Donald Trump....

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now that bernie sanders is out of the dem race (just announced), do the americans on here believe joe biden has a chance to chuck da trumpster outta white house?
now that bernie sanders is out of the dem race (just announced), do the americans on here believe joe biden has a chance to chuck da trumpster outta white house?

A chance, though I'm not sure a great one. Joe Biden has had some poor debates, and there are still a lot of Bernie supporters who may stay home rather than vote for Biden. Even many people who will, in the end, turn out to vote for Biden aren't particularly excited about the option.

At the same time, Trump somehow has some of the best approval ratings of his time in office. I know it seems crazy, but I think people in the middle care more about him showing what they see as "leadership" today than they care about the months or years of bad decisions that lead up to the current situation. Or they believe Trump's spin that it's not his fault.

In the end it will probably come down to what happens with the economy over the next six months. Hard liners on both sides will vote on party lines, and the swing voters care more about how they're holding up financially. If middle America is facing major unemployment and financial hardship, they'll be more likely to vote for change out of desperation. On the other hand, if things appear to have somewhat recovered, those same voters will probably see Trump as a savior and may then vote him in for a second term.
I agrees with the assessment above, however I dont think Biden will survive the scrutiny of an extended election campaign. The US presidential election is more of an endurance test than anything, and Biden is showing some signs of mental decline (perhaps clinical). Any weakness will be exposed in due course.

The world is full of surprises these days and I would not be shocked if Biden is replaced by someone else in his party before the election.
that's the image I have yeah, but then again I would never have thought it possible that trump could win it four years ago.

Yeah me either. Never underestimate the low IQ of the rural areas in America. I just don’t think Biden has the juice to knock of Trump. Biden ain’t exciting anyone.
I would not go as far as call Biden a loser, but he is everything Trump is not.
All things aside, this Corona-crisis is a good thing for every sitting president. In times of crisis people tend to follow their current leaders rather then electing a new one (unfortunately in the case of the us).
I would not go as far as call Biden a loser, but he is everything Trump is not.

Haven't watched much of Biden directly, but my impression of him from hearing others' comments is: alleged sex pest (much like Trump), not that smart (much like Trump) and surrounded by cronies (much like Trump).
by putting these useless geriatrics up it suggests that the Yanks don't seem to care anymore. the thinking seems to be screw everyone else. boomers basically getting ready to check out and let everyone else face the music. in the meantime the Chinese are filling the vacuum, something I find incredibly sinister. what a time to be alive...
by putting these useless geriatrics up it suggests that the Yanks don't seem to care anymore. the thinking seems to be screw everyone else. boomers basically getting ready to check out and let everyone else face the music. in the meantime the Chinese are filling the vacuum, something I find incredibly sinister. what a time to be alive...

Hey now -- you're overgeneralizing us Yanks a bit! I tried all I could to not have to vote for an old, straight, white dude this time around.
I dont care what color they are, what cult they worship or if if they eat beef, ham or turkey (or tofu) behind closed doors. No more bold-faced liars or establishment tools for president. Unfortunately we are are only given two viable options in my country and they are both terrible. People would be open to 3rd or 4th party candidates (at all levels of government), but media whores gotta whore.... so people dont feel as though there are any viable alternatives.
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