Bruce Forsyth

Wonder what his secret is :lol:

Embalming fluid.

It's only a matter of time before he lurches for Tess and bites a huge chunk out of the side of her face mid-link.

That would be pretty good but the bit where they had to destroy his head live on air would be ratings gold.
Did you hear that actress got stabbed today in the news, whats her name again, Reece someone?
Omg MARKB are you one of them PC w**kers, go F*** yourself a**hole :twisted:

Yeah I think Anton Burke is racist for calling her a "Paki" and that Brucies just an old bumbling fool.

Does that make a "one of them PC ****ers" in your book?


Good! That's what I ****ing am them.

I Hate racists. No room for discussion on it.

I don't have anytime of any of that "I'm not racist but.." bollocks. It's ****ing poison.

Debate it with me if you want, keep your childish insults to yourself. You sound thick by doing it.
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There's a fine line between overbearing political correctness, and standing up for what's right.

From what I know of him, MarkB is always on the right side of that line.
So if someone calls me a sheep sh**ger should I cry about it. Erm no coz it's just a f**in word. And it's ok to laugh at obese people and mentally ill people... If someone said on tv that someone was 'skitzo' nothing would be said about it, and that is probably the most potentially harmful word. Why have rules for some and not for others
Yeah I think Anton Burke is racist for calling her a "Paki" and that Brucies just an old bumbling fool.

Does that make a "one of them PC ****ers" in your book?


Good! That's what I ****ing am them.

I Hate racists. No room for discussion on it.

I don't have anytime of any of that "I'm not racist but.." bollocks. It's ****ing poison.

Debate it with me if you want, keep your childish insults to yourself. You sound thick by doing it.

And no I'm not racist I've had 2 asian long term boyfriends in my lifetime, one was Indian the other was the 'P' word that we aren't allowed to say .. all that Anton guy said was you look like a 'P' because she looked really dark with the fake tan, did he say your a F**in ugly 'P' ? No ... Can you tell me whats wrong with looking like a 'P' ? Personally I would take that as a compliment

I think you'll find a lot of the time that people don't want a bunch of do-gooders sticking up for them when it's not even necessary like they are some kind of weak breed
So if someone calls me a sheep sh**ger should I cry about it. Erm no coz it's just a f**in word. And it's ok to laugh at obese people and mentally ill people... If someone said on tv that someone was 'skitzo' nothing would be said about it, and that is probably the most potentially harmful word. Why have rules for some and not for others

In a sense i agree.

Its almost impossible for someone not to say something at some point that insults someone else. Be that words being shortend for whatever reason or words being used, i.e swear words, words like retard etc.

Anton obviously didnt mean it in an insulting way and some people really DO just use that word, as well as others, as a shortened word. In Kent alot of people growing up would call the chinese take away 'chinkie' PURELY as a shortend word and with no insult of malice, yet this is wrong now too

MarkB as much as you state your opinion i bet 100% that within each day of your life you have said something that insults others or use a word that insults them...its life and unless something is meant and said with malice i really think people should just get over it.

Its very one sided, theres alot of protection for people of other ethnics and racism, with even have the MOBO awards for example (this doesnt bother me but ive heard others say), can you imagine if we had a majority white show about Music of WHITE origin? there would be uproar! I think people need to chill out and not take everything so seriously, the same people who moan about this word being used on strictly which really wasnt meant nasty, are the same people who usually rant on about free speech!
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Of course context can have a big impact on the meaning on what is said.

However I think certain lines shouldn't be crossed as it excuses so much of the casual racism which causes a lot of misery.

Calling anyone a Paki belongs in a less enlightened time and I like to think that people are more aware today. With only the thick, ignorant and well, racist using terms like that. Argue and excuse it all you like if you want to.

Hauskitten, the fact that you gleefully labelled me a a PC ****er, "go **** yourself arsehole" because i made a lighthearted comment you didn't agree with, speaks more about you than anything comment I could make.

Don't know, and don't give a ****, why I'm suddenly the promoted to the PC brigade, quite hilarious really.

And kitty, puzzled about why you think i probably offend people everyday with what i say. I'd like to think I'm aware enough and intelligent enough that i don't.

It's not about being "PC", it's too lazy to dismiss my personally held beliefs by putting them in a box. It's about the standards I set myself as a person, about what i think is right and wrong. And calling someone a Paki, nigger, coon or any of the other classics will get you thrown out of my house everytime. It doesn't make me a bleeding heart liberal, it just means I've got principles.

I've gone PC mad!!!
Of course context can have a big impact on the meaning on what is said.

