Donald Trump....

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I know it's not your sorts favourite thing to deal with facts, but maybe show me the facts that support your claim of 99.9% of remainers wanting a second referendum?

Spoke to 16 million of them have you?

Also, you keep equating leave/remain with right/left. They're not the same thing.
I have spoke to many a remainer/snowflake and they all want it. . (Actually talking to people) The best example of evidence I can give you are those links which you quite clearly haven't read because it goes against your argument.

Remain big wigs pleading for a 2nd referendum, need I say more?

If you want to talk facts my favourite fact is you thought you were far superior in the debate on Brexit many years ago. Yet you got over turned by gammon eating, carling drinking working class grafters. All 17M people of them, its took you a donald trump thread to worm your way back on the board.

For you to pick my quote of 99.9% of people who want a 2nd referendum, forgetting about the examples of people who I've gave to back it up, means you haven't got anything else to give to the argument. It doesn't matter if its 100% or 4.2%. .

The fact is you lot have been banging on the door of a 2nd referendum. And its not going to happen, so stop whining & throwing every spanner you can find, and accept that the vote has been done. Maybe if you lot opened up your eyes abit more things may have been different.

Finally lets hope we leave without a deal. Cigars would be out
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I have spoke to many a snowflake and they all want it. Haven't read those links have you? Remain big wigs pleading for a 2nd referendum, need I say more?
My favourite fact is you thought you were far superior in the debate on Brexit many years ago. Yet you got over turned by gammon eating, carling drinking working class grafters. All 17M people of them.

And its took you a donald trump thread to worm your way back on the board.

Maths clearly isn't your strong point if you think a few MP's and business figures equates to 99.9% of remain voters.

Yes. Say more. Actually provide some facts for the bullshit you spout. I realise as a leave voter that's quite a hard thing to do.

You're making a fool of yourself, so feel free to keep taking pops at me if it makes you feel better.
Mr farage is on record saying if they lost by a few percent would be looking at a rerun.

But anyway, I'm always a firm believer of figuring out why someone [in power] wants you to believe in something or follow them. Or not believe in something. #fakeNews spouting has a purpose behind it.

(Hint, not usually for us the great unwashed benefit, hence why try to keep us divided)

That's my 2 pence worth, or 2.25 euro cents (used be worth more lol):rolleyes::oops:
Maths clearly isn't your strong point if you think a few MP's and business figures equates to 99.9% of remain voters.

Yes. Say more. Actually provide some facts for the bullshit you spout. I realise as a leave voter that's quite a hard thing to do.

You're making a fool of yourself, so feel free to keep taking pops at me if it makes you feel better.
Its a little thing called talking to people, I don't carry mic for recording. I know people who are in the Labour party for our local council and have voted remain and would support a 2nd referendum. But thats no good for you. .

Its clearly the intention of the head of remainers to have a 2nd ref, of course a scruffy looking student on the street holding an I love EU sign is going to follow suit - that make up the rest of the % because if it didn't then why are they doing protest after protest after protest - they are the sheep.

Your the embarrasing one, along with the rest of your remain fanboys who can't accept a democratic vote.

You thought you knew so much yet you knew so little. Thats why you lost. . .

Why are the big wigs calling for a 2nd referendum? May is leading us into a 'soft' brexit, yet you dont see brexiteers on the street protesting? we are the bigger people, we get on with life, yet all I see is remainers on the streets doing counter protests at every little thing they don't like? That IS embarrasing.

Here is a fine example. . .

Another campaign for a 2nd ref.

Its all you ever see, what are you struggling with? The majority want it.

Wheres the voices for coming out and accepting the vote? Thats right. There isnt any.
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Its a little thing called talking to people, I don't carry mic for recording. I know people who are in the Labour party for our local council and have voted remain and would support a 2nd referendum. But thats no good for you. .

No, because you said 99.9% of remainers. Which is a garbage stat and you know it is because you can't back it up.

I'm not denying there are some remainers who want another referendum. I also don't blame them given what's come to light since (14 months of wasted time, no clear plan of how we'll actually leave, criminal charges brought against the official leave campaigns) but I also don't think it's a sensible thing to do.

Its clearly the intention of the head of remainers to have a 2nd ref, of course a scruffy looking student on the street holding an I love EU sign is going to follow suit - that make up the rest of the % because if it didn't then why are they doing protest after protest after protest - they are the sheep.

"Head of remainers" you're an absolute sham mate, give your head a wobble. As if there's such a thing. Neither campaign had an official "head", and as you're seeing both campaigns don't have any sort of cohesive straight answer that everyone agree's on. There are leavers who can't agree on what type of Brexit they want and there are remainers who can't agree on how they want to challenge Brexit.

Your the embarrasing one, along with the rest of your remain fanboys who can't accept a democratic vote.

Where have I not accepted it? You can accept it and still think it's the wrong decision.

