Bruce Forsyth

Olly's got a couple of good points, but still I wonder what ever happened to the concept of Common Decency?

Forget talking about racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Forget the PC thought police and all that. Surely, certain language raises the specter of these societal issues, but that's beside the point.

What about just not saying things that hurt other people? Are we so bent on being funny, sarcastic, or free to say whatever we want that we forget about common decency? It's not a matter of policing your speech, it's a matter of not adopting hurtful speech in the first place. :confused:

I think there's 2 separate issues here

a /politeness in daily communication which is one thing


b/ what can be expressed through comedy - which can be entirely another

because lets face it, comedy where everyone is NICE is fundamentally BORING ie NON-COMEDY. The key is how to be edgy without crossing the line but the problem is "the line" itself remains undefined...

You are probably aware of this, having spent time here but it also cuts to the core of British identity too - humour, self-deprecation, irony is what defines us, and ultimately what sustains us through what at times can be an extremely depressing country to live in.
And no I'm not racist I've had 2 asian long term boyfriends in my lifetime, one was Indian the other was the 'P' word that we aren't allowed to say .. all that Anton guy said was you look like a 'P' because she looked really dark with the fake tan, did he say your a F**in ugly 'P' ? No ... Can you tell me whats wrong with looking like a 'P' ? Personally I would take that as a compliment

I think you'll find a lot of the time that people don't want a bunch of do-gooders sticking up for them when it's not even necessary like they are some kind of weak breed

Up to this thread I thought we were a breath of fresh air on the forum.

Now, for what it is worth I think your a total c unt.
It is the intent behind the word for me.

Re Taff's - I get it all the time being half welsh, there are no divides in society between the Welsh and English other than in comedy insults - therefore use of the word is OK.

Some people use Paki as an insult and as a genuine stick to beat a population. A genuine sick insult, prefaced with Lazy, Smelly etc. Until that is completely out of use, the racial disharmony is....harmonised...., until that day, the term should never be used.

I can only think that Bruce is not tuned into the real issues, living in Wentworth & shuttling between there and the Ivy - therefore he does not realise the difference between the use of Paki and Limey.
Up to this thread I thought we were a breath of fresh air on the forum.

Now, for what it is worth I think your a total c unt.

I don't really give a sh** what you think but I'm sure you already guessed that :D I'm proud to be honourable and treat REAL people with equal respect, I'm also proud to be someone who isn't afraid to say what they think. I have friends from all races, sexual orientation, size etc .. I actually have no prejudices according to the implicit association test which is something very few people find.. The question is have you?

Do you use the words mad, nuts, crazy, mental etc in everyday life? Those words can actually be physically harmful on their own but I suppose who wants to stick up for mentally ill people right? But of course you will say they are JUST WORDS
It's a bit silly isn't it? Slagging me off on here and labelling me PC for thinking the word "Paki" is offensive, then getting defensive and rolling out your own PC credentials., "I've had asian boyfriends" "i've experienced real racism, you haven't"

Oh dear. :eek: what's next "some of my best friends are black"?

Do me a favour don't misquote me in an attempt to make yourself look wholesome it's a very weak and pathetic thing to do...

PS, you may well have noticed that I'm the only one not using the word here. Maybe thats because my whole point is that what Anton said wasn't meant to be derogatory, however you people who think it is are throwing that P word left right and centre around this post when people could be reading it and getting insulted. At least I have the decency to censor a word that could cause upset. Its clear that you care so much about looking like a saint to notice you don't even actually know what you're arguing about
Irrespective of the debate & you make a valid point on the use of mental, crazy etc – where is the line drawn? When genuine hatred and bigotry are inherent within a word for some people I’d suggest….irrespective of that, your reaction to MARKYBOY (who as usual was spot on with his sentiments) was waaay out of order & your immediate reaction spoke volumes.
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On a related note, everyone see the articles in the Sunday papers about this interview with two young BNP activists on the BBC?

I love the part about Ashley Cole having "come to this country" and not being "ethnically British" :lol:
(he was, of course, born in East London and I think his mom is English!)

Best part is that the Beeb couldn't figure out that these weren't just 2 BNP-supporting guys off the street but were actually serious party activists!
Irrespective of the debate & you make a valid point on the use of mental, crazy etc – where is the line drawn? When genuine hatred and bigotry are inherent within a word for some people I’d suggest….irrespective of that, your reaction to MarkB (who as usual was spot on with his sentiments) was waaay out of order & your immediate reaction spoke volumes.

