Show solidarity outside and right wingers will complain about loony lefties spreading corona. (I've seen such comments online today.)
1. Dunno if those UK protesters are lefties. They are mainly black and they're protesting against racism. Racism shouldn't be an issue of left vs right but basic human decency. But if right wing folk don't see that, it tells you all you need to know about them.
2. Certainly most of the protesters on the news had their faces covered, so they recognise the virus is out there and are taking some precautions.
3. You're black, you have the biggest opportunity in your life so far to protest again the racism you experience all too often. So it's slight increased chance of corona vs missing that window? I don't see it for me, as a white person, to judge a black person on that.
Massive facepalm seeing the protesters in London yesterday.
There’s a time and place, and during a pandemic is not it.
Claiming lives matter, by risking lives.
There is some crazy irony in waving ‘I can’t breath’ signs, whilst emptying their lungs in order to shout louder and potentially throw covid 19 further during a respiratory virus epidemic that is still killing hundreds here every day.
After travelling in cramped conditions into London with thousands of others.
Yeah, brilliant

They’ll probably be at the front of the queue criticising the govt if a second wave comes along next.
Didn’t realise social distancing wasnt required when on the moral high ground ?
And these moonhowlers attacking the police ?

I fully expect one of the newspapers printing a title with this picture
‘Nasty policemans face attacks innocent young mans fist’
The UK gets stranger every day.
I bet the EU are sittting back sucking through their teeth saying ‘holy shit we’ve dodged a bullet here boys!’
They might even give us a good deal on Brexit, just to make sure we don’t try and come back in.
2020 ??