Defo would help for sure, but also the boss of Heathrow said private labs have spare capacity that Heathrow could use for travelers.
So perhaps the private lighthouse labs they setup are fine (no idea why they decided to make them private instead of public institutions) but in themselves don't have enough capacity.
Was a select committee thing from near the start where gov said decided to go with a few centralised test centres (the lighthouses) and prev gov health minister asked why on earth choose that route instead of using many smaller labs that already exist. He didn't get an answer to that other than vague 'logistical reasons' ?
The faster 90 min tests that are been trialled could be a game changer.
One thing is sure, if 200k+ people are getting tests a day in the uk (with many more unable to) and 20 million tested to date, only another 6 months until whole country tested ??