumption though isn't it? See how its all stereotypical.

The point I am making about the protest marches, if there was as much effort in the protesting of the problems & coverage about Trump as their would be on NHS, grooming gangs, violence across London, then maybe the message would finally hit home stuff needs to be done to sort it. Instead we are more concerned about what a president does. When quite frankly, it doesn't work and he don't give a s*** either way, and why would he?
i like that mark manson quote and pray it's true. but the reality is, with 2 supreme court nominations, he does have the opportunity to leave behind a very regressive political legacy.
That is an interesting assumption though isn't it? See how its all stereotypical.

Why are they only interested in Muslim grooming gangs then? Why not child protection as a whole?

The point I am making about the protest marches, if there was as much effort in the protesting of the problems & coverage about Trump as their would be on NHS, grooming gangs, violence across London, then maybe the message would finally hit home stuff needs to be done to sort it. Instead we are more concerned about what a president does. When quite frankly, it doesn't work and he don't give a s*** either way, and why would he?

People make a fuss about these things too - I've certainly seen protests about the state of the NHS before. We're concerned about what POTUS does because his decisions don't just affect the US, especially when he pulls out of environmental treaties, moves the US embassy in Israel, starts meddling with Brexit and normalises sexism, racism, blah, blah, blah. It's not just a rejection of Trump; it's a mass rejection of his values (especially when he thinks the UK loves him).
I think what many people fail to realise is that this is all related and it's bigger than any single issue. Trump, the Brexit bunch, Putin et. al. are all part of the same crew (as evidenced by the Cambridge Analytica and Leave campaign funding scandals), they are engaged in a systematic attempt to dismantle the EU and the social structures that we have taken for granted over the last 60 years and that have brought us, by and large, peace and prosperity. If they are successful, at best, you won't have an NHS or any other social welfare scheme to protest about, at worst future generations might find themselves at war.
Why are they only interested in Muslim grooming gangs then? Why not child protection as a whole?

People make a fuss about these things too - I've certainly seen protests about the state of the NHS before. We're concerned about what POTUS does because his decisions don't just affect the US, especially when he pulls out of environmental treaties, moves the US embassy in Israel, starts meddling with Brexit and normalises sexism, racism, blah, blah, blah. It's not just a rejection of Trump; it's a mass rejection of his values (especially when he thinks the UK loves him).
Simple reason. People are too scared to stand up for fear of being labelled racist. Whilst I don't doubt there is protest about all child cruelty, its the muslim grooming gangs that get swept under the carpet for fear of what I have said.

Fair enough rejection of trump or not he will still do what he wants and nobody in the UK can stop him so thats why I think it is pointless waste of time and resources.

Maybe if he had better opposition then he wouldnt be elected, it speaks for itself at how Clintons and the lefts ideas of a perfect world does not work.
Obama dropped over 100,000 bombs, yet apparently Trump is the dangerous one. Obama meddled with Brexit, I don’t see any criticism of him.
Obama dropped over 100,000 bombs, yet apparently Trump is the dangerous one. Obama meddled with Brexit, I don’t see any criticism of him.
Imagine if it was a black balloon up in the air with his face on it I wonder how well that would of gone down.

Hows about lets cut the bull and get a trade deal. . .
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Nothing on our horse meat scandal..
The horse-meat scandal was due to people illegally labelling meat and entering it into the food chain illicitly. The chlorination of chicken is a legal practice in the US which is done to make up for more expensive general hygiene practices during the production and handling process, which the EU considers to be a public health risk. The two are not comparable.
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