it's true ,people with colors are often more checked , discrimination exists because from statistics, delinquants is populate with lot of people with colors "brown" and "black" so the reason police check more those people
Holy shit. The ignorance displayed in the OP is spectacular. @CasaNegron is on point.Nope. The statistics also exist because of how we are policed.
If a significant number of young people (of all colors) experiment with illegal drugs, but you only stop and check the black and brown ones (or poor white areas) then you shouldn't be surprised if it appears that all the dealers and users come from certain sub-groups.
What do you think the demographic would be if they only raided Ibizan nightclubs for drugs? Is that pool representative of all 45 year-old well-to-do Europeans throughout the continent?
i wish they raid ibz night clubs for drugs, 90% of people will be arrested whatever their colorNope. The statistics also exist because of how we are policed.
If a significant number of young people (of all colors) experiment with illegal drugs, but you only stop and check the black and brown ones (or poor white areas) then you shouldn't be surprised if it appears that all the dealers and users come from certain sub-groups.
What do you think the demographic would be if they only raided Ibizan nightclubs for drugs? Is that pool representative of all 45 year-old well-to-do Europeans throughout the continent?
i wish they raid ibz night clubs for drugs, 90% of people will be arrested whatever their color
When i was talking about statistics i didn't point only the media but my own/family experience (who agress you? make trouble, steal u...) it's only a question of EDUCATION, if u don't teach your children to respect the country,the laws ,people, don't expect them to behave as good citizen
ps:i could talk only about France , Paris and suburbs (places i've been) as i dont know situation in other countries/towns
Is it safe to protest during a pandemic? Experts answer our questions
Protests over the police killing of George Floyd have sparked health concerns, but many experts say police violence is its own kind of
Trump has said, George floyd would be looking down and saying it's a great thing that's happening to this country.
I'm pretty sure he'd fail a drugs test if was made to take one?
Trump has said, George floyd would be looking down and saying it's a great thing that's happening to this country.
I'm pretty sure he'd fail a drugs test if was made to take one?
Buzzfeed jesus christ no wonder they laid off a ton of staff
There will always be police harassment , younger i was gutted to be arrested more often than a guy in a suit/tie because i had long hair ,heavy metal look a like
Just show ur id and keep it low profile ?
On french media u heard some stories of people tryin to escape from police control and die by accident (crash into bus, get fried by train equipment while escaping from the police)
Then suburbs are on fire because they accuse the Police for their death and for racism
If those guys let themself arrested:!they will be alive , if u play with fire , at your own risks
the story from the black guy on french national TV, my point is if this guy (17condamnations) let himself arrested,(by 3 cops to maintain him on floor because he resisted, his bro succeed to escape) he will be alive but he tried to escape from cops because he was on the way to get arrested from fraud , it doesnt excuse his death, as trial still on , 3 expertises declaring accident 1 last private expertise not an accident
I was kidding about drugs otherwise i wont have anymore mates on the dancefloor to hang with ?
Pour les USA, No comment , je n 'ai pas l habitude parler de cas que je ne connais pas, où je ne suis pas confronté au quotidien
Justement Zemmour il ose dire des choses vrais n'en déplaise aux bobos
Une vidéo d'un Champion français qui reflete mes propos ,enfin quelqu'un qui a tout compris, si dès fois que ça puisse t'aider à ouvrir les yeux sur la réalité
When i was talking about french statistics, this french muay-thaï champion ,originated from suburbs nail it (economy related)
USA another crazy world in comparison to France, french people=sheeps, racism not only against black people but from black people...follow asian community
ps:ne confond pas 1 chinois avec 1 viet c'est comme comparé 1 français et 1 allemand ? le terme c'est asiat