My Mrs with these 10pn curfews it won't be long before they will turn of the electricity from 11pm - 6am if people don't obey ? she is a bit out there but there's all some truth in madness..
here are the areas that will be confined from friday night onwards
El Eixample de Ibiza y el centro del casco urbano de Sant Antoni quedarán confinados el viernes
El Govern ordenará restricciones similares a las que aplica en algunos barrios de Palma y que impiden salir de la zona delimitada salvo para cubrir necesidades básicas | La presidenta admite que son medidas «difíciles que no gustan a nadie» pero destaca que dan resultados para contener la
You may laugh,drones flying around telling you to stay inside..?You need to keep her off the truffles, mate. ?
Our starting point should always be the normal world, where there were no restrictions.
Mainly areas with bars then?
... in bed by 10pm ??My Mrs with these 10pn curfews it won't be long before they will turn of the electricity from 11pm - 6am if people don't obey ? she is a bit out there but there's all some truth in madness..
Have generally switched off from this thread but can I ask..
what is the logic or thought behind locking down such a small area in San an and leaving the bay etc unaffected?
Surely this just leads to more unrest and divide among the public??
What I can't tell from the image is that Passeig de la Mar in San Antonio is not highlighted red, so appears to be outside the confinement zone, but what about the restaurants there? Do they count as being on the street, or do they fall into the confinement zone?
Yes, I have been lurking here for many years. It’s not that you gave me a voice (sorry, no credit there either), I am just less than keen to push forward my views to strangers on social media. However, you are quite dangerous so I felt compelled to do so.
I could have done some better lurking but you are clogging up multiple threads with your inane drivel about every subject you choose to post about. So, I will bring forward my 2030 post.
I don’t know about the Netherlands, but suggesting UK nurses or any (most) public sector workers are or ever will align to a Conservative government propaganda line is beyond ludicrous.
While I’m here, and I know this has been suggested to you several times, you need to take off your tin foil hat and get some education old chap, before it’s too late for you or someone you are close to. For some of us it’s well beyond that point unfortunately, in my case several time’s over. You maybe a brain donor, but I suspect you are a Covid time bomb waiting to go off if your behaviours match your opinions.
See you in 2040, I hope.
I'm a dangerous Covid time bomb? The only thing that dangerous is your own fear buddy...Yes, I have been lurking here for many years. It’s not that you gave me a voice (sorry, no credit there either), I am just less than keen to push forward my views to strangers on social media. However, you are quite dangerous so I felt compelled to do so.
I could have done some better lurking but you are clogging up multiple threads with your inane drivel about every subject you choose to post about. So, I will bring forward my 2030 post.
I don’t know about the Netherlands, but suggesting UK nurses or any (most) public sector workers are or ever will align to a Conservative government propaganda line is beyond ludicrous.
While I’m here, and I know this has been suggested to you several times, you need to take off your tin foil hat and get some education old chap, before it’s too late for you or someone you are close to. For some of us it’s well beyond that point unfortunately, in my case several time’s over. You maybe a brain donor, but I suspect you are a Covid time bomb waiting to go off if your behaviours match your opinions.
See you in 2040, I hope.
That remains to be seen. We havent seen a spike in hospitalizations for weeks, even after amazing weather...BLM demo's and so on. It's the amount of testing that has increased so therefor the amount of 'infections' have increased too.I've just seen the netherlands had a new record in infections. at some point, your hospitalization/ICU and death rate will go up again as well as it's been the case here. it won't be as severe as in march/april (I already said they know a little better how to treat it), but I guess the restrictions where you live will likely continue.
it's not gonna be a pleasant winter I think, but a realistic approach to the subject might help.