Why are the big wigs calling for a 2nd referendum? May is leading us into a 'soft' brexit, yet you dont see brexiteers on the street protesting? we are the bigger people, we get on with life, yet all I see is remainers on the streets doing counter protests at every little thing they don't like? That IS embarrasing.

Don't see brexiteers on the street protesting? Did you literally not see the last few pages full of right wing drunkards? The same sort of #FreeTommy nonces who're, ironically, led like sheep by the few within their ranks capable to string a coherent sentence together.

This is all you've got isn't it? Name calling and WE WON GET OVER IT TROLOL REMOANERS. I'd honestly much rather you and your lot had a plan for how we'll thrive outside of the EU, of what the contingency plan is for when the car manufacturers move their jobs abroad and when the US tries to bleed us dry on a trade deal?

I, and a lot of 'remainers' I know, accept Brexit is happening and the anger is actually directed towards the clear lack of answers and accountability from those that sold it as unicorns and rainbows.
No, because you said 99.9% of remainers. Which is a garbage stat and you know it is because you can't back it up.

I'm not denying there are some remainers who want another referendum. I also don't blame them given what's come to light since (14 months of wasted time, no clear plan of how we'll actually leave, criminal charges brought against the official leave campaigns) but I also don't think it's a sensible thing to do.

"Head of remainers" you're an absolute sham mate, give your head a wobble. As if there's such a thing. Neither campaign had an official "head", and as you're seeing both campaigns don't have any sort of cohesive straight answer that everyone agree's on. There are leavers who can't agree on what type of Brexit they want and there are remainers who can't agree on how they want to challenge Brexit.

Where have I not accepted it? You can accept it and still think it's the wrong decision.

Don't see brexiteers on the street protesting? Did you literally not see the last few pages full of right wing drunkards? The same sort of #FreeTommy nonces who're, ironically, led like sheep by the few within their ranks capable to string a coherent sentence together.

This is all you've got isn't it? Name calling and WE WON GET OVER IT TROLOL REMOANERS. I'd honestly much rather you and your lot had a plan for how we'll thrive outside of the EU, of what the contingency plan is for when the car manufacturers move their jobs abroad and when the US tries to bleed us dry on a trade deal?

I, and a lot of 'remainers' I know, accept Brexit is happening and the anger is actually directed towards the clear lack of answers and accountability from those that sold it as unicorns and rainbows.
1, It has been backed up. Take off your remain specs for once, its all you ever see the links I have provided are PROOF of it. Provide me evidence of remainers coming out in droves not wanting it?

2, My referal of head of remainers are the unofficial group of EU luvvies who I have once again provided in links.

3, Accepted it? Congratulations you must be the part of the 1%. Or have you just ran out of blue & yellow paint?

4, every group has its black sheep. Most are there for tommy robinson. I am talking brexit. I dont see 100k on the streets protesting for a hard brexit, protesting about a soft brexit? We voted. We won. Its down to the government. People have work to get on with , not that those scruffy remain stoodents on the streets would know what that is.

5. Next you'll be telling me because vote leave overspent thats the excuse of 17M people voting leave?

6, and finally the sham is you, just as I predicted years ago. Sooo apart from the real issues as to why we voted leave. I bet you feel so embarrased to lose to those gammon eaters, after all you know so much and talk a good game that you are far superior when you are the polar opposite.

If the EU was that great we'd have voted remain. FACT
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Heres another one. .

State of those people holding the signs.

Now find me the links of the people who oppose this, in the same number of those who support it to back your claim thats its not 99.9%

Ive just seen david lammy calling for the referendum vote to be void.
Its not looking good is it. Another one bites the dust
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1, It has been backed up. Take off your remain specs for once, its all you ever see the links I have provided are PROOF of it. Provide me evidence of remainers coming out in droves not wanting it?

I'm not sure I can make this any easier for you.

You have shown no proof to support your claim that 99.9% of remainers want another vote.

So, unless you can provide evidence that there are 15'979'829 people who all, to a person, want another vote. You're wrong. It's hyperbole. It's incorrect.

2, My referal of head of remainers are the unofficial group of EU luvvies who I have once again provided in links.

So you concede there is no such thing as a "head" of either side. Good. Another incorrect statement from you.

3, Accepted it? Congratulations you must be the part of the 1%. Or have you just ran out of blue & yellow paint?

Are you five years old?

4, every group has its black sheep. Most are there for tommy robinson. I am talking brexit. I dont see 100k on the streets protesting for a hard brexit, protesting about a soft brexit? We voted. We won. Its down to the government. People have work to get on with , not that those scruffy remain stoodents on the streets would know what that is.

There we go again with the WE WON GET OVER IT bollocks and digs at those you disagree with. And I thought your lot always moaned about how toxic the left were :D

5. Next you'll be telling me because vote leave overspent thats the excuse of 17M people voting leave?

Nope. There are many reasons why people voted Leave, a lot of them justified too.

