☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Here in Germany, testing is pooled. Samples from multiple people are being mixed together in order to conserve capacity. If the result is negative, it means all these persons are negative. If the result is positive, a second test (based on the same samples) is performed in order to find out exactly who is positive.

That's because your leader is a scientist, not a newspaper columnist sacked for making stuff up.
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That remains to be seen. We havent seen a spike in hospitalizations for weeks, even after amazing weather...BLM demo's and so on. It's the amount of testing that has increased so therefor the amount of 'infections' have increased too.

If you're right.....a realistic take on measures is indeed justified and I will be here to talk about it in all honesty.
If the trend line from the last weeks / months continues...the measures should eased / altered / stopped immediately.

have you ever considered that your numbers are so good exactly because of the measures?

basically pretty much everywhere in the world you can see that once you open up too much, the situation worsens again and restrictions need to be tightened again.

remember back in march we spoke about 'the hammer and the dance' concept? it's exactly what is being done right now.
have you ever considered that your numbers are so good exactly because of the measures?

basically pretty much everywhere in the world you can see that once you open up too much, the situation worsens again and restrictions need to be tightened again.

remember back in march we spoke about 'the hammer and the dance' concept? it's exactly what is being done right now.
Except for in Sweden :)
to another lockdown soon. Which is Why im taking full advantage of the bars being open atm?
Can’t see another lockdown being enforced. Would have to come up with another support package and that ain’t happening.

I’m hoping it’s weakening as seeing cases in work and related to work of mid 50s plus male who live the working class life, bevy, smoke, eat crap, underlying health conditions and all coping with it with relatively no symptoms.

I know that is a small sample and generalised view but the fear was it would kill that class.

I think given where we are and the mistakes that were made early we have no option but to push on, the vulnerable and elderly need to shield and protect themselves and the rest need to craic on with distancing, masks and sanitising as best they can.

It sounds extreme but what is the alternative?
have you ever considered that your numbers are so good exactly because of the measures?

basically pretty much everywhere in the world you can see that once you open up too much, the situation worsens again and restrictions need to be tightened again.

remember back in march we spoke about 'the hammer and the dance' concept? it's exactly what is being done right now.
The way I see it...the measures have always been over the top. The lockdown was the wrong approach cause once you lift it, numbers rise again.
And yeah off course the numbers went down after locking everything up. It's like hitting a fly with a demolition machine.

But after months there's so much knowledge out there. About medication indeed. About the vulnerable group that's practically gone now, because unfortunately they either died or survived it. About the infection rate and the death rate. About aerosols in inside locations without ventilation and there's a lot of evidence pointing out that outdoor contamination is very unlikely. Yet governments stay with their first blind approach due to tunnel vision / confirmation bias. They hold on to: lockdown...open up a bit...lockdown again (regional or whole country).
It's time for a different approach, where the younger generation (<60) should go out, live freely, not flood the test capacity unless they have real Covid-like symptoms, create herd immunity. The older generation should not mix with them until there is a vaccin for them. I say for them because they need it most. Until that time: if we really need to see them live, only meet them outside, create outdoor shopping possibilities, 60+ shopping hours etc. The reason why the numbers go up again is because the governments have not learned or are blind to new facts and still apply their old approach to the entire generation, basically putting them together again in inside locations. These conclusions come from multiple reliable and scientific sources:

Social distancing and masks outside are complete nonsense.
Social distancing inside without ventilation is complete nonsense too cause due to aerosols you'll get infected anyway.
Masks inside without ventilation, such as in public transport is a good thing and should have been enforced from the start.
Locking everything up, curfews, temporary travel bans...it's not gonna solve anything.

But hey...most people here still laugh about Sweden, will frame all my sources as Russian propaganda and will like posts from new members that are posting; "shut the f*** up, wear a f***ing mask, educate yourself." ?‍♂️
World leaders are suffering from tunnel vision....strengtened by the fact that they cannot make a u-turn in strategy anymore because they have a billion Euro pact strangled together with the vaccin producers. They already told the public: the vaccine is the solution. They will hold on to that thought, even though there are other options now to let the economy breathe a little. There so much damage to peoples lives still coming...not because of the virus, but because of the insane measures.
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@ElrowLovers - can't be arsed to reply to each point of yours right now. for now we'll just agree that we disagree
There nothing wrong with that. Healthy even. I respect your opinion. There's too little other stuff to talk about nowadays, but I'm sure we would agree on Ibiza-stuff, like food, locations, music, events....that will return sooner or later ?
this thread is descending into anarchy. if someone posts something you disagree with just ignore them.

elrowlovers, you have a different opinion to many on here. that's fine, but you are also spamming this thread with your opinion.
just because hardly anyone on here agrees with you, that doesn't mean you should start arguing your point more often. just agree to disagree, like stivi says.

i am not taking sides here. but what i won't abide is the type of cynicism and aggression being shown here by quite a few posters. i understand it's shit right now. believe me, i do. but let's not take that out on each other please.
Can’t see another lockdown being enforced. Would have to come up with another support package and that ain’t happening.