However I think certain lines shouldn't be crossed as it excuses so much of the casual racism which causes a lot of misery.

Calling anyone a Paki belongs in a less enlightened time and I like to think that people are more aware today. With only the thick, ignorant and well, racist using terms like that. Argue and excuse it all you like if you want to.

Hauskitten, the fact that you gleefully labelled me a a PC ****er, "go **** yourself arsehole" because i made a lighthearted comment you didn't agree with, speaks more about you than anything comment I could make.

Don't know, and don't give a ****, why I'm suddenly the promoted to the PC brigade, quite hilarious really.

And kitty, puzzled about why you think i probably offend people everyday with what i say. I'd like to think I'm aware enough and intelligent enough that i don't.

It's not about being "PC", it's too lazy to dismiss my personally held beliefs by putting them in a box. It's about the standards I set myself as a person, about what i think is right and wrong. And calling someone a Paki, nigger, coon or any of the other classics will get you thrown out of my house everytime. It doesn't make me a bleeding heart liberal, it just means I've got principles.

I've gone PC mad!!!

If you can find out about a person merely from text on a screen then someone had better tell Derren Brown he's got some competition ;)

If you had actually experienced real ugly racism (as I have) then you would see how petty getting all flustered about Bruce Forsyth is...

You are very PC .. something that CAN be judged by text
If you had actually experienced real ugly racism (as I have) then you would see how petty getting all flustered about Bruce Forsyth is...
Ahem... well, as the forum's resident black guy, I think I can speak for people who've personally experienced racism when I say that refraining from using negative slang words for various ethnic groups is the most basic way to avoid even the appearance of racism... which is an honorable and moral aim.
If you can find out about a person merely from text on a screen then someone had better tell Derren Brown he's got some competition ;)

If you had actually experienced real ugly racism (as I have) then you would see how petty getting all flustered about Bruce Forsyth is...

You are very PC .. something that CAN be judged by text

However, with boring inevitability, you seem comfortable to make so many assumptions about me and what i have or have not experienced.

Funny how that works?:lol:

Put me in a box labelled PC if makes you feel better. It seems easier for you to do that than understand that many people have less tolerance of casual racism than you, it's not something unusual or special, it's just basic common decency.

I can't figure out why that is so unusual to you and why you react so viciously to it?

It's a bit silly isn't it? Slagging me off on here and labelling me PC for thinking the word "Paki" is offensive, then getting defensive and rolling out your own PC credentials., "I've had asian boyfriends" "i've experienced real racism, you haven't"

Oh dear. :eek: what's next "some of my best friends are black"?
ultimately your take on P.C. depends on your politics and how you see history. Depending on what race/gender/religion/blah/blah you are will impact massively on whether you see yourself or your ancestors as 'winners' or 'victims' in history. The evolution of language to address people's cultural sensitivities was mostly inspired in the early days by a desire to paper over (if not mend) wounds and avoid offending people especially at a time when there was serious strife/violence in Western societies struggling to come to terms with their histories, colonialism, individual freedoms etc.

HOWEVER - what has happened in both the UK and US since has imo undermined the good intentions of those intellectuals - ie a whole industry and litigation culture has grown up with an interest in perpetuating notions of victimhood regardless of how valid cases may be. This industry is very lucrative and influential in the civil service, the media, the legal system, education and elsewhere and isn't necessarily the most honest industry around, given the amount of £££ up for grabs. As a result, our culture is frequently defined by puerile discussions about name-calling which is a massive distraction from REAL issues of bullying and subtle abuse that people from all walks of life suffer usually in silence.

In strict terms of cultural comedy though, the old school 70s shows were never really that funny because they were crude and cruel without any real wit (the brilliant Alf Garnett apart). The alternative Ben Elton-type comedy that replaced it in the 80s wasn't very funny either because it was all too smug, contrived and aimed at people on crap courses in polytechnics - there was no gut, instinctive humour there for the common man to appreciate. No, the really funny stuff didn't really arrive imo until this century - The Office, Nathan Barley, Sacha Baron Cohen, the enduring legacy of Bill Hicks and Bill Murray - stuff which subverts PC and takes humour on to the next level
Olly's got a couple of good points, but still I wonder what ever happened to the concept of Common Decency?

Forget talking about racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Forget the PC thought police and all that. Surely, certain language raises the specter of these societal issues, but that's beside the point.

What about just not saying things that hurt other people? Are we so bent on being funny, sarcastic, or free to say whatever we want that we forget about common decency? It's not a matter of policing your speech, it's a matter of not adopting hurtful speech in the first place. :confused: