Bruce Forsyth

It was st patrick's day with all the silly hats and I walked in with my sikh flatmate and the old barman leant forward and asked my flatmate - are you here for Paddy Day or Paki Day?

That proves my point about how the word has gone from describing someone from Pakistan, to being a derogotary word used for anyone who looks Asian! I'm assuming your friend, being Sikh, is from India and not pakistan! Hence why should the barman refer (indirectly) to him as a "Paki"?
That proves my point about how the word has gone from describing someone from Pakistan, to being a derogotary word used for anyone who looks Asian! I'm assuming your friend, being Sikh, is from India and not pakistan! Hence why should the barman refer (indirectly) to him as a "Paki"?

it is derogatory and with someone else could well have caused serious offence, but my friend being British/Indian and with a very dry sense of humour laughed because he found the situation ludicrous and the play on words genuinely funny. But it would be seriously hypocritical for him to get offended knowing full well that he isn't adverse himself to being pretty rude about Muslims and black, white and/or gay people!
Exactly.. you can't draw a line when it comes to stand-alone words offending people therefore people should draw on what little intelligence they have to notice whether its meant as harmful or not. What Anton said wasn't a racist insult..
as for what I said to MARKB it was meant as a bit of a joke, of course I shouldn't have done that as we all have to be serious in this forum God Forbid I'd not be serious in a clubbing open chat forum

irrespective of all that you'll find a thesaurus in the tools section on word, you might want to use it when you refill that blank message with your name on it thats in my profile page :D it helps one that doesn't have a vast vocabulary... irrespective of that the layman probably thinks you're like well clever, irrespective of that you do not appear so to me and irrespective of that you shouldn't care so it doesn't matter :D


Blank message....profile page?.....oh christ i'm your stalker. Or maybe it's a relic from the discussion we had on another subject. Who could know. You got me there.
While I think you should re-read and consider my post about retiring words with a hateful historic usage, can I commend you on referring to the honourable Mr. B as 'Marky Boy' and suggest Spotlighters adopt this for future usage.:lol:

Apols Mark, we are 100% in agreement on the issue at hand, but this really tickled me. I owe you some beers, next time I'm up there, but I will insist on referring to you as 'Marky Boy'!

The last person who called me Marky Boy lived to regret their ageist comment ;)

Actually, I quite like that moniker, it's certainly a step up from PC @rsehole W@nker..:lol:
Oh so you just want a ban on the 'P' word ?? And its OK to call someone a lunatic then, do you realise how much suffering mentally ill people go through because of ignorant people like you?

See you can't have double standards Marky boy :lol:

Jesus, it's like howling at the moon....

Would you agree that this is a fair summary of our exchange so far:

I think if you call someone a "Paki" you're either racist or stupid.

You think it's: Perfectly fine as long as it's not meant in nasty way, you'd probably take it as a compliment if someone called you a Paki( highly unlikely as you're a white welsh woman), however you wouldn't type it, in case you offend anyone. And anyway
You've experienced real racism and also took a test which proves you have no predjudices.When you insulted me, it was in a jokey way and I must want to ban everything and probably vote conservative (chewie falls over laughing) and read the Sun.


I apologise to all of the lunatics out there that I have insulted in the making of this thread, however I have had relations with many lunatics in the past and have experienced "real" lunacy first hand and many of my friends are lunatics.


I apologise to all of the lunatics out there that I have insulted in the making of this thread, however I have had relations with many lunatics in the past and have experienced "real" lunacy first hand and many of my friends are lunatics.


So we can't be ageist now either yet still it's ok to use terms that offend the mentally ill (the people who actually do find it the hardest to stick up for themselves).

The above comment shows how uneducated and unfair you actually are (look up lunatic on wikipedia as you clearly don't actually know why it is offensive). I rest my.. anyone with a shred of intellect who read my posts can sort the jokes from the reality and see that I am neither racist nor stupid, I don't care what you think of me though the fact that you need to gather cherry-picked portions of my posts and display them in a manner that contorts what I said just says it all
It amazes me hpw adults can be so easily hurt by a word. So hurt in fact that laws have to be made to outlaw a word. It's ridiculous. A punch to the nose hurts. Does an insult really hurt? When I was a kid I ran home and complained to my parents that another kid had been calling me names. My parents told me off for being a wuss (or whatever the term was in those days?) and said to remember that stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Since then I've never allowed myself to be upset over name calling.
Jesus, it's like howling at the moon....

effing ell just cant leave it alone with the lunatics can you?? ;):lol:
So we can't be ageist now either yet still it's ok to use terms that offend the mentally ill (the people who actually do find it the hardest to stick up for themselves).

The above comment shows how uneducated and unfair you actually are (look up lunatic on wikipedia as you clearly don't actually know why it is offensive). I rest my.. anyone with a shred of intellect who read my posts can sort the jokes from the reality and see that I am neither racist nor stupid, I don't care what you think of me though the fact that you need to gather cherry-picked portions of my posts and display them in a manner that contorts what I said just says it all

Well it would appear, that after all, I am not as PC as you.

If anything I "cherry picked" is incorrect, please point it out. I'm just trying to figure your point from your bull****.

To be fair, I don't think you're racist.

But you are quite clearly very, very stupid.
Well it would appear, that after all, I am not as PC as you.

If anything I "cherry picked" is incorrect, please point it out. I'm just trying to figure your point from your bull****.

To be fair, I don't think you're racist.

But you are quite clearly very, very stupid.

Morning MARKY BOY!:p:lol:
Well it would appear, that after all, I am not as PC as you.

If anything I "cherry picked" is incorrect, please point it out. I'm just trying to figure your point from your bull****.

To be fair, I don't think you're racist.

But you are quite clearly very, very stupid.

Well when a person like you thinks I'm stupid Marky it has no effect on my life whatsoever, because who the F are you? You don't get what I say at all (most of what I say is hypothetical to make my point but you don't know what that means obviously) I guess I have to spell it out to you as your clearly incapable .. I don't give a sh!t what words are said but if you personally are going to say offensive words shouldn't be used then don't pick and choose who you offend ... simplez...

otherwise shut up leave Brucie alone cos he aint done FA :D
Oh jeez... is this conversation still going on?

Everyone wants the last word.

Well... here it is:

This is my last reply now anyway it's quite childish having a competition on here with a dunce who I would woop the ass off mentally and physically 8) reply to that what you may