6, and finally the sham is you, just as I predicted years ago. Sooo apart from the real issues as to why we voted leave. I bet you feel so embarrased to lose to those gammon eaters, after all you know so much and talk a good game that you are far superior when you are the polar opposite.

If the EU was that great we'd have voted remain. FACT

Embarrased? Nope. Fearful? Definitely. I don't want my kids to grow up in a poorer country, I don't want them to have less job opportunities than I've had.

This isn't even about the EU being great (it's far from it in fact), but as I said at the end of my post, grand, you 'won', now actually how about delivering on the magical promises and claims people were made so that this giant shitshow doesn't end up dragging us all down with it.
I'm not sure I can make this any easier for you.

You have shown no proof to support your claim that 99.9% of remainers want another vote.

So, unless you can provide evidence that there are 15'979'829 people who all, to a person, want another vote. You're wrong. It's hyperbole. It's incorrect.

So you concede there is no such thing as a "head" of either side. Good. Another incorrect statement from you.

Are you five years old?

There we go again with the WE WON GET OVER IT bollocks and digs at those you disagree with. And I thought your lot always moaned about how toxic the left were :D

Nope. There are many reasons why people voted Leave, a lot of them justified too.

Embarrased? Nope. Fearful? Definitely. I don't want my kids to grow up in a poorer country, I don't want them to have less job opportunities than I've had.

This isn't even about the EU being great (it's far from it in fact), but as I said at the end of my post, grand, you 'won', now actually how about delivering on the magical promises and claims people were made so that this giant shitshow doesn't end up dragging us all down with it.
It is quite clear that the majority in the remain camp DO want a 2nd referendum. What is hard about that? Read link below

2, once one jumps, they all jump. For example, one says we need a 2nd referendum, they all jump on the bandwagon. It is clear that is the main priority. Its not official, but it might aswell be.

3 like I said, there is a difference disagreeing but they dont stop there, they try to overthrow, block Brexit or get 2nd ref. The majority of remainers are doing this.

4 maybe if the remainers in the tory party had a braincell they would of had a plan for leaving in place, they banked on a remain victory simple. If brexiteers were in charge we wouldn't even be this mess.

The fact is, the majority want a 2nd ref instead of supporting the vote. This is what it boils down too.

I said 99.9%.

Lib dems have a 91% result in favour

Labour 78%

SNP 87%

And not counting the losers on the street who love a good protest.
Not bad for guess work is it? Over the odds I'd say.

So yes, remainers are moaners, the overall majority haven't accepted the vote and will do anything in their grasp to stop it, change it, water it down, etc etc etc . Point proven.
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It is quite clear that the majority in the remain camp DO want a 2nd referendum. What is hard about that? Read link below

Unless you've spoken to the majority of the 16 million remain voters, you're talking rubbish. You can't cast aspersions and assume the few speak for the many.

3 like I said, there is a difference disagreeing but they dont stop there, they try to overthrow, block Brexit or get 2nd ref. The majority of remainers are doing this.

I'd play devil's advocate and argue that they're actually representing their constituents who voted to remain but I doubt I'd get a sensible discussions out of it given your reliance on insulting anything or anyone you disagree with to make a point.

4 maybe if the remainers in the tory party had a braincell they would of had a plan for leaving in place, they banked on a remain victory simple. If brexiteers were in charge we wouldn't even be this mess.

I agree, the lack of planning for a leave vote is ludicrous and will go down in history as one of the biggest shambles going. But the brexiteers are in charge in all but title. And even so, having campaigned for years for this; why have none of them come forward with a viable, prosperous plan for Britain post Brexit?
And yet we find our selves in a serious impasse, what's your solution?
Don't bother with your previously deleted message 'have faith' bs.
Deleted due to wrong link posted in the post.

The solution would be to stop sucking up to the EU hoping for a watered down deal. Leave the single market, leave the customs union, and look forward to signing trade deals around the world? Why wouldn't that work?
it feels to me like the stupids are winning

in the UK's case, why in the hell is a leading international peacetime economy talking about stockpiling food? - seriously what the actual, cunting f***?

meanwhile, climate change is getting ignored and individual freedoms are under threat in the US + the dipshit stupid God squad still interfering in people's lives + fascism clawing its way back. the yanks are messed up and aren't going to come to Blighty's rescue - people do realise this right?

I don't think I've ever felt so depressed about the world in my lifetime

anyone who remembers the early 90s, the end of communism, the arrival of ecstasy, the exciting opportunities presented by tech & travel will know what I mean. For all their faults and mistakes, I reckon the history of the anglosphere will look back upon the Major, Blair, Clinton years as a golden era compared to what happened next...

I'm more liberal than lefty and had more than a few heated debates with Balearic Joe and Bungle 123 on here ahead of the last election and I still stand by my view that Corbyn/Sanders are not the solution either but the right wing are a total disaster at the moment - there's no plan, no realism and above all, no intelligence
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