Donald Trump....

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It's scary how close America is to civil war/collapse in many ways.

I read this book a while ago, and it is true history repeats itself. (How they distract the masses as the wheels come off society, social divide etc)

Trump definitely doesn't have the ability to unite America, so I have no idea how things will improve. Anything he does is likely just to stoke further resentment and inflame the situation. A civil war is a possible outcome of all this IMO. (Few would have believed 6 months ago that we'd be in the middle of a global pandemic right now, would they?)
I get where you're coming from but the logical outcome of that is, if you don't post/care about everything, you shouldn't post/care about anything, which is patently ridiculous. For whatever reason, the UK has greater links with the likes of the U.S. or Israel, so you will find more outrage directed at what goes on in those countries (for example). Also you'll find plenty of people started criticising China and their wet markets due to covid-19. Depends what's in the news.


I just think there is intellectual dishonesty because people are too wrapped up in their own dogma and so certain news stories eg Palestinian cause (for left), Venezuela (for right) are shoehorned into your world view and become a pet cause.

...and us mere mortals are ultimately taken for mugs
Selective outrage is the curse of our time.... people handpick what shocks them. the left went very quiet about Rotherham and the rest because the actual facts were all a bit too awkward.... I didn't see too many hashtags either when yazidi women were being slaughtered by muslim fanatics in Iraq.

Similarly on the right, people are never too sure how to react when a bomb is detonated by some Aryan nutjob. It kind of complicates the narrative.

and as for the Chinese and Sri Lankan concentration camps? well who cares about them?

personally I'm sick of the dishonesty and the posturing. and sick of patronising memes telling me to 'educate' myself when I spent six years of my life studying post-war history.

You’ve put it a lot better than I could mate.

Black lives matter, but only when a political gain can be pursued.

All lives matter.
But it's an extra problem when they hold badges and wield batons.


You should get yourself to central/east Africa.

Place would blow most liberally minded people beyond comprehension.

If people really cared about black lives this is one of the areas they could go to, to try and make a real difference.

Most wont even be aware.
When people want to discuss systemic racism, for example, and the particular issue of black men dying at the hands of the police, All Lives Matter in response to Black Lives Matter doesn't really help.

Focusing purely on one race doesn’t help either.

Just drives the wedge deeper.

Offers nothing but increased divide.

You should get yourself to central/east Africa.

Place would blow most liberally minded people beyond comprehension.

If people really cared about black lives this is one of the areas they could go to, to try and make a real difference.

Most wont even be aware.

Whataboutery. ;) I think many people are aware that really nasty shit goes on in many African countries. Does that mean that we should just forget about systemic racism in the U.S.? Like it or not, as I said previously, we have more of a link with the U.S., this is the story that's been filling the news for the last few days, so people are going to notice and comment more on what goes on there.
My grandfather would hear stories from his grandfather about life a a slave in the south. I am black and was born/raised mostly in a Midwest american city in the 80s/90s that was still largely segregated at that time. That said, due to personal circumstances I never had to deal with overt racism (probably as I left at 15).

I understand both your points. It does not hurt to share stories and support online, as it is a good first step and perhaps builds courage for people to speak up that otherwise would not. Unfortunately however, we cannot expect for that to change anything substantial. There is a lot of virtue signaling, while riots dont change anything either. People are looking for solutions and dont attack the elephant in the room, allowing "the perfect to become the enemy of the good".

1-End the drug war (legalize EVERYTHING), dont allow drug possession and distribution to be a pretext for police action against young black men
2-If you cant recruit police from the area, make police live in the areas that they serve. Make them walk and (get out of the car). Too many approach work with a warzone mentality
3-Learn that voting 90% for one party is not an asset but a liability as you are taken for granted.

Unfortunately #1 is most important and would save "black lives" starting on day 1 but will not happen until #3 occurs. The CogDis on that one is another discussion for another day....
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1-End the drug war (legalize EVERYTHING), dont allow drug possession and distribution to be a pretext for police action against young black men

I think it was on another forum that I mentioned the drug war. It's what allows young black men to be trawled from the streets and into private prisons, often very long sentences for carrying very small amounts of drugs (down to marijuana, though maybe not so much now). The war on drugs and the private prison system need to be dismantled. I'd actually have that as a demand before the protests stop - and f*** anyone who's rich off the private prison system and who'd lose out as it's ditched. They pretty much invent crimes just to fill beds and make money.
I agree that private prisons are a problem but if I had to make a single demand it would be to end the drug war. Keep it simple and make it about a single issue. Unfortunately the protesters rarely ask for anything concrete and do not know how to concentrate efforts to apply political pressure. All they will get is lip service until the next video comes out. Its a game and black Americans are not even on the board.

Decriminalization would help all poor people, no matter the color.
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