I’m hoping it’s weakening as seeing cases in work and related to work of mid 50s plus male who live the working class life, bevy, smoke, eat crap, underlying health conditions and all coping with it with relatively no symptoms.

I know that is a small sample and generalised view but the fear was it would kill that class.

I think given where we are and the mistakes that were made early we have no option but to push on, the vulnerable and elderly need to shield and protect themselves and the rest need to craic on with distancing, masks and sanitising as best they can.

It sounds extreme but what is the alternative?

this thread is descending into anarchy. if someone posts something you disagree with just ignore them.

elrowlovers, you have a different opinion to many on here. that's fine, but you are also spamming this thread with your opinion.
just because hardly anyone on here agrees with you, that doesn't mean you should start arguing your point more often. just agree to disagree, like stivi says.

i am not taking sides here. but what i won't abide is the type of cynicism and aggression being shown here by quite a few posters. i understand it's shit right now. believe me, i do. but let's not take that out on each other please.
I think what could possibly be the case is that many people do agree with elrowlovers but can’t be arsed to put It down in writing as they will constantly be shut down by the Covid brigade. And it’s just going round in circles. I don’t agree with everything he says but I can assure you the conversations I’m having with people in the big wide world, would probably agree with a lot of what he says too. I also don’t agree with a lot of what mr Hull says but I respect his opinion like everyone else’s cos it’s just that an opinion. No need to fall out over it.
it was inevitable from the moment it started that this thread would get 'lively' at some point. some people are more stressed about health issues, others about economics. it is all pretty emotive. the problem is hardly anyone on here (bar 2/3) is that qualified or knows that much about any of this (who does?!) and so I'm sure some people simply gravitate towards the most self-assured contributors, which is not to patronise anyone, but it has felt like being at the pub or some school debate at times. I lost my temper a bit when I read things which sounded to me not far short of inhuman and I think a few others did too, but ultimately it would be pretty worrying if anyone on either side relied on this thread for their fundamental knowledge on this subject... where the thread has been more useful is in sharing stories, experiences and seeing each other in a more 'real' light than as just clubbers!
this thread is descending into anarchy. if someone posts something you disagree with just ignore them.

elrowlovers, you have a different opinion to many on here. that's fine, but you are also spamming this thread with your opinion.
just because hardly anyone on here agrees with you, that doesn't mean you should start arguing your point more often. just agree to disagree, like stivi says.

i am not taking sides here. but what i won't abide is the type of cynicism and aggression being shown here by quite a few posters. i understand it's shit right now. believe me, i do. but let's not take that out on each other please.
Hi James. I don't feel you're taking sides.....but..
If you read my posts you can see that I've always stayed respectful to what @gutsy rightfully calls 'The Covid brigade'. ;) ?
Now if there's one view or opinion that gets spammed here...it's definitely not mine. Apparently it has become a very cool and funny thing here to just all disagree and attack the one person with a different view. A forum should be a cool, retro social media place to have a healthy discussion but it's really impossible here. That's what you as an administrator and the moderators should worry about instead of me making my point more often imho. And I fully respect Stivi's 'agree to disagree' answer today, so I 'agreed' too. Point taken, will do that more often.
Anyway, I'm not looking for unpleasant discussion or "trouble" here at all...so I'll stay respectful but I also feel there's a different view that needs to be heard.
I think what could possibly be the case is that many people do agree with elrowlovers but can’t be arsed to put It down in writing as they will constantly be shut down by the Covid brigade. And it’s just going round in circles. I don’t agree with everything he says but I can assure you the conversations I’m having with people in the big wide world, would probably agree with a lot of what he says too. I also don’t agree with a lot of what mr Hull says but I respect his opinion like everyone else’s cos it’s just that an opinion. No need to fall out over it.

Full disclosure: I dont know how I feel about covid policy, depends on the day. We really are flying blind, with the only "control" being run by the Swedes. Nobody will know the correct answer until years from now.

However, I do think your comment above is right on point. Many people opt-out of the conversation if they feel their view is unpopular or they will be shouted down. In recent years politics, this leads to previously "un-forseen" outcomes in the real world after the actual vote is tallied (Brexit or Trump, as examples). Polite conversation should be encouraged.
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