Exactly.. you can't draw a line when it comes to stand-alone words offending people therefore people should draw on what little intelligence they have to notice whether its meant as harmful or not. What Anton said wasn't a racist insult..
as for what I said to MARKB it was meant as a bit of a joke, of course I shouldn't have done that as we all have to be serious in this forum God Forbid I'd not be serious in a clubbing open chat forum

irrespective of all that you'll find a thesaurus in the tools section on word, you might want to use it when you refill that blank message with your name on it thats in my profile page :D it helps one that doesn't have a vast vocabulary... irrespective of that the layman probably thinks you're like well clever, irrespective of that you do not appear so to me and irrespective of that you shouldn't care so it doesn't matter :D
Do me a favour don't misquote me in an attempt to make yourself look wholesome it's a very weak and pathetic thing to do...

PS, you may well have noticed that I'm the only one not using the word here. Maybe thats because my whole point is that what Anton said wasn't meant to be derogatory, however you people who think it is are throwing that P word left right and centre around this post when people could be reading it and getting insulted. At least I have the decency to censor a word that could cause upset. Its clear that you care so much about looking like a saint to notice you don't even actually know what you're arguing about

So after all this bull**** you now agree that it is an offensive word? Do you realise that you are now agreeing with me.

"I have friends from all races, sexual orientation, size etc .. I actually have no prejudices according to the implicit association test which is something very few people find.. The question is have you?!"

Well it's not quite "I have plenty of friends who are black" but it's close :lol:

And you call me PC? I am cringing for you.....
So after all this bull**** you now agree that it is an offensive word? Do you realise that you are now agreeing with me.

"I have friends from all races, sexual orientation, size etc .. I actually have no prejudices according to the implicit association test which is something very few people find.. The question is have you?!"

Well it's not quite "I have plenty of friends who are black" but it's close :lol:

And you call me PC? I am cringing for you.....

Whats wrong with saying I have all types of friends ? I'm proud of the fact that I don't lean towards one type of person if you have an issue with that then I suggest you have a word with yourself

And no way do I agree with you. It is an offensive word when used in an offensive context which is what I've said from the start whereas you want a complete ban on anything that could cause offense... sorry butt I reckon you should keep cringing
Sorry I don't get it and I'm not about to reel out a bunch of complex, dictionary inspired dribble in order to pretend I do as many here would so... please explain :D

It's the sound a bike chain makes if you back-pedal.

The phrasing of the post you suggest was a joke doesn't lend that claim any credibilty.
dare I say, as much as Antons comments were unfortunate, ill timed and demonstrated a degree of ignorance and i'm not advocating use of the word in any context, but that incident aside, old big chin does have a point, everyone does need to calm down a bit. I think it's all about finding a balance surely?
As if I would ever back peddle :D

The PC bit I think mark comes accross as a member of the pc brigade, the effin and blinding was for effect in a joking manner, the bit about us becoming an ethnic minority eventually (as in white people I'm obviously referring to people who are white like myself hence the word us) was aimed at the fact PC is all about taking a minority group, assuming it is weak then going on a mission to help this poor, weak, helpless group ...(although they didn't actually ask for it)

Hope that helps a little ??
dare I say, as much as Antons comments were unfortunate, ill timed and demonstrated a degree of ignorance and i'm not advocating use of the word in any context, but that incident aside, old big chin does have a point, everyone does need to calm down a bit. I think it's all about finding a balance surely?

Exactly my point !

You'd swear some people had never passed an insult or wronged anyone in their lives.
For what it's worth, I'm pretty certain you're not racist and it's unfortunate that the 'some of my best friends are black' defence is such a cliched defence used by dishonest racists.

Would you be willing to re-consider your position based on the idea that if a word is used hatefully for years on end, it's best for everyone if we retire it? If the common usage for a word for the majority of it's recorded history was to inspire division, it'll probably struggle to lose that connotation.
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dare I say, as much as Antons comments were unfortunate, ill timed and demonstrated a degree of ignorance and i'm not advocating use of the word in any context, but that incident aside, old big chin does have a point, everyone does need to calm down a bit. I think it's all about finding a balance surely?

Nah, JJ, Brucie says 'we' used to have a sense of humour about these things. That was back in the day when it was acceptable to advertise jobs and homes as not available to blacks and Irish.

The language and that attitude go hand in hand.